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Messages - Arcanine101

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Finished Maps / Re: Bridgeston City Ruins! [PUBLIC]
« on: July 09, 2013, 04:45:07 am »
May i have permission to start an Alley Cat rp here? My friend and i have dearly been wanting to find a city map that would work on my computer (We have tried Feral City, though my game isn't able to get the graphics settings all the way down to the lowest level, so whenever i try to enter FC it crashes) and this looks like it might work :{P i'll download it and explore it before i make my mind on doing the rp here, though. Because with detail that looks like that i might not be able to enter it with my stupid old computer that can barely handle anything. I just wish the server was up though! >_<

Game Help / Re: Please help.
« on: July 08, 2013, 07:37:49 am »
i think my problem is about the same, but mine doesn't get to the rendering systems.... whenever in the game i change my rendering system to the 3g thing (sorry forgot what it's called) and restart the game, it says some dll file can't be found, and that re-installing the application would fix the prob. well guess what? it doesn't. i posted something about this yesterday, but then i didn't know it was because i switched my rendering system, because i was trying to lower my graphics settings to get in Feral City to make an Alley Cat rp, but somebody told me to lower your graphics settings you have to switch the rendering system. so i'm stuck without a rp i desperatly want to do.

Game Help / Re: FH won't open?
« on: July 06, 2013, 01:57:50 am »
i'm pretty sure i put all the Feral City files in the right spots. and i downloaded it last night, so if it were that i wouldn't have been able to log in earlier today and yesterday. Also i never thought of uninstalling the game before trying to re-install, but i'm already downloading the dll whatsit as i type this.

Game Help / FH won't open?
« on: July 06, 2013, 01:35:59 am »
ok it does open but after the black screen with the random white words, this popup comes up that says "This application has failed to start because d3dx9_42.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." so i tried to re-install FH, but when i tried to open the startup thing (forgot what you call it) it said "The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program." so i downloaded it over and over, and it kept saying the same thing. until this is fixed, can somebody go in the game and whisper the username pocketrox that Arcanine101 is having troubles opening the game and can't log on for a while? also say the same things to Megurine Luka 03, Emberflame, and Moonlightroses1. I rly wanna get back in FH and keep trying to get in Feral City D:

I want to join :D here's my form (and i have a friend whose computer won't work with the forum or something like that, i'm going to make a form for her too)

Username: Arcanine101

Character Name: Sword

Character Age: Young Adult

Personality: Sword is usually a 1-man team who fends for himself. He occasionally opens himself up to close friends, and is quite loyal too. He can feel easily left out of groups he's been in, but doesn't give up.

Backstory: His past is unknown. But we do know his species is the decendant of the African Bat Eared Fox.

Picture: i can't get these to work but just imagine a sandy fox with sabor toothed cat teeth and siamese markings :3

(ok here's my friend's)

Username: pocketrox

Character Name: Ravi

Character Age: Young Adult

Personality: A rebel who isn't afraid to back down from a fight. If you can get her nice side, she's very protective and caring.

Backstory: Only a few moons ago, she had been bitten by an unknown type of snake that made the bitten person lose their memory, and eventually forget to breath and die. Sword came to her aid and saved her life. They have vowed to stay together no matter what happens.

Picture: Same problem. imagine same look but smaller.

i would love to help in some way, but alas i know nothing of coding and all that other stuff. if someone could teach me though, i'd be on my way cause i'm a quick learner, and become pro at anything real fast. but, i could be able to draw character model bodies on paper, then some programmer messes with it. lol. you'll also want models or whatever you'd call it for the following actions ;) (besides walking and running)
Climbing a tree
Killing bite
The battle moves (I can list them if you want me to.)
Sleeping (you'll need lots of positions, cause cats get in funny positions in their sleep!)
Swimming (and struggling to swim if you aren't one of those clans that swim well lol)

Just a bit of reccomendations. If that gets used i better be in the list of people who helped make the game XD

Game Help / (this is 4 a friend) Maps are black when downloading one?
« on: June 06, 2013, 08:30:55 am »
ok so this clan i'm in we've got a map now but some of the cats in our clan, when they download maps the screen is just black and the have to download fh again. and one of them could possibly be my new daddy in the clan so i rly need an answer so i can tell them :O :P

Game Help / Re: How to put maps in-game?
« on: June 06, 2013, 06:51:45 am »
>_< i have another problem it doesn't let me export any maps made from WaterMill? it'll let me do flat maps but not WaterMill ones

Game Help / Re: How to put maps in-game?
« on: June 06, 2013, 12:34:30 am »
thanks. i'll try and fit that all in my tiny mind XD me and my clanmates were going nuts on how to get all of us in the map cause i already had it exported.

Game Help / Re: How to put maps in-game?
« on: June 06, 2013, 12:08:24 am »
how do you make a zip folder? also i can't find a feral heart folder. at all.

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