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Messages - Bayo.Nettan

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Good job! I love ALL presets, especially the one with green paws :)
It's just really cute and keep up with awesome work m'dear!

Thank you so much! :D


Username: Rii
Preset Name: Eren
Preset Folder: 1
Publicity: Private
Permission: Of course

Beautiful work, Watashi no Ai.<3

This one is going to be so fun! I'll get to yours. :)

I wanna request before slot 3 is filled so badly...but Im gonna have to wait till mornin >:c
Luffly work! (Save a spot? I will post my req straigh away in teh mornin)
I would have, but I've just waken up, to find that someone else had already requested. But don't worry hun, I'll be finished with one of these presets soon, and then you my take a slot ^-^

So talented ugh ;A; Please bby? I'll love you forever ^^


Number two in the photo!

Username: KitkatRevolution
Preset Name: Elijah Faze
Preset Folder: 10
Publicity: Private c:
Permission: Of course!
Mane: Yes, flame please ^^ And also, can the fur texture be realistic if you can? ^^
Eyes: Can the eyes be the 'black' style, regular ones?
Paw Pads: Black please c: or a dark grey so the detail shows up ^^

Ooo, this one is going to be fun. I'll get to yours soon. :)

Thanks so much ^-^

THE BEAUTY... My love, you a truly a talented preset maker. I'd be honored to have one of your amazing presets, if you do not mind.

Username: angelre0702
Preset Name: Dove's Pressie
Preset Folder: 5
Publicity: Private
Permission: No thanks.
Fill this out if a picture is not included-
Animal: Lioness.
Pelt Color: A beige mixed with cream.
Under Color: A light cream, as in the picture.
Markings: She has ear rims and delicate fading tail stripes. They are the same color as her underfur.
Basic Description: A smooth feline with no "over" fluff included. She has a sleek pelt and has been considered as a jewel to many.
Mane: A side mane + back mane & cheek mane. A blonde color mixed with a few delicate lighter highlights.
Paw Pads: A deep gray / A grayish red.

I hope you don't mind doing this. Please personal message me when you finish and with the download, please. Thank you, love!
Of course! I'll get right to that soon. ^-^

thank you so much ;u;

Bayo.Nettans Presets
Hey, and welcome to my preset board! Here you can find some of my best presets, and public presets! The preset shop is now open as well, and I now take requests! Below you can check out some example presets before you request!
|:|Example Pictures|:|
Canine Presets
Feline Presets
Presets may include-
Fading out, and fading back in
These can be put in requested presets if wanted.
Examples of a few of these-
Fading In, Fading Out (Sun Marking)
View My Video
Transparent (Wings)

If wanting to request a preset, copy the code below in a reply, and fill in required areas.
Code: [Select]
Picture: (Recommended)
Preset Name: (What's it's name?)
Preset Folder: (What folder do you want I in?)
Publicity: (Public or Private?)
Permission: (May I use this in Preset Examples?)
Fill this out if a picture is not included-
Animal: (Canine, Feline, etc.)
Pelt Color:
Under Color: (If not, say none.)
Markings: (Any markings?)
Basic Description: (Tell me what your character looks like. Include the top 3. This will help me understand fully what it looks like.)
Mane: (Yes, or No, if so, tell me what it looks like.)
Paw Pads: (Color?)
Preset slots open-
NOTICE: If all slots are full, you may request in the replies, but note that you will have to wait until a slot is clear to have your preset finished.

Thanks ruby! I preset now has a fading sun!

But ruby, on my preset, I want a picture of a sun to fade away then come back, but on the base body. How do I do that, because on your code, it has nowhere to place a base.

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