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Messages - RainbowTea

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Forum Games / Re: Slap Your Keyboard :D
« on: December 29, 2013, 09:33:25 pm »

Fugly epic idiots jumped perfectly with swag.

N-No. This can't be happening. - runs away -

Amg thank you Coffee for the wonderful gift! If only I could squeeze and hug you till you burst and confetti flies around. I'll find a way someday. c8


Ahh I feel like I'm not thanking you enough with these stupid letters above //hidesawayinshame Forgive me! ;3;

You're also an amazing RPer and a awesomeafdhdks friend, CoffeeAddict! I had fun Roleplaying with you and I want to thank you for joining my random roleplays and even sticking with it. You are talented with words and I adore you for that, mi amigo. c8

Oh . . . that would be a very violent hug. o.o - flees from the forums - jk jk <3 Naw, my mouth curved into a smile when I read your kind words. Your roleplays are very good, and I'm proud to be in them. Bahaha, chibi Kaos' smexy butt. X3

This art is absolutely stunning! You draw people so well! +Floof o3o

Aww, thankies! Your words mean a lot to me, Alpha.

These are very lovely I like the whole human form thing :) Very sweet gifts hun. You have really wonderful artsie skills. I'm sure this will make them all very happy.

Thanks, Lord! You have amazing artsie skills, by the way. c: I checked out your epic art thread.

Oh. My goodness. <3
I love it, Coffee! Teehee, rockin' dat swigity swag.
Made me laugh a bit, too. D'awww. Thank you so much, this totally made my day! X3 <33

Mmhmm, you got that swag. <3 Glad to know that you liked it! - dumps cake on your head - Have a great rest of the day now.


After allowing random thoughts to run through my mind, I've decided to give away one free gift. Note that this gift will be drawn in manga human form (or chibi, if you wish), based off of your personality. Simply check the front page for the form and fill it out.

Thank you, all you floofs, for your kind words and encouragement!


OMG. ART. - tackles it and huggles - Ugh, how did I never find this? I feel so ashamed now. Gah, I love the dragon-horse-dog-thing. And the deer in the headlights - that one is wonderful.

Your art is fabulous, Kaos. Your avatar always intrigued me, but I never knew you made a freaking art thread of awesomeness. Ugh, I can't even. The epicness is just too great for me. - le nuzzle for your epicness -

Oh, and if you haven't already, you might wanna take a look at the Christmas art thread I made (in FH media) . . . c:

Recently my tablet pen broke [May it rest in peace], So now I am once more limited to my old traditional ways. vuv Though I draw, I cannot seem to draw people that well, so I am certainly quite envious of your skills in drawing the human anatomy.  

Bahaha, I'm not that great at drawing humans (I'm worse when it comes to animals - I'm better at chibi animals), but my skills certainly have improved. I'll keep an eye out for your art - I'm sure you're an excellent artist. c: Agh, and sorry about your tablet pen. Hopefully, you can get a new one soon!

You are amazing in drawing humans, also its generous of you drawing humans for special floofs c; and you wrote very thoughtful words for them +floof~

Aww, thanks, Shenidan! - throws cake in the air - Your encouraging words bring me pleasure. +floof for your generosity in kindness

Ehheh, I'll be sure to nudge Fox and direct him to this thread Ms. Coffee. No doubt he and the others will have their day made by yer generosity. I can already see madame Oreo was beyond grateful.
I admire how ye' were able to sketch out human anatomy such as the ones ye've displayed. The chibi, as some may call it, yet animation-style really catches one's attention. More so I find it interesting how ye've compiled all the characters into one piece of artwork which resides in yer signature. Truly a clap of the paws and nuzzle for ye'.

D'aww. All ye' floofs are too nice and encouraging. - rolls around in le random patch of grass with happiness - Thanks, Vespian! +floof for yer awesomeness

Your artwork is simply beautiful, I love how you do the face anatomy and hair it is quite a unique style that I am intrigued by, Not only was your artwork beautiful, but so was the reasons why you drew these specific people. I enjoyed reading your reasons for they were touching and sincere, that is what art is supposed to express; those sincere and touching emotions, and eventhough you achieved that through your art, you as well acheived it through your writing. Please, I would love to see more work from you in the future, continue drawing these amazing pieces please. +Floof  

Thanks, Zena, hun. ^o^ It was very nice of you to take the time to say a few words. Do you happen to draw, by any chance? +floof for your epicness

Art Gallery / Re: Oreoz's Art Jar [Requests are Closed]
« on: December 29, 2013, 03:08:58 am »

Purdyyyyy art o3o - cuddles it - Keep up the good work, sis!

Um, and while I'm still typing, you have the gift for your friend tomorrow, right? Or did you already give it to her :/

Art Gallery / Re: =- Rii's Artz -= [GIFTS] [REQUESTS] = [FREE]
« on: December 29, 2013, 03:02:32 am »
D'aww, such cute arty artsies, Rii c: They're perfectly adorable. I don't see why they would be labeled as "crappy."

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Fox Philosopher's Bio [Updated]
« on: December 29, 2013, 02:57:49 am »
Wonderful bio, Fox! It positively reeks of awesomeness. I hope to get to know you better. c:

Ohmygosh. ;-; Coffee. That is so sweet of you<3 though I already knew this was coming, LUL. You are an amazing and awesome sister as well<3333 sounds awkward, lol but i luff you.
I really tried to keep my secrets from you, Oreo. I really tried, but I just couldn't. I literally was about to explode with excitement. ;A; I - Wait a second. - stares at your post - Did you just say you loved me . . .? In public?

Who are you, and what the heck have you done with my sistah? o.o

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