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Messages - Tigerheart08

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Game Discussion / Re: Do you remember?
« on: March 23, 2014, 02:22:57 am »
I'm still wishing and waiting patiently for its return. Too many negative changes have happened due to its removal to me. There has been some positive things but the negative side outweighs.

Game Help / Re: Just started doing this?
« on: March 13, 2014, 01:06:19 pm »
It's fixed now after I re-installed it! Thanks for the help everyone. :)
A staff can lock this now if they want.

Game Help / Re: Just started doing this?
« on: March 13, 2014, 12:46:27 pm »
The texture is just missing or messed up.
To check it go to your FeralHeart folder (usually on C disc)
then just media-terrains-textures  look if you have a picture named: "greengrass" if not your are just missing the texture. Witch shouldn't be hard to fix. I could send you the file later but little check on your files isn't bad.

I have deepgreenGrass, deepgreenGrass2, flowergrass2, grass_tex3, and yellowishgrass. 

Game Help / Just started doing this? [solved]
« on: March 13, 2014, 12:27:26 pm »
I've actually never really had any problems with FH besides occasional crash and lag. I also haven't used FH in quite a while due to life reasons and I logged on the other day to this? I thought maybe it was just a one time thing so I log on a few minutes ago and it's still like this? What do you suggest I do?
The problem is that the terrain is dark and black, almost like a glitch or corrupted file or something. This happens on both the loading screen and in-game.

Game Discussion / Re: Greatest FH memory?
« on: March 09, 2014, 07:01:08 am »
I'm really glad this thread was made. I enjoy reliving memories of my favorite time of FH.
Mine would have to definitely be back in June, July, early August. Ya'know. The time of General and whatnot. I remember so many players. So many. The place was lush and plentiful of them. And there were good RPers. Ones who knew how to RP and have a good time opposed to the insulting, noobish, etc. people that I see nowadays.
I remember a couple of specific RP's that really touched my heart. I would sit on the computer for hours just RPing in these wonderful groups. Thank goodness for me I started FH back in June a week before school ended for summer vacation. I was studying vigorously for finals and really needed a break now and then for internet. I decided to return to FH, because a couple years before I wasn't old enough to understand how FH worked and whatnot.
Anyways, so at the end of finals summer vacation finally began (Reminder: this was last year 2013) and I noticed before that the place was already popular but when school began to let out the place blossomed with players. And you know how it is, when there's a lot of players there's bound to be a good RP here and there and whatnot.
So, I can't really remember when General was revoked but I do remember that I got to have a chance to join and RP with a lot of fun and good groups that I still remember today. I remember FH being so full of original, amazing, creative players that during one specifically suspenseful and engaging lion pride RP the place was so full of participating players that the server crashed. Unfortunately that crash caused the end of that pride.
Another fairly good RP I remember that touched my heart was a simple Warrior cats clan. It was around the time Shatteredclan was beginning to build their numbers and gain popularity.
So, back then there were almost daily gatherings at L island (Warriors RPers would understand) and my leader left me in charge of the rambunctious kits that couldn't attend. Now, mind you this clan was very small and there were only about three warriors aside from myself. My leader took the other warriors to the gathering and I remained with the kits. Now, one thing that I really remember vividly was our camp was on the shore line across from L island. The kits and I could see L island from camp. It was bliss.
When General was finally removed that fateful day I wasn't one of the people that immediately lost their minds. This is because I had just joined about a couple weeks earlier and hadn't known the importance of General and the great massive effect it would have on the game. I know that importance now.

Other Games / Re: Club Penguin anyone?
« on: March 05, 2014, 02:50:15 am »
I also used to play Club Penguin like everyone else here. I've actually thought about it recently too. My literacy was horrendous. X'D
-Bites- -cries- -laughs- Kind of thing.
I remember it being so much fun though. I used to beg my parents to let me have a membership because I absolutely loved buying and wearing clothing and roleplaying in the pet shop. Those were the times... And then it just started to go downhill after they advertised it on Disney Channel. I also found better games too and eventually got bored of Club Penguin. Oh the memories...

Sorry for all the replys,but when your a newborn,will you be abl to see,or do you need to just rely on scents you can see on the screen? just asking,because when kittens are born their eyes are closed. I'll try an stop replying to this now,i'm just awfully excited about it xD

When you are a newborn it will be exactly how it normally is as if you were an adult. You will be able to see, walk, etc. Because making so your screen is like completely black or tunnel vision or something is a little... too realistic? It'd be kind of hard to code and stuff.

I am a pro at scripting and programming. But I will only do one of them. Which do you need more?
   We're actually not allowed to bring up old threads. Though, there's a more updated thread about this game if you look for it in this board. And on that note about helping, we actually could use someone with your skill. Mind messaging me on Skype at Lindsayluv14 ?"

This.. looks.. completely.. amazing! I am totally marking this thread right now, I will be happily stalking it. The models, the fur, the markings! Oooh I cannot wait already. Best of luck with the making of this Ms.
This thread is actually honestly no longer in use for updating progress. We only keep it up as advertisement. If you'd like to follow our daily updated site it's: if you haven't already.

Game Discussion / Re: "Hun," "Floofy," or "Deary"
« on: January 18, 2014, 10:26:22 pm »
RaidWolf, you literally have no idea how badly I've wanted to rant about this. I thought I was the only one who thinks "Hun" and "Deary" are used A LOT during arguments.
Like, I'll be calmly arguing with someone and either them or a random person will throw "Hun" or "Deary" or "Sweetie" at the end of their sentence to make me look more immature than them.
I like it when people use it in a positive way, but far too many people use it when they're trying to speak higher than someone else. -.-'

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