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Messages - FantasyDawn

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thanks!also,Soar,about what you said earlier regarding Artemis and Hera,I'm sure the latter had children with Zeus,they were Hephaistos and Ares,or so I've read.Maybe you meant Athena instead of her,since both Artemis and Athena said they would never marry or give birth to children.))


Are your eyes wise enough not to be fed with lies but to head for the truth?

Child of Aphrodite x Helios
History:Born to Aphrodite and Helios, Calithea was raised secretly by her mother as she feared Zeus's wrath,should he found out about the girl's forbidden existence.The goddess took the child in a forest far away from Olympus,and when she had to return in order to avoid suspicion of her absence,she would leave Calithea under the care of a nymph.The Guardian grew,inheriting her parents' traits,and keeps contact with the two gods,mostly with Aphrodite.
-Ruthless when insulted
-Caring to those she warms up to
Weapon of choice:Bow and poisonous arrows,and a sword.
Description:Stands about 5'5",usually seen wearing different colored dresses,depending on seasons.
Armor:Made of white leader
Other:None at the moment.


Liesel Williams
"Smile?Yeah,sure,I didn't forget how to do that."

History:There is nothing interesting to say about Liesel's life,aside from her parents' divorce.Since then,she's been living with her mother and carries on with her life,still searching for a goal.
Personality:-Serious most of times
-Easily angered
Description:Stands about 5'5".
Current status:In colege
Quirks&habits:-She is usually seen fiddling with her hair.
-Does not tolerate noise when she is studying
-Feels uncomfortable when among too many people.


Adriana Evans

        The girl assured Peter that she was alright,after making sure herself she didn't get a scratch after the spell.The satchel she's been carrying fell from her shoulder and was now resting in the middle of the room,though Adriana was sure to retrieve it,along with the spellbook.Luckily,she didn't have anything too valuable in the satchel:just a reading book from home.The girl glanced at the broken mirror:"I hope it won't bring bad luck like most people say it does."She wasn't exactly the superstitious type,but the rest of her family were.You'd figure she was influenced somehow.But leaving this matter,Adriana was more concerned about someone finding the mess,and this couldn't be prevented.Not like she had the abbility to fix the mirror in a heartbeat.No one will know who did it anyway.
           At Peter's suggestion to find something else to do,Adriana followed him out of the room,stepping carefully on the mirror's shards.Just when they started walking down the corridor did the girl realise she was supposed to return the book to the tower.Looking at the old item in her hands,she decided it'd be better to take it with her,just in case it might prove useful later.Afterall,she have always had the tendency to get into trouble easily.After putting it in the satchel along the reading book,Adriana decided to ask Peter something she kept remidning herself since she reached the Library."So,Peter,I was wondering if you have ever been in the human world,where I come from."her soft voice breaking the silence across the cold,dimly-lit corridor."When I was little,mother used to tell me a story,most children know it.It is named "Peter Pan",just like you.In fact,I have to add,you do look and act like the main character."The girl remembered the story so well,like it was told to her just yesterday.You must have done something great there for people to know your story."

just in case my turn comes up,i'm waiting for Kasai's reply to my previous post,just letting you guys know))

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: ?Fade into Darkness? Open and Accepting
« on: February 25, 2014, 06:22:30 am »

Cassidy Tomoe

         Cassidy loked throught her bag and found herself a nice book to read.She wasn't very fond of reading,but she has heard from many other kids that this book was interesting and worth to give your time for.This was enough to get her attention.Standing against the wall,book in her hands,she would turn a few pages,her eyes fixed to the words.As most kids started to leave gym for lunch time,Cassidy lifted her gaze and saw Cashmire,a Moroi,falling on her back because some careless kid pushed her.Of course they didn't apologise,a usual thing in this school,and continued their way.
           Cassidy knew that kid,it was Thomas,a spoiled brat whom the Dhampir didn't like him one bit,mostly because he was the one who would constantly tease her.What she wouldn't do to cut his tongue!The yelling only grew louder and louder and Cassidy couldn't focus on her reading anymore,so she put back the book in her bag and lazily followed behind the others.She didn't want to get in the enormous crowd in order to avoid being pushed by all the idiots.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: ?Fade into Darkness? Open and Accepting
« on: February 22, 2014, 09:42:09 pm »

