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Messages - thelostwolf12345

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Forum Games / Re: Make up Exuses
« on: October 16, 2013, 10:53:25 am »
im sorry i was on..... my period



Other Games / Re: The Legend of Spyro, Dawn of the Dragon
« on: October 13, 2013, 07:50:17 pm »
my reaction to this thread through youtube video

i am in love with the legend of spyro games havent played it for a while but i allways find myself looking at fanart of it at points but i keep it a secret cause these people from highschool bully me cause i love dragons and animals lets say they call me dragon so much to the point seeing or hearing the word dragon makes me flinch but never the less i LOVE the spyro games

Forum Games / Re: Type With Your Body
« on: October 13, 2013, 07:40:12 pm »
Fingers: OMGAPUPPY!!!!!
Head: gyghhyujedrftg
chin:oi m ghasplujypoplhhy

my keyboard tastes like chocolate

chin be derpin all over the place (And my head)

Forum Games / Re: Typing With Your Eyes Shut
« on: October 13, 2013, 07:32:40 pm »

....... *ragequits


Praise / Re: In Memory Of Darky...
« on: October 13, 2013, 07:24:36 pm »
oh god...... thats horrible i wanna show the guy who drunk over the limit no mercy! i never knew darkpetel but everyone in feralheart is a friend of mine... and i treat them with respect

R.I.P darkpetal a friend i never knew

Introduction / Re: after 4 years of stalking this site...
« on: October 13, 2013, 07:17:22 pm »
thank you! and i will meet you when i get a new laptop (please this laptop break for me... im dieing....)  or if i finally learn to hack and find my dads STUPID PASSWORD! or... go round my friends house for a sleep over and have my friend download it onto her computer so i can play (And let my friend play)

Species / The greyback wolves
« on: October 13, 2013, 06:44:03 pm »
Bio: the greyback wolves  are a rare subspecies of wolf that appeared around the iceage some of the greyback wolves where tamed but the others stayed wild as the years went by and the humans began to evolve they where praised as gods of the forest and when saw they where given gifts like meat and other stuff that was hard to hunt.... but it did not last for long in the 20th and 21st century hunters and poachers started hunting them for there pelts bringing there number down to 50! since the 50 greyback wolves all lived on the same continent they came together with some other wolves like the red wolf and the grey wolf and planned to move away so they did they boarded a ship unnoticed.... that was untill the ship began to sink.... dureing the panic 30 greyback wolves died brining the number down to 20 the greyback wolves the red wolves and the grey wolves swam for there life they did not know where but the direction they swam led them to the paradise island no human knows about called fearl heart here they live and the population is growing again how many?... well thats up to you cause this is a open species

to make a greyback wolf

fur color: the pelt needs to be grey (it can be any shade of grey just not black) the underbelly must be pure white (albinos are very very rare normaly seen with a pink nose)

eye color: the eye color can be golden green or orange (albinos can have red or pink eyes)

markings: any markings you wish! but they must be a few shades darker then the pelt of the wolf or a few shades lighter

places they like to stay: despite the fact greyback wolves live in the cold harsh climate of south pole there more commen around flourite plains and bonfire island rarely are they seen the other areas of feral heart

personality: they are serious most of the time but when the times right they can be real jokers normaly playing tricks on the lions and createing trouble for the other species but dont let there funnyness fool you they can be real nasty if angered and they are good fighters as they are runners

pups: greyback wolf pups are normaly the same as there parents having a grey pelt and a pure white underbelly... but thats not very commen the pups are greyish white and sometimes have a mix of other colors (natural duh) they can have markings but they are hard to see cause there normaly one shade darker or one shade lighter

when i get a new computer (ptth yea when this one breaks...) you will see me as my greyback wolf/hybrid character named scruff you will know its me cause i will be the only one that has blue eyes cause scruff is a cross between greyback wolf and husky so lets say it does not matter if your character looks like scruff im the only one with blue eyes

hope to see you on feral heart... (when this computer dies)

Game Discussion / Re: What do you do on Feral Heart?
« on: October 13, 2013, 05:30:42 pm »
meh.... run around let the rare random troll in me comes out (im a nice troll i dont buttswing on people) and well... Spend at least 3 hours in the character making section! XD

Game Discussion / Re: I'm BRB darn it! - FeralHeart moments..
« on: October 13, 2013, 03:37:42 pm »
happened to me when i was playing on my friends account (at her home) i made an OC and it went like this...

Digitvirus: ugh brb *afk*

Random idiot: *appears next to* HI HOW ARE YOU IM GOOD

10 minutes later...

Random idiot: why are you not talking? wtf? fine... get lost you might give my comp a virus *leaves*

Digitvirus: IM BACK!!! what the heck happened here?

random idiot: *butswings on me and leaves*

Game Discussion / Re: Rape jokes.
« on: October 13, 2013, 02:50:06 pm »
oh dear god rape jokes i once got to play feral heart at a friends house with her account and i layed there for a few minutes i fell asleep.... and when i woke up there where like 10 people buttswining on me so i typed "OMG what the heck are you doing get off me thats odd stop it or i will keep on talking" they replyed with "lol raep iz funneh" and then ran off

ugh kids these day even im more mature then them

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