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Messages - Wolfzforever

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In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: April 15, 2011, 04:39:24 pm »
i wonder when we'll rp... kozi is getting bored to hang around in sacrifical chamber etc... <_< >_< >_>

omg! i got that map to work finally! 8DDDDDD I have no idea what i did to get it work, but it's working now! thx every1 who was helping help me :D cya in that map then (if ya let me to join x3)


Maybe you have too many maps in the Cape? Or are you sure you followed it carefully? .... Or even, do you have the main map and not one of the sub-maps? XD

well, i removed few of my maps just for this... and i downloaded the map what was on the front page and crystal cavern below it... but thx anyways :S

awwwz... why i can't get that map to work x.x!? yes, i have followed the "read me" file carefully and installed many other maps and everything... but that F**** portal doesn't appear.... (sorry for my bad language i just want to rp with ya guys D:)


Picture ---->

Name: Cheryl

Gender: Female

Parents: Died in Forest fire

Mate: None

Offspring: None

Personality: Cheryl is fast and Curious cub, she is always going... sometimes Cheryl can
really be annoyance, cuz she may follow you wherever you go if you are interesting enough.
Cheryl is adventurous and she usually thinks she'll be okay and doesn't want anyone
to look after her. She is simply Energetic small fur-ball, who may cause headache to her
babysitter(s).Cheryl loves to play with other cubs, but when she gets bored she'll find
something else to do like... well... exploring and so sometimes gets herself in trouble.

Previous Mentor / Previous Trainee: None / None

Ingame Username / Forum Username: Wolfzforever / Wolfz

Desired Rank: Cub

RP Sample:
Cheryl ran and jumped over the log, she felt like she'd be flying... Everything was
going so well and she was so happy. She kept running, but suddenly saw
smoke coming from the forest. Cheryl froze and stared at the smoke realizing
that the forest is on fire. Her family and home is in the forest so she ran toward them
Screaming for her parents. She saw animals escaping from the forest, but not her parents.
She continued search for her parents and ran past the flaming trees and bushes. Finally
she arrived at the den but it was on fire already and she didn't see anyone nearby. It
was getting harder and harder to breath. She was just about to pass out for all of
the smoke and shock, but then Cheryl's dad jumped from the flames and grabbed cheryl.
Cheryl narrowed her eyes and asked: "D-Dad?" and after her words she fainted. Charyl's
dad brought her away from the forest, but ran back to save Cheryl's mom who got stuck
while running to Cheryl... Cheryl woke up alone, Silence everywhere... "Am i... all alone?"
she asked shivering, only the wind answered......

can anyone help me with this strange problem? When i downloaded the map and installed it the portal does not appear... i have tried everything and installed it five times already... x.x AND btw can i join when i get that map to work?????

I'd love to join, but when i downloaded the map and installed it the portal does not appear... i have tried everything and installed it five times already... x.x (now im clueless) btw can i join if/when i get that map to work Dx?

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: March 22, 2011, 02:52:24 pm »
is there gonna be any meetings soon? (just wondering)  ;)

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: March 06, 2011, 11:13:28 am »
Your ingame username:  Wolfzforever
Name: Kozi
Age: About 2 years
Gender: Male
Species: Wild dog
Desired Rank: Subordinate
Mate: none
Cubs: none
Do you know how to RP?: yeah i have been rp:ing about three years now. First i started with Wolfquest and played there pretty much, but i got to play IT only few days...

Looks: (here is a pic about Kozi hope it's ok :3 this didn't let me post it idk why...)

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