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Messages - ArctosAnima

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Art Gallery / Skye'
« on: August 22, 2014, 08:31:44 pm »
*waves shyly*

Hi, peoples. Skye umm..been seeing a ton of art forums going around and thought of maybe including some of my own stuff, I guess...

Let me just warn you all though....I suck. Bad. Like really bad.

If you have deviantart:
If you have FurAffinity:

So yeah...*hides in a box; prepares for flaming*

Game Help / Re: WHY? Just why.
« on: June 23, 2014, 10:14:47 pm »
*insert "You're Awesome!" beagle meme here*


Game Help / Re: WHY? Just why.
« on: June 23, 2014, 09:58:30 pm »
Alright, soooo..

I gave my MassMarkings characters their original markings again, closed and uninstalled FH, deleted the FH folder, redownloaded and installed the game, signed in and made sure everything was fine..
Got a Bad Token my first time going in this time LOL

But, so far, I've been able to connect. Most of my characters were left in Cape, and the one I chose this time around loaded in fine. Little bit of lag at first, but everything is working like it used to.

I guess it was Aug22 and Pawsome causing it. See, only a few of my characters had MM, and only 2 had items, very simple ones. BUT, it makes sense that so many people having modded avatars would overwhelm my laptop with trying to load them all.

..I'm back to seeing Marshmallows hahaha. I've counted around 4 so far xD
Oh well. A small sacrifice to make my game work. I can deal with it.

Let me thank you all again for helping me out and giving me suggestions! I was afraid no one would reply and try to help. So, I really appreciate it, you guys. Thanks so much!
So far so good!

Game Help / Re: WHY? Just why.
« on: June 23, 2014, 07:55:24 pm »
Thank you to everyone who replied!

I just tried to load into the game, and it crashed of course, with my most basic character, Skye..who has one item - Vanity necklace.

I think what Whisper says makes sense. Before MM and Pawsome, OBVIOUSLY a ton of people were Marshmallows. And of course, getting the mods made me able to see peoples' avatars properly.
I would make a lot of sense for my computer to be overwhelmed by the amount of modded avatars.

The good thing is that I took screenshots of the Create screen for all my characters so I know what they have on them xD
What sucks though, is that I can't simple just "remove" the mods from the folders...When you go to "install" the mod files, you have to Move and Replace the old stuff so the mods work..I'm going to have to uninstall and reinstall the game entirely.....AGAIN. For the third time....oi vey lol.

Kind of unfair though that just wanting to join in with everybody else and my computer has to be a arse about it...Guess I gotta go back to Marshmallows again, eh? xD

As for Echo, yes you do make sense as well.
I had my own computer, a Gateway netbook, but it broke because I dropped for months, I've been on my brother/mother's Toshiba laptop which is...meh. It technically runs better than my Cow Box did (because everyone knows Gateway SUUUUCKS)....But I have to say, if my family could afford to get a new laptop, even a cheap one from a pawn shop, I would have bought a new one already. I mean come on lol. I wouldn't use this one if I had a choice.

It sucks...I'm going to sign back into the game and edit the 5 characters with MM back to their normal selves before the mods (even though they look soo much better with the new Markings). That way, when I reinstall the game, they wont be jacked up for me, since the mods will be gone.

Thanks for all your replies everyone...this really sucks, but oh well..Just gotta deal with it.

I'll post again later once the game is reinstalled. I'll let you all know if the game works again or not...and if not, I'm gonna be one pissed off fluffball xD

Game Help / WHY? Just why.
« on: June 23, 2014, 02:33:23 am »
Hey, everyone....It's me, Skye...again. I know you're all probably sick of seeing me since this is my 3rd thread, and I've only been around foooorrr...what, a week? Ish?

I mean, of course, I posted an Intro thread, then I had issues with SOME, only some, items in Pawsome Pack V5 causing the game to crash once I clicked Add (examples would be the items AceHat, CHat, Irish Deer Antlers, Sunglasses2, etc..many items would crash if I went to try them on, though it doesn't matter too much anymore because I know which I want to use, and which I don't care much about).

So, here is my third thread, and newest issue: The game is crashing. CONSTANTLY. It's not like other crash threads I've read. Trust me, I read all the help threads related to my problem before I started writing this.
Let me explain: I have 10 characters, currently. I use each of them depending on what I feel like. I usually go to whatever map I feel like as well, which usually includes South Pole, Ficho, or Cape (mostly because everywhere else is ridiculously and unfairly overpopulated).
Like I said, I've only been here a short time, learned a good bit, and the game has been running smoothly despite a few Bad Tokens and random crashes here and there. However, today was different. Yesterday, the game ran perfectly fine, no issues to speak of. I downloaded MassMarkings Aug22 and Pawsome Pack V5. Did everything correctly, all works fine, and spent a couple hours here and there throughout the day, seeing what everything looked like and editing a few of my characters. There were MUCH fewer players online today, this afternoon, than there were last night.

