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Messages - -Pain-

Pages: 1 [2]
Name: Pain
Gender: male
Rank:delta male
Wolf desc:
Pain looks to the forward sun, smiling he moves forward towards the others, "hey guys wait up!"
Story: pain was an assassin, he used to kill for others, usually he does not like pups because they remind him of his past
He loves to kill, sometimes stares at the sun for a reason. He Hates others that try to mess with him, he loves to hunt. Also he likes to go to a tall rock and howl

Introduction / Re: Helloooooooo
« on: December 27, 2013, 11:01:33 pm »
Hello glad your here, welcome to the world of derpy cats
And butt swinging wolfs!

Introduction / Re: My intro
« on: December 27, 2013, 10:40:28 pm »
Thanks guys!

Introduction / Re: My intro
« on: December 27, 2013, 10:23:59 pm »
Another question. My sig, I'm trying to upload a picture but I have no idea how to
Help :c

Introduction / My intro
« on: December 27, 2013, 10:10:02 pm »
Hello, my name is -Pain- I'm a wolf lover. I'm a experience role player. I stood all night trying to join, I have some questions how do you make your avatar. I went through the user details but I never found it.

My Wolf is name after(or my username) is named pain for a reason, my life is a sad story of my life. I do not wish to tell you the story. And I been staying all night to 2:01 pm, I'm tired so I'm going to fall asleep but I shall an I will answer any questions

I'm a male
I role play as a wolf
I'm like a bystander wolf like
I like hunting
I hate little kids sometimes
I'm Russian for the motha lands!
Well that's it any questions you want to ask go right ahead

Pages: 1 [2]