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Messages - Commander

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Game Help / Re: Map Exporting Problem.
« on: March 23, 2013, 08:46:04 am »
I also have this problem sometimes when exporting my maps, i was told by a friend who is also a map maker that unfortunately it is a common bug that a lot of people experience when they export their maps the heightmap gets corrupted or something and this causes the game to "break" or in other words not work anymore. And the FH staff are unable to pinpoint what exactly is causing this and therefore are unable to fix it. But i always prepare myself whenever i'm working on a map by backing up my "working" Feral Heart folder on my external hard drive before i export a map so that away after i export a map i'm making if the game breaks i can just copy my working FH folder off my external hard drive and replace the broken one.

Finished Maps / Wet Lands map
« on: February 23, 2013, 01:05:50 am »
Here is my awesomesauce Wet Lands map i have made! I am finally finished with it, i worked very hard on it so i hope you enjoy it! :)

Note: Due to the high detail in this map those of you who have the move tree mod installed i would recommend uninstalling it before playing this map. I have included a copy of the original files the move tree mod replaces to uninstall the mod, also i included the move tree mod to reinstall it afterwards. Please see the screens below of my map.

Here are the download links:

Download map (EXE):

Download map (Manual, for Mac):

Download Move Tree uninstall:

Download Move Tree reinstall:

If this map lags too much and your not able to play it then i apologize for the excessive detail, i may completely overhaul the map later on and remove a lot of the detail. But don't worry, my future maps won't be as highly detailed.

My Wet Lands map is released! Please see link to my topic in maps above to download. :)

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Shepherds Objects'n stuff [Stairs pack update]
« on: February 20, 2013, 03:38:45 am »
Stairs pack updated with problem i discovered fixed, also included in the update is a bonus set of stairs. If you already downloaded the first version of my stairs please download the updated version to fix the problem. Thanks for all the kind comments guys! :)

Other Mods/Creations / Shepherds Objects'n stuff [Wet Lands map Released]
« on: February 18, 2013, 07:35:46 am »
Hello everyone, this topic is where i will post my objects and other things i create for download. I have just created my first objects in object maker, check them out below, they are ready for download.

Here are some screenies of my most recent objects note that the stairs in the second picture are taller then the first, they are not the same.

I created these stairs originally for my Wet Lands map but i built them with such precision and accuracy that i decided to share them with everyone! :)

I Created them from scratch using default objects and some objects i downloaded. Here are the screens.

Here are the screens of the bonus stairs, note i put a set of normal stairs in so you can see how much shorter they are.

Download link:

Have fun and enjoy this set of awesome stairs i made, there are more objects to come that i plan to create! :)

Also note that each stairs is different, there are stairs with railings on both sides, there are stairs with railings on either the right or left side and there are stairs with no railings.

If you have any problems or if there is something i forgot to include in the pack please let me know, you are free to download my creations however you are not free to take my creations and claim them as your own. Stairs pack updated and fixed a problem i discovered where on the normal and high stairs sometimes when you reach the top you slide back down. Also included in the update is a bonus set of short stairs, see screens above, if you downloaded the first version of my stairs please download the updated version so you won't have the problem.

                                                                                   Stairs pack  [Status] Finished, download up

                                                                                         Wet Lands [Status] Complete! Download is up, here is the link to my thread in maps to download:

Other Mods/Creations / Re: meshes & Particles -Drek
« on: February 11, 2013, 09:24:17 pm »
Your meshes are awesome! I'm using a lot of them in my map, keep up the great work! :)

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
« on: February 11, 2013, 09:17:32 pm »
Ok now its working, before when i tried downloading it the window to download it never popped up, must have been something up with the site at the time. Downloading it right now.

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
« on: February 05, 2013, 08:36:34 pm »
Could you upload your high res texture pack to mediafire because the download for version 1.0 isn't working and i really want your high res textures. And its not my computer because i can download everything else just fine.

I love your willow trees, they are so realistic, i'm using them in my Wet Lands map, great job on them. Keep up the great work!  :)

Introduction / Re: Hello, i'm Shepherd
« on: January 24, 2013, 03:12:30 am »
Thank you all for your kind and warm welcomes, everyone is so friendly here, i feel welcome.And thank you Shallow for the positive floof, i did my homework thanks to your helpful links to the rules.

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