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Messages - Cynder21

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This is a really off-topic question but, Can you make me a map? That would be awesome if you can but if you can't its alright. I will find another x3. Oh and another question: Do you know how to make it so you can wear the presets? I ahve looked it up on Google AND Youtube. I cant find anything!

~Best of wishes for finding members, Cynder

Good luck! Im sorry I can't join! I totally would if i didn't have so many maps. Stupid map addict! Yes its true. Im a map addict XD!!

Whenever I try to get on the map it says: Feral-heartexe. has stopped working.
What do I do?

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Warrior Cat Rp!
« on: August 21, 2012, 02:43:22 pm »
All I can do for you is *Bump* I am joining any mapless clans at the moment. Only mapped. But if you get a map then message me! ^^ I would be glad to be leader of clans that YOU made up. I have 4 in mind already.

I would be more than happy to be Cinderstar of Fernclan if you were mapped. Try finding a map-maker!
~Best of wishes, Cynder

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Shepard Streets
« on: August 21, 2012, 05:49:34 am »
Character Name:Cynder
Character Age:4 dog years
Character Species: Pittbull/German shepherd/ Doberman
Desired Rank: Scavenger
Your Username: Cynder21
Discription: Brown and white with blue eyes.
Short Bio: Cynder's mother was Pittbull and also a streetdog. So was her father and he was a German Shepherd/ Doberman mix. She was left at a doorstep, but caught by the dogcatchers. She escaped from the pound and roamed the streets when she was 2 and learned to scavenge for food and beg.

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