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Messages - CrimsonChaos

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Beautiful! Thanks for the amazing maps for Feral Heart! Keep it up <3

Finished Maps / Re: Caveria map
« on: December 23, 2013, 05:41:59 pm »
Wow! That looks really cool. Keep up the good work my friend!

Finished Maps / Re: Ringo's Maps! |*NEW MAP* Algid!|
« on: December 23, 2013, 05:40:59 pm »
Thanks for the feral heart maps! They look great <3

Wow! I love your interesting textured presets there, and you made very nice markings. Keep it up floof!

Very creative! I love the rainbow land xD, and the canine feline tail will sure make floofs excited! Keep up the good work!

Praise / Re: Praise To Vask!!!
« on: December 23, 2013, 12:16:39 am »
Quite welcome, Vaskeh! You very much deserve the praise <3

Introduction / Re: ~~Hullur Floofs!!~~
« on: December 22, 2013, 11:43:53 pm »
Thanks to all of you for a warm welcome <3

Praise / Praise To Vask!!!
« on: December 22, 2013, 11:41:44 pm »
Praise Vask

Heya floofs! I haven't seen any praise for this floof on this board, which was kind of a shock. I wanted to take a minute to make a topic just for this very special Feral Heart member. Vask! Going through the forums and boards, I've seen that Vask isn't the most popular floof around, but is one of the most special. <3

She is constantly giving positive feed back on everyone's ideas and creations, and I don't think I've seen anything less than kind from her. I believe that Vask should be praised for being an encouraging and especially helpful floof from the community within Feral Heart. From answering questions in help boards, starting up fun games and topics in discussion boards, all the way to creating new things for Feral Heart to use.

When I first met Vask, this was when I was having a bit of trouble with unkind users, and she was immediately very kind and helpful. She offered to meet in game to talk about it and get my mind off it, and she did just that. I logged off that night completely forgetting the mean players. I have met with Vask several times since then and we quickly became good friends.

Although, this is not only me. I have seen Vask helping out several new floofs in-game and on the forums since I have joined. She is very honest, open, incredibly kind, and purely helpful. I think many of you can say you have seen Vask, or at least heard of her, around Feral Heart. She might not be INCREDIBLY popular within the community, but I know she very much deserved be recognized for the wonderful job she does around Feral Heart.

Keep on helping our community! And let me just say thank you <3

Forum Discussion / Re: Male Or Female Characters?
« on: December 02, 2013, 05:58:43 am »
Oh yus. I find it a lot easier to roleplay a male character, even though I am female. When do you look at a Female's Bio that says 'She was abandoned, beaten, etc, whatever, etc' and think, 'Oh, this girl is so not conceited and self-centered.' I don't know about you, but when a Female bio says that I think that. When a male bio says that, I don't know it's just not so self-centered. Plus, there are more females anyway, and groups sometimes need males since they are over-flowing with females already. But, I do have some characters female, such as my OC. :)

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: December 02, 2013, 05:53:15 am »
Mr. Man

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