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Messages - Player927

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-le bump-

I'll use this spot to post my Archon characters when you're done with your post Kas. Unless you were just going to repost to make a new post for Archon... then I'll post after you :P

Oh good. I was hoping that's how it was. If it wasn't, I was going to have to rework that massive post lol.

Edit: Added my Celestial post...

Celestial Pride

    The small leopard cub remained hunkered down where the wolf had left him near a den, the vile monster sat a few paw lengths away and seemed disinterested in his captive. Torrinos' mind mulled over his most recent experiences. He'd wet himself when Ream snatched him from his hiding spot and cried out in protest as he was hauled away. His pleas for help had fallen on deaf ears and he found himself on enemy turf watching the tails of his pack disappear, the combatants breaking away to return home. The little cub had been lost to the enemy camp and now sat amongst it's ruthless members. He felt himself quake with fear, a seemingly endless rumble of twitching nerves that had, so far, denied him any rest.

     Tor was so lost in his fear, he did not spot the tigress until she was already upon him and Ream. Her presence made him shake more. "STAY" was all the wolf said... it was all that needed to be said. He cowered even more, his nose nearly touching the ground, as Tor had no intention of disobeying the ill-tempered Ream. If his captor didn't rip him to shreds for trying to run, one of the other killers in the camp would. While they conversed, his eyelids drooped slightly and, despite his nervous muscles, the cub nearly fell asleep. "COME ALONG" Tor's head lifted slightly, ears laid back. He stood, feet full of thistles from keeping his crouched position for so long, and plodded along behind Ream with his tail curled under himself in fear. As they began to leave the camp behind them, little Torrinos finally spoke for the first time since the barrier, "C-can I go home?"

    Rook hadn't been in the fight for long since he was on the far side of the territory when the battle began. It had taken a scout quite some time to track the dark wolf down and deliver the message and for the pair to get back to the battle. By the time they had returned, there wasn't much left to do but carry back the dead. He had hauled more bodies than he could keep track of and it seemed as if the whole pride had been slain. He was sore and exhausted from the effort... and had overslept. Even though his past left him full of hate for felines, something he was trying to overcome, Rook found himself aiding Sake. "Help me over to those warm rocks, pup." he said "Ah, better already. And can ya fetch me a morsel?" ... "What is that? There's hardly anythin' on that ol' bone! Youngin's today don't know nothin'" ... "Now there's a smart pup. That'ins much better."

     Rook endured the old lion's demands until he settled down and tucked into his meal. The young wolf tried to slip away but the elder wasn't done with him  yet. "Hav' I told ya 'bout the time the barrier flooded over?" Rook sighed, his neck fur ruffled in agitation "No you haven't but I nee-" "Well it was back before Eva. I don't reckin' she was even born yet." "I really can't st-" "Don't interrupt, pup. It's a good tale." Rook found himself sitting on the ground glaring at the old geezer on the rocks as he began the gripping tale of a huge storm that had poured rivers of water on the area and a few cubs that had decided to venture off during the downpour. "The barrier was churnin' with waters, from edge to edge it was FIVE lion's wide and them senseless youngin's had got stuck in a fallen tree halfway 'cross. Took ol' Bartos to fetch'em, course he weren't so old really. Not much olderin you I reckon... Where was I... Oh. Pair looked like scrawny stripped rabbits when he got'em out. They got all in all sorts of trouble fer it. Were stuck cleanin' the dens... 'er was it tendin' the elders? No matter, them cubs never did go near water again." Sake chuckled then wheezed slightly, a grin on his maw, "Mornin' Eva." Rook had lost himself in the story (he had to admit, it was pretty good) and had failed to notice his leader's approach. He jumped to his paws, fighting to restrain his rising fur, "Morning... I mean GOOD Morning, Lady Eva." Old Sake flicked his tail as she spoke, "We're doin' fine, was just tellin' this here pup 'bout the barrier floodin'... Don't reckin' I've told you 'bout that Eva?" He continued on without waiting for an answer, "Why those waters was churnin' and the barrier was SIX lions wide!" "You said five..." Sake glared at the wolf and snapped "Mind your manners, pup, an' stop innerruptin' your elders. I meant to say SIX..." Rook gave Eva a look that begged to be sent somewhere else, anywhere else.

Since Obi's pups were lost in the last battle, did Archon attack Celestial's campsite or was it held at the barrier and a handful of warriors made it into the camp?

O-M-G KAS... My first post is insanely long and I haven't even started Archon characters. Is it bad that I feel the need to explain where my characters were or why they're where they are now? I tried to shorten my post and ended up making it longer -shot- Maybe I should do Celestial Pride in one post and Archon in another?

((School already? Geez did they start you guys back on New Years Day or something?! My mom works in the cafeteria of a middle school in TN and they don't start back until the 7th so I figured most everyone else would start around the same time. I wouldn't have bugged ya Kas if I knew you were stuck in school all day :( I'd like to tell you it gets better, but it really depends on the person. Right now, I'd kill to be back in school where the most I had to worry about was if I had botched the test I just took or if I'd be stuck standing at attention for half an hour because the drumline or brass section had to start goofing off during band practice. I can't say I'd go back in time forever, but I'd like to be "carefree" again for a little bit lol))

Has everyone been rping in-game or did the thread die?

UGH I hate photobucket... I didn't move the darn pic of Mink but it says I did

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Also, were you going to post first Kas or did you need me to post something? Seems everyone has been pretty busy lately and I just wanted to make sure you weren't waiting on me for something...

Happy 2013! Well almost... it's only 10:40pm here but who's keeping time right?

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