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Messages - Asgard

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Other Games / Re: The games I know (Has link to game site)
« on: October 11, 2012, 09:50:05 pm »
Hm.. I will totally give these a try. I need more things to play. WolfQuest seems pretty awesome. c:


Other Mods/Creations / Re: avengers item request
« on: October 09, 2012, 10:13:50 am »
Oh I support this idea.
They would fit perfectly with my Loki and Steve. xD

Other Games / Re: Favorite Video Game Music?
« on: September 25, 2012, 01:41:06 am »
No, this is a whole different game topic. This isn't related to FH at all.

Anyway my favorite video game soundtrack is all the Assassin's Creed ones.
Beautiful music and it makes me feel so relaxed.

Yeah looks like PM isn't working.
I have a dA that's for lurking purposes but here;
There you go.

Game Help / Re: THis is not fair >:I
« on: September 23, 2012, 12:53:43 pm »
Yeah I recommend waiting.
Three of my characters got trapped in a public maps for almost two hours and all I did was wait until I was able to get them out of there. (:

Wait an hour or more and I'm sure everything will be fine.

Oh goodness, the present is simply perfect. ;w;
I love it to pieces, thank you. c:

Oh! Can you PM the present when you're done? c:
I forgot to ask.

1. Username: Asgard
2. Preset Number: 2
3. Mane: None
4. two sided: No
5. Transparency: None
6. Wings: None
7. Type of eyes: Black - color gold/brown
8. Reference Sheet: http://i50BannedImageSite/2l8j3p2.jpg
(of course not the weapons or anything. c: The strap in that image is on the wrong shoulder as well. n__n It goes on the right shoulder. The belt is mainly leather-brown over a red sash. c: The arm bracers are leather as well with grey steel over them. The pelt itself is a cream/white-like color. Underfur should be the same color as well. c: No tail tip-color and elbow/rump fur tuff. )

Hopefully that's alright. .n.; First time requesting a present and the likes. If you need anything, don't hesitate to message me on here. c:

Also quick question;
For presents, am I able to add items onto them? ouo;
Does not look to hard to do, i will do the best i can!

Awesome! c: I love your presents so I had to request one, ehe.
Take your time. n___n

1. Username: Asgard
2. Preset Number: 2
3. Mane: None
4. two sided: No
5. Transparency: None
6. Wings: None
7. Type of eyes: Black - color gold/brown
8. Reference Sheet: http://i50BannedImageSite/2l8j3p2.jpg
(of course not the weapons or anything. c: The strap in that image is on the wrong shoulder as well. n__n It goes on the right shoulder. The belt is mainly leather-brown over a red sash. c: The arm bracers are leather as well with grey steel over them. The pelt itself is a cream/white-like color. Underfur should be the same color as well. c: No tail tip-color and elbow/rump fur tuff. )

Hopefully that's alright. .n.; First time requesting a present and the likes. If you need anything, don't hesitate to message me on here. c:

Also quick question;
For presents, am I able to add items onto them? ouo;

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