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Messages - scar24

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Presets & Markings / Re: {: Free Preset :} First Come First Serve!
« on: June 18, 2014, 02:07:16 pm »
I love the colors you have chosen to go with.Beautiful,keep up the nice work.I'd love to see more of your presets in the future.

Seems fun! Correct me if I'm doing anything wrong here...

Username in game: timidDreamer
Character Name: Samil
Character Personality: He has two sides to him; a nice, peaceful, nonchalant side and then one of a dark-hearted protector. He is often hard to get to know him, however; he keeps himself reserved and away from others whenever he can. If he can't, he's either very, very nice or slightly rude. Most of the time he fakes a smile.  
Character picture/or description: His fur is a russet/burgandy/auburn mixed with tinges of gray and tan, the darker hues covering his shoulders to his rump heavily. He has thick neck fur and a short tail for the most distinguishing features. The other features are his near coal-grey eyes and his deep muscle tone. He's more top-heavy than most.
Preset Wanted?: No thanks~ I might make one soon, though.
Characters history/past: He was born into a small pack, lived a normal life. Everything was okay until the humans came, terrorizing his pack and taking their pelts when he was just about to become a dispersal. He ran away just in time; unfortunately right into this pack's territory.
Character age: Roughly 2.5 years; young adult.
Rank Desired: Warrior or Sneaker. I think he lacks the grace to be a sneaker XD
Rp Sample: Samil wandered around the forest, his fur spotted by the little rays of sunlight that peeked through the treetops. He sighed a little before letting his paws seep into a spongy riverbank. He took several large gulps feeling the cool seep down his throat; only did he choke a little when he looked up, spying two slit, blood-red eyes staring at him. He coughed harshly and backed up a little as the eyes grew into a full wolf, emerging from the brush. "U-uhm, have I disturbed you?" he chortled lightly, attempting to free the situation from its direness.

Accepted,(as warrior ^^) i have friended you in game.

Volskullisous is New,Recruiting active members,plotted,sited,preseted(optional),Active,Ranked,Semi Literate to literate,soon to be mapped,etc.For more information on this pack please visit our web site : After looking over the site and you'd like to join please fill out the Join fourm on the website under fourms,or just comment with the following information.
Username in game:

Character Name:

Character Personality:

Character picture/or description:


Characters history/past

Character age:

Rank Desired:

Rp Sample:

Request/Find Meshes / Seeking Den meshes~Please help
« on: June 01, 2014, 06:38:40 pm »
Hi ya,im looking for all different kind of den meshes for a map,they just must look realistic please ^-^ any help would be greatly appreciated.Thankies ^^

Game Help / Re: Preset Issues!
« on: March 15, 2014, 10:39:34 pm »
This is happening to me too,and same thing im almost positive they are putting the file in the right folder ,but they still cant see it....i hope someone knows the solution to this.

Game Help / Fur texture making help
« on: March 15, 2014, 01:50:13 pm »
Ive been wondering for awhile how to make fur textures,people have told me but i dont really understand because they only explained very little...Can anyone tell how to make them please and please explain throughly?

Name:Izaya (scar24)

Age:2.5 winters


RP sample: Restlessly he sat tiling his head up toward the sky. What he saw were billions of stars glowing like tiny suns during a days sky. If you looked real closely into Izaya's crimson colored eyes you would see exactly what he was seeing for the stars reflected in them clearly. Though he wasn't really paying attention to the stars itself but the shape they seemed to obtain in their groups. It reminded him of something ,but he couldn't seem to remember what the shapes reminded him of. Not being able to remember bothered the male, but with a deep breath he managed to put the thought in the way back of his mind.

Port and why you think you'd be a good member of this port:I'm not picky and am unsure in which port id like to be. So I leave the choice up to you. This group has seem to have caught my attention and seems like a fun one to be part of.

Description or photo (if available):(Im not sure of which char u use I must update later,i may make a preset if accepted.)

Finished Maps / Re: Free Claimable Warrior Cats Map for Sale
« on: February 12, 2014, 09:07:49 pm »
Amazing,love the height map and all the details you put into it xp

2. Age:2.5
3. Gender:Male
4. Mate:N/A
5. Pups:N/A
6. Description/photo (if available):Will upload one later lol
7. Any MINOR powers:(hmm I can't think of anything atm but I'll update this later)
8. History (optional but it would be nice to know this):(I'll update this later when I'm not on my tablet:)
9. Desired rank:General pack member (I'm really unsure of what rank I desire)
10. Username on Feral Heart:Scar23
11. Roleplay post example:(just to see your style and ability)The moon hung high in the sky slightly giving off a dim glow into the eerie night adding to its effect.Chase ran with the wind whipping through his fur and his tounge rolled out like this was all fun and games.Right on the wolves tail was no more than 12 wolfs each running in rank order with the looks of pure furry.As each second passed the pack gained on Chase getting closer and closer till the wolf in the lead could almost grasp chases tail in his jaws.He had to think quickly or soon he'd be his own species chow tonight.
   With a quick thought and no hesitation he headed into an over grown part of the forest with close knitted trees,random junk and other things.Weaving through trees,dashing through small spaces,there was no way the pack would be able to keep up with him,but somehow they managed.No sooner than later there was one small space the alpha couldn't overcome and ended up getting stuck blocking off all entry way to go forward or back."Someday Chase,someday you won't be so lucky,and I will have you under me begging for your life,just as I end it!"Without looking back Chase ran on grinning ,once again he escaped the clutches an alpha he knew well and happened to be his father.

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