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Messages - FloWithLife

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Blue and black spiraly wolf? :D : just starting now :D

Lol do you mean mine?


In-game name: Kuroda

Character name: Kuroda

Aceepted, I will put you under 'gestir' til your fight with 2nd n War Giver.

There are two portals now...

Yes I know sorry about that, ill try to have this fixed. Sorry for the trouble!

Presets & Markings / Re: ~Kyuubi's presets~ Taking free requests!
« on: July 25, 2011, 05:59:57 am »
Okay Axel, yours is done though I might need to remake her.

The front turned out really well! Could you fill all of the eye with the blue/red? The swirl markings are a tad bluky could you make them slim/thinner perhaps? Please n thank you of course!

Sorry for the critique Thank you so much for putting effort into making this preset! ^^

Oh ok. The text files were a mass of random text so I couldn't read that. Why isn't it exported normally, if I may ask?

Im not sure tbh xD I wasnt the one who made the map. Does it work now for you? Tell me when your on so I can meet you in-game to add you to the group and give you the tour ^^

I put everything in exports, but there isn't a portal.

*I'm going to be a while to respond, I'm away for a couple days*

Ah yes, nothing goes into exports, I will clarify this on the front.
1. Put and .fhm in terrians FH > media > terrians
2. Put IceTouchedObjects.cfg into objects FH > media > objects
3. Put IceTouchedMaterials.cfg and IceTouchedTerrian.cfg and also IceTouchedterrian.materials into the Materials file. FH > Media > materials

How active is this group?

Currently this group is new and has not started so we are not 'active or inactive' yet. However once Ms.Sameth returns from being away I shall announce our first rp then.  So you are welcome to join us if you would like.

What version is your map? I cannot run it.

What are you having trouble with?

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Black Soul Pride
« on: July 20, 2011, 12:20:36 am »
I apologize for my in-activeness :/ I have been busy irl with other MMO groups im leading and two other groups in rh im in. Thank you for letting me join but I think I will leave the Black Souls officially since I asnt on that much anyway. Thnk you for the small experience ive had.


In-game name: LordSameth

Character name: Starreth

Gender: Female

Rank(Please pick on im not good at picking for people): Hunter

Ice-touch(what color is your ice-blood ex: white, a type of blue, blue, or gray): Light Blue

Feline/Canine: Canine

Personality: Starreth is pushy, demanding, and likes to be in charge. She likes to criticize others and often gets into fights. If she doesn't get her way she becomes pouty, and will wander off alone for several days. Despite all of this she is extremely loyal to her friends and will fight to the death when required. She has full resolve to kill, and will feel no remorse, however she will offer prayers to the spirits she follows. 

Rp Sample(You MUST DO THIS 4/5+ sentences): The rest of the group was falling behind. A kinder creature would have slowed up, but Starreth wasn't feeling too forgiving. Their prey escaped because of her mistake. She was completely at fault. Despite the blow to her pride, she pressed on, not wanting to admit defeat. The other hunters were tired, she knew, and she had ignored their pleads to stop. Thinking about it, they'd likely be too weak to take on the large moose they were catching up to. No matter how strong she herself was, she would need them at their best, otherwise they'd just lose the prey again, shaming her more. With a defeated sigh, she turned back to the rest of her group, abandoning the hunt.

Accepted~ thank you for the app. and I will post your char's pic on the members list as soon as possible. Please make sure to go to the front page and dl the map when you have the time ^.^

How active is this group? It looks interesting.

We have not had our first rp yet, I wanted to have more members before doing so. However considering I have a few new members we will be active and begin rp-ing soon :)

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