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Messages - Vessan

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 22, 2013, 08:05:56 pm »
Yes, It was understandable at first, everyone could expect that.
There are ways to go around all this too, just that everyone preffers to rant than make green general chars rather than some meeting over at +.
But aye :D some people rather continue ranting than adjust and adapt just a little bit.

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 22, 2013, 07:53:31 pm »
"The stupidist thing that has happened after WWII"
Dude, I hope you were joking.
It is not even that bad.
Go to the forum thread with rp's and join there as a long term active player, yeah it takes a bit to be accepted but still.
If you want a chat go to bonfire or organise a meeting.
And, you can always shut off the videos, just like you could shut off general :I
No need to overreact anyway.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Semi-Annual Feral Olympics!
« on: June 22, 2013, 06:12:38 pm »
And it is fun too :D
No button will make stuff wrong. Maybe, but the probablity is really low ;)
If ya need map making help I could easilly give you some.
If you want I can easilly provide you with some meshes or objects, even medal wearable items.

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 22, 2013, 06:05:20 pm »
You guys there, don't you think people are getting a bit hostile toards all this lately?
Well yes a major part of the game was shut down...for a while, just for a test!
I man just comming here and saying you don't like the idea but you will submit and just wait to see what happens would be far better.
I stated my opinion that I do not agree compleatly, but will wait and see. If general will come back I would suggest that it would be dissablead every fouth week or so, but not forever.

But thats that, no one needs to show hostility here, we need people to suggest some new awesome ways of communication and the players need to show creativity besides the retarded movie spam.
How hard it is to organise some playful night/day gatherings, even the mods coul personally organise them, in game! So fun for both sides.
But all that is needed is for players to show no hostility towards this moment that will not last forever.

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Vessans feral heart horse mod!
« on: June 22, 2013, 01:52:43 pm »
Thank you Shenidan!
That means a lot.
Just wait a few months till I release a fur texture with fur :D

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Vessans feral heart horse mod!
« on: June 22, 2013, 01:01:19 pm »
saved again. Go post now :D

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Vessans feral heart horse mod!
« on: June 22, 2013, 01:01:03 pm »

Other Mods/Creations / Vessans feral heart horse mod!
« on: June 22, 2013, 01:00:53 pm »
Vessies wonderful horse mod V1.0

Did you ever wanted to have your horse character look like and actual horse?
You did? Well then you came just right, here I have mod for you.
In the future updates this mod will fil your feral-heart game with wonderful horse items, objects, terrain/object textures, horse markings and many more.
For now we have a horse fur texture and modified masks.
Over the time I will attach items to this pack.(look at the saddle pad on the pictures)

This mod is great for any horse roleplay!
It changes the masks compleatly, the tail, nose, tailtip, around eye and underfur are compleatly changed.
-Nose now changes the shade of the muzzle.
-Underbelly is for hooves and inner ear.
-Above and over eyes are now the blaze and star.
-Tail tip colours the whole tail.
The canine textures from mane to tail were horsie-fied.
The face masks such as eyebrows were left alone to keep the feral-hearty feel to it.
The mouth was cut half and a new nose was added.

A few horse examples:
Pictures at various stages of development.

The fur texture I made for this mod must not be used for presets.
But when I release a new version I might reconsider this later!



What will be added over the next months?
-New terrain textures.
-New wearable items.
-A fur coat on the fur texture.
-Horse objects.
-Suggest something horsie related.
-Maybe a map will be attached to the horse mod.

Please do give feedback and ideas for future updates :)

Keep tunned, over time I will update the textures and a release other horse-themed items and textures(+secred update ;3 )!
~~~Message me if you are also a horse item/map/mod/group maker~~~
~~~and want to feature each others horse related thread~~~

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Semi-Annual Feral Olympics!
« on: June 22, 2013, 08:46:25 am »
General is not removed in custom map deary, and awesome :D
I had a map like that but me computer hates when I work on maps for too long. It had many race courses and fun games.
On a chessboard many games can be played besides chess. The figurines itself are players, more fun and creativity.

Did you export the map?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Semi-Annual Feral Olympics!
« on: June 21, 2013, 08:43:51 pm »
Call it Feralymics! I had aroud the same idea too xD so I *thumbs up* this.
More community events :D

Racing a straight line:
The fastest E spammer wins!

Racing a curved track
(around deep enough to have racers unnable to jump out.) E-spammers will get stuck if not wise xD !
First that crosses line wins.

Obstacle race:
Curved race with obstacles.
First to cross the finish line wins!

Jumping race:
Players jump in a straight line on tall pillars above lava.
You fall in you are out of the race. First to finish the track wins!

An area is filled with tall narrow randomly spaced pillars (above lava with lava falls and stuff :D ) Competitors are on them and an event master will shout JUMP all so often /every few seconds, not much time to rest!) At that time all must jump on another rillar, but not on the same one they cannot jump back to their previous pillar. Judges will be monitoring them closely.
Last one standing wins!

Arena RP wrestling:
The first to give in wins.

Climbing course:
Climb a wall that includes many jumpable objects from trees to rocks and barrels.
First one toget to the top wins!

Island jump.
Something alongside the likes of AI, but harder!

Maze run will be strictly monitored by FLYING judges! No height map for this, no dashing! Multiple same-routed mazes!


Tribunes for all events!
amphitheatre (anyone wanna do Hamlet?)
MUD Tick-tac-toe (I have the item)
Giant chess board
Random sircles and meeting places for other custom events
Tents you can enter
Rooms for staff and judges

Make more of an event map than a Feralypics one :D both could be included together as a fun-eventing map everyone could attend for fun stuff!

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