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Messages - DuskPegasister

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"Hey, you."

Onyx heard a voice from behind her. She turned around, spitting out the plastic wrap in her teeth. A big, sturdy grey dog with a black splotch in his back loomed over her with his teeth bared. Onyx looked up at him. "What do you want?" She growled.

The dog snarled. "That garbage can. It's mine." He said. "And if you don't move, I'll take it back from you.

(Le short post. XD


The black fae lifted herself up off the ground, yawning. She shook the dirt off her pelt and began to walk around, looking for something to eat. Onyx's yellow eyes scanned the perimeter. She noticed a nearby chocolate lab tearing up a paper bag. Russet, she was sure his name was. There must've been something in the greasy bag that he wanted, because he was tearing it to peices. Onyx would've gone and tried to take it from him, but Russet looked pretty skinny, so she would just let him keep it.

Walking on, she came across a dark alley. There were several garbage bins, each looking like they were filled to the brim. Jackpot! The shepard knocked down one and started shuffling around for some food.  

(You're accepted!)

(Ill go ahead and start us off :P)

The air was cool. The light breeze blowing throughout the base gently brushed through Onyx's black fur. It felt nice, which was something she missed feeling. The german shepard was laying in the shade of a nearby tree with her tail curled around her body. She could hear the other dogs growling and barking and picking fights from around her. Like her, they were ready to get out and take on the humans as payback for what they did to them. The rage had settled in all their hearts like a chunk of ice, not ready to melt, but get even colder and bigger.

The fae shifted her position to where she was facing the other dogs. Her yellow eyes looked at each of them, taking in the colors as sizes and genders. She could only put a name with a few, for she didn't know very many. But that was fine with her. That's how she liked it.  

Both are accepted! You guys can start whenever you like. :)

(Welcome. :) Yur doggeh is accepted!)

Name: Onyx
Age: 2 years
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepard
Sub-Breed: N/A
Personality: Onyx is a quiet dog. She is a bit if a smart-aleck, and can be quiet snappy at times. She isn't afraid of a fight, and if made mad will attack. Other than that, she doesn't get herself associated with other dogs as much.
History: Onyx grew up in a farmyard with her father. She was training to be a guard dog when the pill took her father from her. Enraged, she refused to eat the pill and was put in the sealed f grounds to rot. She awaits the day she can get revenge.
Extra: N/A

"I won't let go of what they did..."

"The Past will never be forgiven..."

"We'll make them pay..."

And even after it all was so happy and joyful, it had to come to this.
Even after the belly rubs, the meat scraps, the loving pats, and the walks in the park, they went and turned on us.
As much as they said they loved us, they just lock us away and forget what we had shared. What we had known for so long.
Well, we won't tolerate that. No we won't. We're going to get up and show them what we can do when our trust is put to the test. 
And we'll do it together.

The year 2037. The dog population has decreased rapidly, leaving them to a dangerously low number. Certain breeds died off, and attempts to bring them back have failed. Households with a dog are lucky enough to have one because of the decreasing number of our household companions. This year, few countries still have a dog population, leaving people puzzled and heartbroken. 
Man's best friend is confused. They don't understand why they seem to be dying off so quickly. They've been in such large numbers before this year, and then they just....go. The dogs don't know what the problem is. They desperately want to know, of course, and attempt several times to find information. All of them failed.
Until one fateful day. 
The government lets the world know what they've been doing across the globe. Oh, they sure did. Broadcasts, newspaper articles everywhere tell of one thing. 
The K9Reducer.
A small pill that gets into the dog's digestive track and shuts it down completely, then works to stop the lungs from functioning properly. The dog is killed quickly.
Apparently, the government thought that it was time to rid the world of the dogs to make room for more people. Push them out, and we could come in larger numbers, they thought. The humans were oddly on board with the decision, and put the pill in their dogs food and let them die. Soon, the dog population was dying out, and soon, it will be no more. Sweet victory for the humans.
The dogs heard all about this little scheme. They were pissed and just plain disgusted. They could hardly believe what the humans had done. This was the reason they were dying out. A pill, made by HUMANS.
It made them mad. 
So mad, that they turned violent against people, and sought to destroy them. The dogs were fed up with them, so they decided to try and kill them.
The humans thought that this was an effect of the pill, so they took the surviving dogs to a huge, closed off part of their cities, and left their dogs their to die. Then, continued on as if all was well.
But he dogs were not finished. 

You are one of these dogs. What the humans did gas left a stone on your stomach and has made you cold. All you want now is revenge, and you soon will get it. 
For in time, the dogs will break out and get what they want. Soon, the humans will taste our wrath. 
And it will be a sweet victory for us.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Cloudfire
« on: December 31, 2013, 09:32:57 pm »
1. What'a your favorite soft drink?
2. What's your favorite season?
3. What would you do if i magically have you wings? :P

Forum Games / Re: Tell the truth!
« on: December 06, 2013, 12:46:07 pm »
Psshhh no.....(how did you know?!)

Who has sat on a fork? (I have. It hurts.)

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