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Messages - Twin

Pages: 1 [2]
Game Discussion / Re: Overbearing Roleplayers
« on: February 27, 2014, 04:40:08 am »
I have this problem quite often. e_e Honestly though I think people who make their characters so that they won't interact with others it's annoying. Seriously. Did people make their characters to just sit in the corner? Don't cry when you keep pushing my character away and I stop roleplaying with you. It's a group effort, and people are such limelight hogs it's ridiculous. "MAKE THIS RP INTO A FANFICTION ABOUT MY CHARACTER PLZ". -prepares knife-.

Username- Twin
Character Name- Nymph
Desired Element- Light
Desired Rank- Apprentice
Picture/Description- Lightish dullish yellow with slightly darker markings and a white underbelly. Her eyes are silver.
Background/History-  Born and raised in the pack, Nymph was born a natural healer. She grew up very distanced from her parents, and is currently hoping to learn more about the art of healing.
RP Sample- As a single snowflake fell from the sky, Nymph found herself watching in awe. Her tail wagged hurriedly as more and more followed after that single white speck. It was exciting. It was new. Something never seen before. She couldn't help but bark a bit at the curious creation of the heavens. This wasn't something she'd ever of began to expect. As she scanned the area, she noticed that all was quiet. As if the white creatures had brought with them a feeling of warning. She wrinkled her noise a bit as she raised a single eyebrow, still quite intrigued.
"Does anyone else see this?!"

Other- N/A

'Delta'...? Also there is no omega rank?

Game Discussion / Re: Coloration Attraction
« on: September 02, 2013, 01:48:16 am »

Blah, I guess I'm one of those people. Just more of a blue-grey. ;o;
I didn't do it for evil/good thing though, I did it to resemble Anubis.

On a side note, I'm sick of black and white creatures and the neon ones. Both are overly common and annoying. :I Well the black and white ones not as much as the neon ones. I hope you like eyesores :I!

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