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Messages - timidDreamer

Pages: 1 [2]
Presets & Markings / Timid's Preset || Closed!
« on: June 14, 2014, 09:18:48 pm »
Welcome to my little Corner!!!

Hallo! Welcome to the preset box possible growing dust and neglect! No jk, It's just that I might not make presets so much.
I may or may not take requests from time to time. And if I take forever completing one, sorry! I have a personal life that I need to take care to most of the time as much as I wish I could be on the computer more.

Free Presets!

None ATM. Sorry!
Things I'm thinking of doing-
Wolf (Timber/Gray, Arctic, Maned, Dire, Red)
Lion (Optional Mane)
Deer (Fawn, Buck, Doe)
Whatever you people want, I guess.

Custom Presets!

Korun WIP

Preset of my OC. His little markings glow in the dark!

Request a Preset!
Sorry, they're closed.

This thread will always be a WIP.

Request Maps / Re: Anyone willing to make me a map? ^.^"
« on: June 14, 2014, 04:17:01 pm »
I'll look into it. :3
(Do you know where to find meshes of hollow logs? (Nvm) And how big do you want the map to be?) Sorry for the lame questions.

Thank you, Vespian! I'll try and see if I can make this a map pack. :>

Forum Games / Re: Typing With Your Eyes Shut
« on: June 13, 2014, 06:22:18 pm »
Cat goes woof, dog gowes meowwwwwwwwwwwww/ Guess what? It's magic.

I have no clue what happened there LOL

Next: I like potatoes and monkeys and pie. Do you?

Hi there! I'd just like to leave one of the first maps I've ever made here. :>
It's still very much a wip and will probably take weeks, so the download isn't out yet.
(If I have enough muse to make a map pack this will probably grow into something more.)

~~~*Rules - or something*~~~
Don't claim the map as your own. Not a piece. It's mine, hon. :-)
Feel free to bring in any RPS, I won't care so long as your following these rules
Don't powerplay/gmod/ect if you RP here.
Please keep everything PG13+...means no cussing/graphic things.
No mating. At all. Do it in whisper if you have to. Don't use the buttswing/headbang things...
Don't fight or spam the chats.
DON'T use general for Rping.

PROGRESS: 29% Or something around that area

It's roughly around 4000 in width in 300 in height, a small map pretty much.
It has a buttload of little dens for RPS and whatnot, maybe I'll include a cave if larger groups decide to stay.


Here's the waterfall and the wooden bridge the map is named after.

Here's a small snippet of the beach.

A little cove or something will be here...maybe.

Here's the general layout of the map...there's a little bit more to the right lol


There's one of the little sections of the cave.

And one of the larger sections of the cave. Comes with a bridge and a miniature pride-rock spinoff~!

Stay tuned because this will be updating periodically!!

Characters / ?Koray - Of Our Return to Dust?
« on: June 09, 2014, 02:10:59 am »

Name means 'Ember Moon' in Turkish
Male, masculine; Demisexual or Asexual
Very old compared to most, but young to himself
"Speaks in a clear, dark and serious tone."
Alien ; To put it simply, has a hard time understanding where he is
Can relate to a Great Plains Wolf in size
Reference ; Soon

> Aquarius- The Water Bearer; Intelligent, inventive, independent, loyal;
Unpredictable, inconsistent, detached, stubborn, aloof, extremist
* Note that the traits given above are not his personality

Portrayed as a quiet, solid man living a small life in his own head.
Lived on his planet in harmony until rumors started up, claiming the present state of
their planet to be in danger. Brushed them off like flies until their moon
was pulled out of orbit and came crashing down onto his planet, breaking
it into two. Was sent out in an 'escape pod' of sorts only for it to come crashing down
onto Feralheart's lands. Unconscious while his body transformed from his race
into those of the other's around him, seemingly magically but for a reason.
Woke up not too long ago in the outstretching plains of Flourite, shaken and cynical.
Still holds - and will forever hold - memories of his past planet but will never share them with anyone.
For now he will be reluctant to approach those of these lands but perhaps someone will catch his eye.

He is very reserved and aloof to the naked eye, but to those keen he can be seen
as someone who is very caring and nonchalant. However, he can turn like a dime,
loosing his temper very quickly and erupting into violence. He has little patience for small talk
and those with dull minds, much less tricks and pranks. A debbie-downer, a pessimist in most cases.
He can be more open and friendly with those he has seen before and can even be fun-loving
if put in the right circumstances. But, for the most part, grumpy and locked in.

Physical description later...

> Likes - Solitude, quiet, reading, brooks, water, lakes, plains, small/tight-knit groups.
> Dislikes - Large groups of people, deafening sounds, any physical activity, thick forests.

* Constantly developing...


> Physical: 86%; battered, bruised and scratched.
> Mental: 56%; Tipping over the edge a little, distrustful and cynical.
> Emotional: 78%; Shaken.


Read history for the likes of him currently.


lonely, im so lonely

*NOTE: This is always constantly changing!
Also, bear in mind that he is played 100% IC unless told otherwise. Don't take any of his actions personally please!
If you have a problem with him or myself don't post here, please PM me. Thanks.

Open for RP!

Oh wow, she's so interesting <3

Introduction / Re: Yay!
« on: May 27, 2014, 07:14:07 pm »
Thanks so much guys! And thank you for the links, they helped a whole bunch ?

Introduction / Yay!
« on: May 27, 2014, 05:42:50 pm »
I FINALLY managed to get an account here...while I'm sick, too. :I
So um some of you might know me from TEF, I play on there as toppledturtle/Shey. ^^' Umm well.. I'm not too good with introductions so hi.

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