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Messages - Limez

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Request Maps / Re: Feral Heart Free Map Making (0/3)(Open)
« on: May 22, 2015, 11:52:49 pm »
Map name: Diaries of Na'aar

FH user: DelightfulRevenge

Size: Large

Public or Private: Private

Type: Waterfalls would be nice. Lakes and river would nice. Mountains  and yup. It's a fantasy lots of trees.

Groups: Well, there's different packs. So four.

Details: Northern Territory Inhabitants ? The Northern Territory is cold and mountainous. They inhabitants there are usually strong and independent, and most of the time a little selfish. Their coats are normally lighter and thicker then the wolves that live in the Eastern, Western, and Southern Territories.

Eastern Territory Inhabitants ? The Eastern Territory has a large river dividing it from the Northern and Southern territory. The inhabitants there are usually laid back, and kind to new travelers. The Eastern Territory Inhabitants are usually better at healing and peace making then any thing else.

Western Territory Inhabitants ? Western Territory is a large forest area with a river dividing it from the Northern and Southern Territory. The inhabitants there are ambitious and selfless. They have a keen sense of direction and they are larger then the rest of the other Territories, with a few exceptions.

Southern Territory Inhabitants ? Southern Territory is warm all year long, and these inhabitants are hard working and dependable. Because of the warm weather, their coats are a lot thinner then the Northern Territory Inhabitants in order to keep them cooler.

Wanderers ? The Wanderers are the wolves that drop in and visit the Territories every now and then but do not want/can't commit to joining a Territory. They aren't seen very often though, but they are welcomed when they have been spotted.

Ok I can do that. Would you like little dens spread apart for wolves that want to join you guys though rp and for wanderers?

Request Maps / Re: Feral Heart Free Map Making (0/3)(Open)
« on: May 22, 2015, 08:52:00 pm »
Are you open?
Yup still open. Sorry it took long time to see this. Been playing Pixelmon non stop and keep forgetting to check up on here.

Request Maps / Re: Feral Heart Free Map Making (0/3)
« on: April 21, 2015, 09:50:40 pm »

Hullur! :D Could you make a map for my future pride? :3
Map name: ~-Silver Hearts-~
FH user: XxHybridLegacyxX
Size: Medium, pleash. c:
Public or Private: Private
Type: A savannah, if you can, with a large waterfall and/or lake. And a cave or two if ya can. :3
Groups: 2 or 3.
Details: Just a basic savannah. (Would you be able to add moving animals? If not, that's fine. c:)
Ok. I cant add moving animals, but I can add animals.
That's fine, and I meant for the name to be Silver Paws and not Silver Hearts..xD Is there any time to change that? If not, it's fine.
Ya it can be changed. I'll change it.
Here it is.

Request Maps / Re: Feral Heart Free Map Making (0/3)
« on: April 21, 2015, 04:04:13 pm »

Hullur! :D Could you make a map for my future pride? :3
Map name: ~-Silver Hearts-~
FH user: XxHybridLegacyxX
Size: Medium, pleash. c:
Public or Private: Private
Type: A savannah, if you can, with a large waterfall and/or lake. And a cave or two if ya can. :3
Groups: 2 or 3.
Details: Just a basic savannah. (Would you be able to add moving animals? If not, that's fine. c:)
Ok. I cant add moving animals, but I can add animals.
That's fine, and I meant for the name to be Silver Paws and not Silver Hearts..xD Is there any time to change that? If not, it's fine.
Ya it can be changed. I'll change it.

Request Maps / Re: Feral Heart Free Map Making (0/3)
« on: April 20, 2015, 08:45:47 pm »
Map name: The Kingdom's of Gujhi
FH user: ~Silent~Storm~
Size: 50,000+  Preferably 70,000 to 110,00
(Edit)Public or Private: Private
Type: Fantasy/Kingdom
Picture of Kingdom:
-Green: Mountain Forest
-Yellow: Forest Hills
-Orange: Forest
-Light Blue: Small Lake/River
-Blue: Lake
-Dark Blue: Sea
-Light Green: MarshLand
-Purple: Moorland
-Pink: Villages
-White: Inns
-Black: Farms
-Grey: Cities(Must has One Palace each)

Groups: 1 group with smaller groups in it.  Refer back to the picture.
Details: The picture Pretty much sums it up.  Please make it extremely details and add a waterfall and 10 temples, two well hidden anywhere on the map.  Put the two hidden on the Island on the ocean on opposite sides of the island.  Thank you time with this and get back to me when you can.

I dont think I can do this. It seems to advanced for me ^^' sorry, but try looking up on DA you might find one thats better then me there.

Request Maps / Re: Feral Heart Free Map Making (0/3)
« on: April 20, 2015, 08:37:08 pm »

Hullur! :D Could you make a map for my future pride? :3
Map name: ~-Silver Hearts-~
FH user: XxHybridLegacyxX
Size: Medium, pleash. c:
Public or Private: Private
Type: A savannah, if you can, with a large waterfall and/or lake. And a cave or two if ya can. :3
Groups: 2 or 3.
Details: Just a basic savannah. (Would you be able to add moving animals? If not, that's fine. c:)
Ok. I cant add moving animals, but I can add animals.

Request Maps / Re: Feral Heart Free Map Making (0/3)
« on: April 19, 2015, 03:52:29 am »
The issue was fixed with magic. On the downside, about half of the trees in the swamp are textureless and white.
I think dropbox hates me. Ive been having a few problems with it with other maps. Might have to go back to useing MediaFire.

Request Maps / Re: Feral Heart Free Map Making (0/3)
« on: April 14, 2015, 10:26:16 pm »
It still doesn't work. Are all of the items supposed to go to exports, or are there some things that should be cloned into different folders or put in said different folders? ;-;
Try putting the item folders into My_Objects. That might work.

Request Maps / Re: Feral Heart Free Map Making (0/3)
« on: April 14, 2015, 09:14:41 pm »
For some reason, the map's portal does not show up in the Cape of Distant Worlds. I copypasted all items in the file to the Exports folder, so that might be the issue, but I can't tell. ???
Try now. If it does not work, then i dont know what the problem is.

Request Maps / Re: Feral Heart Free Map Making (1/3)
« on: April 14, 2015, 03:57:43 pm »

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