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Messages - DrLecter

Pages: 1 [2]
News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: August 18, 2013, 08:03:31 am »

Look I know its meant for disscussion. But I do not think you were reading alot of this thread lately. Some floofies were turning on the MODs and someone said that a MOD was claiming without any evidence. Look here.

I see what you mean, EpicWolfie.
However I've been playing close attention to this thread. That person is not attacking any mods.
They are asking/pleading for the mods to listen to their opinion, seem upset by what the mods have previously said,  and are raising points on why they believe general should be reinstated.
Disagreeing with the mods is not turning on the mods.

What would be turning on the mods would be members having full-on revolts and demanding the usurpation of the mods' power. 

Game Help / Re: Bad Token Problem?
« on: August 17, 2013, 08:55:05 pm »
I tried using OpenGL, and it allowed me to quickly and successfully enter the game. However, there's a new issue. In OpenGL, the game glitches back and forth, but is not lagging. It's very obnoxious and makes me dizzy. Is there any way to fix this problem?

Here is a picture of how it looks:

Game Discussion / Re: The most AMUSING powerplayers in all of FH.
« on: August 17, 2013, 07:58:24 pm »
I remember I was in a lion pride, and we were rping among ourselves when a trio of wolves showed up and demanded we hand over our cubs.
Long story short we told them get lost.
A couple of them got it and left, but one stayed behind and tried to take them anyways.
Of course, it was rp, so myself and a couple of lionesses attacked her.
But suddenly, she morphed into a complete godmodder and threw three full grown lions off of herself. Keep in mind her size was that of an adolescent. Then, she miraculously tore out our throats in one post.
When we called her out on her BS, she accused us of powerplaying, blocked everyone and left.
Gotta love it.

Game Help / Re: Bad Token Problem?
« on: August 17, 2013, 07:27:21 pm »
I remember there used to be tons of Bad Tokens on the game, but then I believed the issue was fixed. I hadn't seen them for months till last night, so it was a tad worrisome.
I'll try the rendering system trick, thanks so much!

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: August 17, 2013, 07:19:59 pm »
People should stop telling others to "stop complaining" or "cool it."
If you do not find an issue with the removal of General, that is fine. However, other people have different opinions from you. You are neither right nor wrong in your own opinion, but this thread is a place of discussion. Let people discuss.

Game Help / Re: Bad Token Problem?
« on: August 17, 2013, 07:47:30 am »
Okay, thank you Vespian. :>
However I will just have to wait, since I cannot get into any map besides Lonely Cave itself.

My luck, eh.

Game Help / Bad Token Problem?
« on: August 17, 2013, 07:35:54 am »
As I try to get into a map, I keep getting a string of Bad Tokens. I've been trying for a couple of hours with no luck. Is something up with the server, or does my game alone have a problem?
If so, I'd greatly appreciate it if someone had some advice.

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: August 17, 2013, 07:18:51 am »
General chat was removed as an experiment and it has proven to work for the greater good of this game regardless of the few inconveniences it has caused.for some users. In time users will realize the benefits but while some continue to complain about what was in the past they will never see forward and work with something new and therefore progress will be slow.

I wasn't going to post on this topic again, but I have something to say.
People are not opposed to the change because they are choosing to be blind to the benefits. They are opposed because they truly believe that the cons of removing general chat outweigh the pros. I am still opposed to what happened. I gave the change a try. But so far, what I've experienced myself a roleplayer isn't very good feedback. Having to sort through tons of video clips that lag can be quite tedious, and going to advertising and recruiting hot spots like Stone Bridge cause lag and game freezing. There's been an obvious lack of members joining roleplays and a majority of new rps lack quality and go inactive in a day. But from another standpoint, and as you stated before, removing General was also a removal of an avenue for trolls to bother others, and I appreciate that. On another note though, I was disappointed to also see that the community wasn't warned before the change occurred. No, the community doesn't have to make the decisions, but at least take somebody else's opinion into consideration. I hope my point is understood.

Let's also not make claims that the entire or most of the community are against the removal of general. None of you can prove that and not to mention there are quite the number of posts here that are made by the same user using multiple accounts. Those who are for the removal of general wouldn't have much reason or desire to write here so there really is no accurate way to see exactly how the entire community feels about this. So many of you need to stop throwing things around as if they are fact.

It's true that not every opinion is in this thread. Still, it should be a bit staggering that there is a lot of negative feedback and dissatisfied players expressing their opinion. What would be really useful to count the numbers is a poll in the announcements for all to see. Since this topic is still going strong, and accusations are being thrown around, shouldn't it be given a try? (I'm aware that a poll was present in the Game Discussion thread a while ago, but it never received many views.)

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 22, 2013, 03:41:03 am »
While I see and understand why General chat was turned off, it's become a nuisance for myself. The lag I encounter in-game is awful, and on a good day it only takes twenty minutes for me to finally load into a map without having to force shut down my computer from freezing. Unfortunately, I can't go near or steer my camera in the direction of public places such as Stone Bridge without lagging and freezing for a long, long time. I've resorted to the movie clip method to try and locate an adequate roleplay, but so far it's no good. Things are very lonely now, since I have no close friends in-game. I joined this game because it looked promising; it was a place to make acquaintances and find some spectacular roleplays. But if I can't do that now, then I'll have no reason to be here. On no means am I trying to make anyone reconsider this decision on my account, I'm just stating what my experience has been like with this change. I am also disappointed that those who play FH were never consulted, or played any part in the final decision. I hope our voices won't be silenced. That would be truly depressing.

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