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Messages - Weremetalwolf

Pages: 1 [2]
Introduction / Re: Hello everyone.
« on: December 08, 2013, 09:11:01 pm »
Welcome to FeralHeart floofy~
I hope you enjoy your time here because there is a lot of things to do.
What am I saying! You will never be bored xD

Please take some time to read some of the links
That was previously provided above~
Thank you for the welcome and I'll follow your advice and read them... again xD
Hello thar~

A warm welcome to the FeralHeart forum and game!
I hope you'll like it here, and if you're in need of help or are just wondering about something then you are welcome to PM me or anyone else on the staff.

Nice to meet another metal lover too~ c;

Cheers~// Shallow

Thank you kindly and it's nice to meet another one that likes metal but I don't simply like it, I play it too =D

Introduction / Re: Hello everyone.
« on: December 08, 2013, 10:39:44 am »

Greetings Weremetalwolf!
Welcome to the FeralHeart community! I'm glad you've decided to join us, and I surely think you will enjoy your time here.~
If you need any help or would just like to have a chat, feel free to either PM me, find me in-game, or go to any other floof around.                                                                                                                                                                            

Below are some additional helpful links, that may come in handy;



Thank you kindly, I'll be sure of enjoying myself in here and also, thank you for the helpful tip.
Again I would like to thank you all for the warm welcome, even if it might be something you all are used to this but it means a lot to me that you used your time to give to a new user a welcome.

Introduction / Re: Hello everyone.
« on: December 07, 2013, 02:53:17 pm »
Hail, there, Weremetalwolf, and welcome to the Feral Heart community. Hope you have fun playing around in-game and looking through the forum.   
Hail to you too and thanks for the welcome, I have no dubt about it since I'm sure I'll have fun in here.
Welcome there, newblood. I hope you enjoy your stay!
Thank you! I'll be sure to do that.

Introduction / Re: Hello everyone.
« on: December 07, 2013, 01:09:38 pm »

Introduction / Re: Hello everyone.
« on: December 06, 2013, 10:41:07 pm »
Welcome to Feral Heart-
Thanks you for the welcome.

Introduction / Hello everyone.
« on: December 06, 2013, 09:53:16 pm »
Hi everyone, I'm Weremetalwolf (in case you missed that) and after months of lurking around here, I finally managed to join. I discovered about this forum maybe an year ago but I wasn't really interested at the moment so I forgot about this. Back in January (I think) a friend of mine posted in DeviantArt some pics she drew of her character, seeing that said arts had a comon subject, I remembered about this forum but, alas, I forgot about it's name. I passed various hours, days, weeks to surf the net to find this once again but since I had no clue about where to look, I gave up. Then, probably in May, FH came out in a convo I was doing with a friend, finally I had the name i needed and I managed to find the forum rather easily, but then another problem came up, the registrations for new users were closed, thus I had to wait till they were open again, which happened two days ago, so here I am.

Now that the prologue has been written (typed) I guess I could say a little bit of myself. Well, there's not really much to say so I'll try to be short. As you may have guessed by my username, I LOVE wolves and metal. I draw, even if not at a pro level, and I have a DeviantArt account with the same username I'm using here, in case you want to take a look to my arts. I'm a bassist but also a violinist, I do have a band and we do concerts and stuff. Uhm, what else? Ah, I'm a roleplayer and, for now my main character is Silver (the ghost wolf that is howling at the moon in my avatar), I'm also a gamer and I write poems when I'm in mood. Also, as you may have guessed by my typos, English is not my main language but I hope we can get along anyway.
So, that's all, nice to meet you all an I hope we can become friends soon.

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