So..Since earlier this afternoon, around noonish-1pm, I took care of an essay I had to do for an Admission officer at a college. Afterwards, I wanted to play FH. Did my usual stuff: Closed everything except Task Manager. No browsers open or any other programs. Just FH and Task Manager (I always have it open). Basically, the ENTIRE DAY, the game has been constantly crashing. I HAVE taken breaks. No, I do not sit on my computer for 10 hours straight (it's now after 10pm, writing this sentence). There were a couple rare moments where I could be in a map and everything would work like normal - no lag, etc. Everything would be fine and I'd be chatting for around an hour or so. Then, while typing, BOOM random crash. This is not EVERY time, but basically, to be simple and blunt, every single time I have tried to play FH, it crashes.
Either: Randomly while chatting; letting my character load into the map and then crashing like 3 seconds after I'm in the map, before I can even move my cam and start moving or typing, or, the most common; the game will be at one of the loading screens, sit there for a couple minutes, get a Not Responding header, then crash. So most times, I can't get into a map at all. For the most part, I've been hanging (or trying to) in Cape of Distant Worlds...which has not gone any higher than around 30ish people today. Come on. I've been in Ficho with over 50 people in it. So, it can't be the amount of people. The game has run perfectly fine before today, despite the occasional Token or crash like I mentioned.

This is the first time I'm experiencing a problem of this level, so please, NO one say it's my computer. If it were the laptop, then the game would have never worked at all from the very beginning.
Before suggesting any typical solutions, let me explain that I have read MANY crash help threads on the forums here, and I HAVE tried pretty much every single thing suggested.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling. I did that the other day because of a texture failure, which turned out to be something with my computer, not the game (lol).
I have, obviously, given it time and waited, in case it were the internet/connection/server/too many people. Hasn't made a difference throughout the day, obviously.
I have disconnected, and reconnected my internet, which did nothing. Honestly, I don't see how a connection issue would cause a program crash. I would expect something like that to just say I can't connect to the server/map, or just give me a Bad Token. Nope, crash.
I even tried changing the rendering subsystem, like many people seem to suggest. I have tried Direct3D9, and OpenGL. Still crashes, no matter which one. The one I've always been playing on was Direct3D9. OpenGL actually lowered the frame rate (I noticed while the title screen panned through the background, it was much slower and choppier). Also, on OpenGL, I couldn't even get into freaking Lonely Cave. The starter, basic map. Game crashed on the loading screen before Lonely Cave. That's some bad stuff there.

So yeah, I've tried everything I can think of, and everything I've read. Nothing works. I can't get the game to stop crashing. Yes, I have tried loading in as different characters. Doesn't make a difference. Not all my characters have MassMarkings or Pawsome Items, so I KNOW it's not the mod packs causing it.

I may be new, I may suck at playing, and I may suck at making characters. I may suck at RPing, writing, and character development. But hey, I just want to be able to play for more than a few seconds.
I'm not exaggerating, I lost count and stopped counting after the crashes hit the 30+ mark. That is RIDICULOUS. Over 30 times? *sadness*

In case anyone needs to know for sure, it's that dreaded "FeralHeart.exe has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution to the problem.", which then goes to the message saying it couldn't be fixed, etc, and your only option is to click the "Close Program" button".

Please help your noobie white wolfie? T^T

Game Help / Re: Skye Needs Help, Please!
« on: June 22, 2014, 12:48:12 am »
Hng.. odd..

Temple of Dreams can be found at the south west of Fluorite Plains.
Map walkthrough
Considering people LOVE to overpopulate certain maps for no good reason, I've never actually been to Flourite, unfortunately, but thank you for telling me that :3

Game Help / Re: Skye Needs Help, Please!
« on: June 22, 2014, 12:19:28 am »
No, see, the REASON I uninstalled was BECAUSE of the color being all messed up. I told a friend and she said to uninstall and reinstall.

I uninstalled, deleted the FH folder, then redownloaded and reinstalled

Never found Temple of Dreams O.o

Game Help / Re: Skye Needs Help, Please!
« on: June 21, 2014, 11:54:59 pm »
Crap...well, thank you VERY much for trying!!! You're the only one to reply in the hour since I posted this, so thank you very much. I really appreciate it!

I know that one of the peeps on my Friends list has V5, and they haven't had issues with it >.<

Still, thank you!
I believe your best luck would be if you found someone with a netbook.
I'm unsure whether it could possibly be that which causes the issue.

Perhaps uninstall the game, delete the FeralHeart folder before installing it again.
Though, don't add the items until someone knows what the issue may be replies?

A lot of people are busy in the Summer party map, that's possibly why nobody's replied yet. ^^
A netbook is simply a smaller version of a regular laptop, which is a notebook. No huge differences in OS or system or anything, so I doubt that.

However, could you tell me about the Maps, actually? I noticed about the Party Map, and MANY others I've never heard of; when I scroll over the side of the website, I get a grid showing how many people are in which maps. Many maps are ones I haven't seen, nor do I think I can find them.
Do I have to download a Map Pack or something?

Also, would you know about the map/texture issue I mentioned at the end of my post, about SP and Ficho being yellow?

Game Help / Re: Skye Needs Help, Please!
« on: June 21, 2014, 11:43:36 pm »
Crap...well, thank you VERY much for trying!!! You're the only one to reply in the hour since I posted this, so thank you very much. I really appreciate it!

I know that one of the peeps on my Friends list has V5, and they haven't had issues with it >.<

Still, thank you!

Game Help / Re: Skye Needs Help, Please!
« on: June 21, 2014, 11:24:01 pm »
Did you replace all the files when it asked you to?

Are you using Windows 7? 8? MAC?
I am on a Toshiba netbook laptop, running Windows 7 Starter.
When it prompted me to "Move and Replace" I clicked Yes, because that's what the tutorials said to do.

Also, I double-checked the Items folder: your screenshot says your folder has 933 files, whereas mine has 977.
I have Pawesome Pack V5 if that helps

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