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Messages - DragonGamez

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Game Help / Specific Preset Animations HELP
« on: January 02, 2018, 10:43:55 pm »
I wasn't entirely sure where to put this since it isn't really a game problem/game help thing, and also not a preset tutorial at all?

I was wondering if any experienced preset makers out there know of a code/codes that can be used to create very specific preset animations?
Specific in the sense that only if a certain thing happens will the animation occur.

What I'm looking for is the ability to have a preset that when its eyes are closed, they're entirely dark, but when they're opened at all they turn red or glowy.
I was thinking this could work IF there's such a code available so that if the model has the emote "Rest" or "Rest Ear Perk" (whatever specified emotes) then there would be dark eyes, but anything else the eyes would be colored or animate. Perhaps an if/then statement?
I just don't know if the code will ACCEPT something like that, which is the issue.

The reason I'm trying to make it so when the eyes are closed the eyes go dark is because that way at any angle the eyes won't be seen under the eyelids at all, since the eyes don't close completely.

So... is this possible to do?
and if not, is there another solution for a similar result?

So recently I developed the problem where I would login on the site, be accepted, keep the page open, and then login in game. It would send the message "Request accepted, sending login" for maybe up to 3 minutes with no change to the character selector. The login tab on the site still seemed to be working, but when I refreshed it it had logged me out. I logged in again and then went back to the game. The whole time the message had stayed stuck on "Request accepted, sending login," but now after a few moments of waiting it switched to the character selection menu.

Apparently other people are also experiencing this problem. Whenever I want to change characters or login for the first time, I have to login on the site, login in game, wait until the "Request accepted" message has been pending, refresh and relogin on the site tab, and then come back to the pending message where it will eventually send me to character select.
If I wait long enough without relogging in on site it simply says "Connection lost," and upon further inspection the site has logged me out.

I have seen other people having connection issues, and so I checked my firewall. I allowed "FeralHeart.exe" through the firewall and I still have this problem. This was not happening before. I do not think its my browser but I could try and test it. I can still login, but its a tedious process now and I want to know if others have this problem and if it can be fixed.

What's your username on the game?

I go by Wing, the head admin on the forums. c:

Oh my goodness! People don't understand how much I love fantasy and mythical things!! <33 Thank you so much for the information. -nuzzle and bows-

Glad you're excited!  ;D

Other Games / The Land of Rarrentyme *WIP MYTHICAL CREATURE MORPG*
« on: May 10, 2015, 09:46:54 pm »
Ever wanted to play as a mythical beast? Currently there is a work in progress mythical creature game that needs some support!

The Land of Rarrentyme is an independent multiplayer online roleplaying game where you will be able to play as seven different species. These species include:
You will be able to play in a vast open world, hunting and exploring, fighting in combat with other players, and roleplaying! Quests with NPCs will be a part of game experience as well. Also, Rarrentyme plans to be completely free, and currently there is already a quick little demo version where registered users can test the controls of the dragon model. (demo version is very small, but something to give you progress!)
Unfortunately, the forums have been a little quiet lately, and when a game aims to be online, you need as many players as possible to make it fun! After all, who then would you share your fabulous characters with?
Our community is growing and the staff are making great progress. We need your support and help to spread the word of Rarrentyme's existence!

Register at
See you in the Land of Rarrentyme!

~ Wing

I know. xD It worked, I believe. Staff feel free to lock

One of my friends actually has given me her copy of the setup via email. If it works I will lock this thread.

Game Discussion / Re: A guide to wolfspeak and why you shouldn't use it
« on: December 16, 2014, 01:50:40 am »
Orifices... so many wrong ways to use the word... and the roleplay examples made me laugh. xD and 'attic' for head.... I DIED.

I mean, you could actually see one of those and to me it looks like a practical joke.

It's like, there's such thing as writing TOO much... I mean, don't do this for a good rp post:

-sits down and yawns-

A perfectly fine one which in my opinion can be okay if its short because why drag this on could be:

She sat down and yawned, wrapping her tail around her paws and frowning at him...

then there's this

The femana placethed thy undercarnage upon the terrain hairs which painted themselves emerald under her rumpus. She placeted her rumpal carpet upon the inches of hair surface as the tips prickled her banera. She rested her hindeth weightus on her basement, shiftusing the downward weightus uponuth thy exterior predicamentaory bodice coeverage. The femini felaka lifted thy attic upon her orifices and unhinged her lateral exterior to display pillars of pointed tissue and extended thy fuchsia serpent with a slimy exterior from her tubals. Upon relocking the pillared mawus the femmein rotated her orbuses towards thy mateworthy brujo and lowered her orifice skin to produce a displeased expressiona.

Like... this sounds almost like some sick porno. Stop. You can say 'She sat down and yawned' and you'd be a perfectly good writer. You'd also make, a lot, A LOT more sense.

Hello all

This has been a problem for two days now... I'll give you the whole story so if you can help you know all the details...

It started off a while ago, where I went on Feral Heart one day and OH LOVELY, I got the african grass texture glitch... for those of you who haven't heard of this terrifying monster, the glitch basically turns all the ground textures to 'african grass'... you don't want to see South Pole. -shivers- There are only a few ways to clear this up, one is changing the rendering system but of course FH won't even load when its on OpenGL now. It only worked once, then went back to Direct3D9 and that lovely grassy world. Most of the time, it blips on and off or stays forever and you just have to suck it up. Another way is to reinstall the game... and maybe my graphics processor was outdated? So I thought 'Goodie! I'll reinstall!'

I uninstalled Feral Heart and deleted the main folder, saving my modifications like Mass Markings and maps like Melandru Mountains on my desktop. I also checked my graphic drivers and downloaded the new ones, however it seemed they were already working fine and didn't need to be updated... Then I tried reinstalling Feral Heart, and that's where the trouble starts. Basically, I go on the forums, login, and go to the Setup for PC. I hit download. It downloads, I try to run it, and I get that fancy "data files corrupted get new copy of program" thing that everyone seems to be having trouble with now. I checked my files, saw no more FH folders, then I deleted my Mass Markings and maps just to be sure. For some reason, it's like the ghost of them are still on my computer though, I search them, I see them, I can't delete them, and I can't find them in any folders so maybe that's it? Anyways, I try reinstalling the download again, and still its corrupted.

So I get uTorrent, and click on the FH torrent. It downloads, it opens in uTorrent, and then uTorrent has the status of FHsetup.exe or whatever its called 'connecting to peers 0.0%' for who knows how long. Maybe I'm impatient, but it stays like that, no progress, for a long, long time... I try again and again and its the same result...

What am I doing wrong, and when will I be able to play this game again?

If you know how to help, I'd really appreciate it if you give me a detailed answer. I looked up many other threads about this, looked at the main help thread and the thread that was posted with instructions and I still couldn't find a solution...

so if you know what's going on or what could be done to solve this please please please contact me via a PM or respond to this thread with information... I'm sorry if this came off as needy or anything, but I've searched for a solution for a while now and nothing's proven useful.

I sent you a PM about it xD

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