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Messages - Ambadog

Pages: 1 [2]
Forum Games / Re: Drop the Grenade
« on: March 07, 2014, 11:12:33 pm »

Introduction / Rivadog's new account
« on: March 07, 2014, 10:04:08 pm »
Hello FeralHeart

Hello world wide web! Its DakotaRivadog, now Ambadog.
I made a new account because my old how to tell ->sucks<-.
Now you are asking: "Why does this weird person post that?!" So let me came to the point.
I post that because I can and to tell FH I am back. About my old art thread "I tried to draw", I wont put new stuff up there anymore. Its old... more I don't want to say without my lawyer.

Austria is the place I came from.
My hobby is minecraft. (Floofy server)
Better you keep your fingers away from my mouth while eating popcorn.
All weird has a beginning.

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