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Messages - ammy01

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i still hope to meet you as Rocko in LP when its finished <3

first of all thank you angel <3
to the question with the glowing, dream charakter and the nighmare:
you have my full permission to start a rp there with them :)
ALL species are allowed in LP( except dragons, sorry :/ )
a wonderful christmas everyone :D

im glad this whole issue is solved now.
Im sorry to hear you want to leave but i think i cant hold ya back :/
a merry christmas everyone <3

gah, shapeshifter maybe wasnt the right word for sorry i started this massive rumors :(.Please wait for the story, you really will understand everything better then.
For the thing with the dragons:
I added them to the list and added they are not playable because i thought if i dont add them and then write beneath: "you can play all species you come up with except dragons" it maybe sounds rude.And when you enter the map and see me running around as dragon you would be all like: O.O why you ish a dragon D8< THATS SOOOOO UNFAIR -goes all ninja at dragon-. >.> well maybe it wouldnt be like that but you would be really disappointed. But i see your point and if you want ill scratch them from the list.
Why i dont want dragons in the map:
dragons are a main key for the roleplay of me and my friends.Now if i would allow dragons almost everyone will be one.I would have a map flooded with dragons....but thats not what LP is like and our rp would be sensless then.Of course sometimes dragons fly down when they have something important to discuss with the princess ( again, please wait for the story, everything will be explained!), but if i allow one person to be a dragon i have to allow everyone to be one.
please dont go all ninja at me because you cant play a dragon :(
All i can say is that im sorry  i disappointed you so much. PLEASE before you post something now about this whole issue,
wait for the story because it explains everything.
Have a nice day.

as i said before im really sorry about that :(,
but thats how my friends and me created our rp, maybe everything will be clearer when i post the story, I will explain everything there.For the question why i added them to the species list, is because there ARE dragons.They just dont live in LP.Exactly because of that i added that they arent playable.
Im sorry again, but i think the circumstance you cant play a dragon is bearable, since you are free to play all other species you come up with. Dragons are and will be the only species you cant play.If you want, you could just play a griffon instead of a dragon....I know its not the same but still... :/.If it helps you, I will rarely run around as a dragon, normally ill be in human form and if i am a dragon, mostly in maps that are connected to LP, which wont be public.I hope you can bring some appreciation toward me.

well its just that Little Phantasie isnt the home of the dragons.The dragons live in their own world up in the sky above the clouds and dragons are very rare.They would never fly down to the "regular world".The only dragon you may see roaming around there is my character Kyrie.She is a white dragoness and a shapeshifter.Im sorry, but that will be the only dragon in LP.Once im finished with the map ill post a story to Little Phantasie, Kyrie and how she became a shapeshifter and all other important characters which belong to the main rp of me and my friends, so you will understand everything a little better.   >.> sorry long text again...and i hope you wont be too angry that dragons arent playable there.

thank you very much everyone for the nice comments,
ill try to upload some more screenies if you have some special wishes what you want to see :3

a new screenie ,woot >D!!

winter break comes closer and closer :D
i hope then i can work on the map more regularly

thank you very much <3

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