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Messages - marzishadow

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Game Help / Looking for Canine Base Model
« on: March 05, 2014, 01:00:11 am »
Looking for the feral heart canine base model that can be imported into blender for making items.

Forest of Giant Trees Map
Based off the popular anime Shingeki no Kyojin or Attack on Titan. Now open for anyone to RP in, for all SnK fans. This map includes the forest of giant trees, an abandoned village, and lots of scattered places for interesting RP.[/size]

Please obey all FH rules in the map! I will be there making sure you are.

Let me know what you think and if you have any questions, this is my first time publishing a map in over a year. And stay tuned for an amazing attack on titan FH project to come!

Wow this is so amazing and accurate! I'm making a forest of giant trees map!

Discussion Board / Re: Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin)
« on: March 02, 2014, 02:57:26 pm »
Yes! I love snk, I recently watched the 25 episodes of the anime. I think my favorite characters are Sasha, Jean, and Hanji. I'm the same height as Jean. :o
I'm probably going to cosplay Sasha, I tested Ymir on my face and my eyes are too round to pull her off. Sasha and I have a lot in common personality wise and such, so cosplaying her should be fun.

Videos / Re: Short Movie - An Excursion in Kasdeya Island
« on: December 21, 2013, 01:27:26 am »
Thank you Rawrese! c:

Videos / Re: Short Movie - An Excursion in Kasdeya Island
« on: November 13, 2013, 09:55:53 pm »
Glad you like it! c:

Characters / Re: .: Scimitar :.
« on: November 01, 2013, 03:14:08 pm »
Nice character! I really like the colors you used! c:

Forum Discussion / Re: Story Behind Your Username
« on: November 01, 2013, 03:08:08 pm »
Ah, so this is actually sort of a long but interesting story... A long while ago my sister and I used to love Homestar Runner, which was like a cartoon/website thing on the internet and they had these short little funny cartoons and there was one female character named Marzipan and she was just our favorite character for some reason. So my sister made a youtube account and it had the name marzi in it after the character Marzipan and later she gave it to me to make videos, so I became known as Marzi as my name. And then I started to use it over and over, but more recently I have been using my "spirit animal" name Tumble Mouse, because it's more closer to me. Either way I still like the name Marzi.

P.S. my first name was marzishadow because Marzi was already taken on Impressive Title so at first I used it again on FH to help me find my friends from IT but later on I made a new account called Marzi, so actually my forum account still runs on my marzishadow account in game that's also why my forum name has the "~" in it because I already own that name on another account.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Open Roleplaying idea
« on: November 01, 2013, 02:59:26 pm »
This is just a little idea I have had for awhile for feral heart.  I've always noticed through out impressive title and feral heart people have been forming role play groups for specific roleplay, this is different from other games I have played and roleplayed in where just anyone and everyone could walk up and start roleplaying with anybody all the time. No groups were needed, in some cases there were designated roleplaying areas. I know there was a similar thing with the day of roleplay and all, but wouldn't that be great if we could just roleplay all the time whenever we wanted instead of having to find a group to roleplay with. I understand why this wouldn't work because obviously people have invented many different kinds of plots and story lines and species for roleplay, but then again we also have the ability to write bios for players to read before approaching another roleplayer. Also people would still have to recruit for mapped roleplays, but recently it has been more difficult since there is no longer general chat in public maps and players have been using the much shorter and ineffective movie clips. There is also a large number of warrior cat roleplays and not very many diverse roleplays. So when one went to openly roleplay they would mostly run into warrior cat roleplays. I notice there aren't as many lion or other large cat species roleplays either. But in open roleplay species or how ever you would like to group up would...well have a group and groups would be able to roleplay with anyone else willing to roleplay with them, instead of having little segregated groups of just cats or wolves or lions.
But over all this is just an idea and I think it would be very difficult to get the entire community to join in.
But thank you for taking the time to read this!

Species / Re: Canthir
« on: October 24, 2013, 10:01:48 pm »
I love these guys so much! :3

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