Cassidy Tomoe

       The sound of the alarm could soon be heard in any corner of the school.The Strigoi were attacking."Looks like classes can wait"Cassidy said,as she ran out of the classroom to join the other guardians in the fight.Making her way throught the crowds,the redhead reached the first floor,where the Strigoi have already broke in.She didn't have enough time to scan the surroundings when she found herself being pinned down by one of those "filthy monsters" or how she would use to call them."Get off!"Cassidy yelled as she delivered a punch in her opponent's face,which sent him flying into a wall.The Dhampir got on her two legs and aided two other guardians in taking down four other Strigoi.At first,it seemed like their enemies were retreating,but t hey only returned in greater numbers,Cassidy and a few others were forced to get back on the top floor.However,luck was ont heir side once again as the Strigoi left,eventually.The girl reached the gym and let herself fall on a bench,exhausted from the battle.The news that classes were cancelled made her happy at least.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: ?Fade into Darkness? Open and Accepting
« on: February 22, 2014, 05:44:05 pm »

Cassidy Tomoe

         Cassidy,once again,lost the difficult fight with the alarm clock as she finally opened her blue eyes,finding herself int he familiar dorm.She lazily got up,her right hand brushing throught her messy red hair.Looking at the alarm clock,Cassidy noticed there were only thirty minutes until the start of the first class.Being late was the last thing she wanted right now.Swiftly,she changed into a white chemise and knee-length black skirt.After making sure she had everything she needed for the class,she left the dorm and ventured in the corridors of the school.
         There was barely any room for you to walk properly,as the others were making their way,rudely bumping itno one another.Cassidy tried to restrain herself from mentally cursing the people who,apparently,were too busy to notice they kept pushing her.Still,she got used to it,and there was absolutely noting that would change the students' behaviour.In the end,the redhead reached the classroom she had to attend to,and,lucky for her,she wasn't late,as there were still a few benches empty.Without saying a word to anyone,she took a sit in her bench next to the window,and glanced outside.There was absolutely nothing to see,since the sun was setting,but it was enought to keep her preoccupied untill class started.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: ?Fade into Darkness? Open and Accepting
« on: February 22, 2014, 04:06:36 pm »
was i accepted aswell,because i don't see my character in the member section(sry,stupid question)

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: ?Fade into Darkness? Open and Accepting
« on: February 22, 2014, 03:14:20 pm »

Name?Cassidy Tomoe
Personality?She often passes by as a sweet girl,but her actions make it clear she's the opposite of what she seems to be.When needed,she will shut her mouth and focus on what has to be done,but only few people can get her attention,especially if she is bored and up to no good.Despite that,she is a responsible person and will not take easily a no for an answer.Her sly and manipulative side helps her or other people get out of trouble,but it usually comes with a cost,except,of course,if it's about the vampire whom she has to guard.
Under your Protection?None yet,feel free to request her
Crush?None yet
Boyfriend/Girlfriend?None yet

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: |Abandoned|Open & Accepting|
« on: February 14, 2014, 08:44:32 pm »

Elizabeth Juliette Hernandez

      Liz raised her eyebrows when he saw Toby take out from his pocket some cash.Apparently,he was going to share it so they could buy some hot soup.The simple mention of that food made the girl hungry again.What was rue,Elizabeth was a big fan of soup,but sadly,she rarely got the chance to eat such thing.What was more surprising for her was that "Dodger" himself gave this suggestion.She has never seen him as the type of person to share something(not like she would do such thing either).I guess entire years spent on the streets can help people change alotshe said to herself,the main thing she has learnt all this time,homeless.
               "Well,I guess I can't refuse,can I?"she replied,her lips curving into a smile."Althought I'd rather you spend that money for yourself only.Just like you said,it's gonna be cold,you might a be able to get something to keep you warm,besides food."Liz couldn't tell for sue wherether she was saying all these things on her own accord,or has finally gone insane after being poorly-fed.Anyone who knew her would say if she was offered something,she would gladly accept it,without thinking."Still,I've got nothing better to do right now,so...I might aswell accompany you."she said.

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