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Messages - in.your.heart

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Forum Discussion / Re: Where Did You Get Your Forum/Username?
« on: November 21, 2014, 11:14:46 pm »
I'm a Potterhead and Moony is the nickname of Professor R. J. Lupin, who is one of my most favorite characters, so, yeah. *giggles*

Game Discussion / Re: What annoys you most about Feral heart?
« on: August 17, 2014, 11:36:19 am »
If you want to role-play, you must join a group in order to do so.

Enough said.

Ask Me / Re: Ask me!
« on: August 11, 2014, 10:29:03 am »
Hallo! I have some questions :3

1. If you had the power to change one thing in the game, what would it be?
2. Coke or Pepsi?
3. Favorite genre of music?
4. What genre of book is you favorite?
5. If you could cross two animals and have one as a pet, what would you cross?
6. What game consoles do you have, if any?
7. Fancy dinner or home-cooked meal?

1. Make the feline models more realistic.
2. Pepsi.
3. I'm not sure if I have a favorite genre, but I really like trap, rock, metal, reggae, disco, classical, rap.
4. Fantasy.
5. A horse and a zebra!
6. I don't have any.
7. Home-cooked meal if I'm just hungry and want to eat, fancy dinner if I want to try something new. So, it depends.

Thank you for your questions!

Screenshots / Re: Kami's Random Screenies
« on: August 11, 2014, 12:49:48 am »
These screenshots are absolutely gorgeous. No lies. They're fascinating. :O

Discussion Board / Re: Embarrassing Fears?
« on: August 11, 2014, 12:45:12 am »
Well... When I was younger, I used to have a very odd fear. I find it ridiculous now, though, because it really is funny.
Whenever I heard noises coming from the outdoors, I would start crying and repeat 'The ducklings are talking.' Yes. Ducklings. That thought terrified me. And I wouldn't stop until my mother came and explain to me that it's only the train passing through. My mother was even forced to draw a cute duckling on the wall next to my bed in order to show me there's nothing scary in a duckling.
Lol. Now that I've grown up, whenever I remember that previous fear of mine, I can't stop laughing.

Ask Me / Ask me!
« on: August 11, 2014, 12:31:09 am »
Hello to you all!
I am not known amongst the rest of you, but that's what this thread is for, right?  :D
I love answering questions and talking about myself.
So... Can you please provide me some questions?

Game Help / Failed to export preset?
« on: July 22, 2014, 09:25:41 pm »
I'll be short. I made a preset, went to Feral Heart Preset maker, clicked on the preset, then 'Export', but it said 'Failed to export preset.'
Yes, I did enter my username at the login page, yes, I am sure the preset coding is right, and yes, I've tried restarting the game.
That's the first time I create a preset on this PC. I had no problems doing presets on my previous PC.
Any ideas what the problem might be? Thanks!

Discussion Board / Re: Fears/Phobias?
« on: June 24, 2014, 07:42:44 pm »
Interesting topic indeed. Okay...

1/ Centipedes - 8/10; I've seen many in my house and I once woke up with a 5cm centipede crawling on the wall next to me. :/ Otherwise, I'm not afraid of insects that much /yes, I know the centipede is not an insect/. And I'm not afraid of spiders, unlike most people.
2/ Mirrors - 5/10
3/ The movie "The Ring" - 10/10; Okay, that might sound a little hilarious, but I'm terrified of that horror movie. I wasn't really scared while I watched it /I was 9/, but then I had 3 or more nightmares /the last one I had pretty recently/. The nightmares were much more horrifying than the movie itself, I guess that's the reason I don't even want to think about that movie.
4/ The hallway in my house during nighttime -7/10 We have A LOT of mirrors in the hall and they create scary effects, especially through the night.
5/ Dolls - 5/10
6/ Being trapped - 8/10 - Like, in small spaces, locked alone somewhere and etc.
7/ Loneliness - 9/10; I hate being alone. I get shivers everytime I consider what it would be if I die alone in my small house, surrounded by cats and no people. And nobody ever realizes I'm dead.
8/ Darkness - 5/10
9/ Wells - 10/10; Again, because of that movie I told you about. I hate wells.
10/ TV's - 4/10; That's not much of a fear, but still... Hard to explain why, though. I don't know the reason very well, too. .-.
11/ End of the world - 10/10 - I probably won't be alive when that might happen, but... Oh, well, nobody knows. I'm also afraid of the disappearance of the water, which is said to happen around 2050 year. The Global Warming too, with all of its components.

That's it...

Game Discussion / Re: Impossible!
« on: May 23, 2014, 08:43:37 pm »
I get your idea. I'm being somewhat rude and annoying. Well, I sometimes ask people if I can RP with them, and usually remain ignored again xD I guess I should always ask before typing.

Game Discussion / Impossible!
« on: May 23, 2014, 08:05:56 pm »
/Sorry if the topic doesn't belong here, or there has already been one of such. Move or lock if needed!/

Ok, am I the only one who finds it nearly 'impossible' to randomly RP in Bonfire Island? Like, you just enter with a new character who nobody knows and start roleplaying. Anybody will hardly response to you, if they manage to read your post, of course.
I just entered with my new panther character and typed a few posts as she stalked a few horses very close to her. xD Guess what. No attention. Well, not as if I expect them all focused on me, but how can I RP if my posts remain unanswered?

Summing up, it's just hard to get any attention if you're not referring to a specified person, therefore it's hard to roleplay with random people.

Again, is it just me? Or are there others of you who have experienced the same problem?

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