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Messages - .Divergent.

Pages: 1 [2]
Request Maps / Re: Help a Sista out?
« on: September 22, 2014, 10:50:40 pm »
Oh! One more thing. I do believe I promised to provide you with some of my work. So, here it is! I hope you enjoy. These can be both old and new pieces of work:

Request Maps / Re: Help a Sista out?
« on: September 22, 2014, 08:24:38 pm »
Oh, no worries! I'll send over a request when I have time; My username is .Divergent.

I also wish you luck on fixing your computer problems! Hopefully it'll be fixed soon.

Request Maps / Re: Help a Sista out?
« on: September 21, 2014, 10:55:11 pm »
Happy to help, hun! ^u^ And sure thing. I'll send you some of my examples over through here.
Also, mind telling me your FH username, so we can find each other in-game?

Request Maps / Re: Help a Sista out?
« on: September 19, 2014, 05:46:14 pm »
Heyyyy. ~ Moon here, this is just my main account. Just call me Didi, or whatever you'd like to call me. I don't mind. Welcome back to the FH community, dear. <3

This request doesn't seem too complicated nor too hard. Challenging, yes, but that's good! Makes me want to take chances and help improve my skills. Sounds like something I would be able to complete! Is it alright if I'd like to try it out? Yes, I've made a few maps so I believe I know what I'm doing. c: If you'd like some samples of my work, feel free to ask. ^u^

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