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Messages - smacky83

Pages: 1 [2]
Game Discussion / Weird people
« on: February 03, 2013, 05:42:55 pm »
Ok once i was sitting here as a OL. And nala just came along to me and said: "Simba hates mi" (She didnt have good spelling) Then she she just said: "I love you" and i said to her: "Umm...go away?" and she ran off a few minutes later i was asleep and she comes and humps me! I said "wtf dude?" Next day she comes up and she goes im pregnant? and apparently another lioness said i had her cubs? I was like WTF? then they started to fight and then a person called Beauty F Lion just came up to me and said: "Wanna be mates?" i was like "Can't you see whats happening?" Then she started to mate me? whats with people these days? :-[ :-[ :-[

Characters / Binsha, The Emotionless wolf
« on: February 01, 2013, 10:21:17 pm »
Binsha grew up in a very rough season, his mother was ill and his (unforunate) father was killed by a hunter. His parents names are Achala(Mother) And Layak(father). He was born into a litter of 6 His brothers: Mark, Layak Jr. And Budda and him. His two sisters are: Omi and Midnight.  He was the runt of the litter, his mother believed that he woud never survive. But a young female wolf (Lanate) who had recently had lost her pups took Binsha in, When Binsha reached 6 weeks he was a strong, healty young pup. One day Lanate was out hunting and was attacked by a rival female and sadly lost her life. Binsha waited for weeks until he thought she was dead. His smile began to fade, and from that day he has never made a smile or a sad face :'( or a angry face, his face was expressonless. He found a mate called Akta and soon had pups (Danny, Gadta and Roka) Binsha's mate died in attack along with the pups. He became cranky and didnt care for no one. until a pup called Cassi came along and changed his life forever...........(I will write more about him and Cassi soon) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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