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Messages - Avisrex

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Forum Games / Re: You're Banned! (Game)
« on: July 27, 2012, 12:46:38 am »
banned for sleeping

Forum Games / Re: You're Banned! (Game)
« on: July 26, 2012, 09:56:14 pm »
i whack you with a ban hammer because of banning some one for a oddball reason

Other Mods/Creations / Re: my first howl mod :)
« on: July 25, 2012, 09:22:22 pm »
I see. Take you time.

EDIT: well done

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: the animal request poll
« on: July 25, 2012, 05:46:08 pm »
that makes since soo i'll remove those from the poll

Other Mods/Creations / Re: my first howl mod :)
« on: July 24, 2012, 03:41:50 pm »
may a sample of this be placed within the topic? so we know what we are getting?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / the animal request poll
« on: July 24, 2012, 03:39:14 pm »
i have seen alot of people play different animals in game and i have seen a few requests on the forums so what model/s would you like to play as in FH and FH+

Species / the sea cat
« on: July 24, 2012, 02:39:03 am »

sea cats are dark colored ocelot patterned animals that hunt fish and squid they live at ficho or bonfire island but they can be any where that has large body of water and food

to make this animal
the shark tail and pterasaur crest from here
cat form(duh)
ocelot pattern(black)
and a dark colored body

Game Help / invicible #s
« on: July 23, 2012, 12:56:52 am »
i am trying to make a map and i can see the numbers i type may some one help me

Game Help / Re: the maps
« on: July 21, 2012, 12:28:01 pm »
this is very useful thank you

Game Help / Re: the maps
« on: July 21, 2012, 02:57:46 am »
SkysRim, Atlantis, and LastCave are the ones i am looking for i also have FH+ and i know of the watermill and the plains and stuff there but am i missing any in FH+

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