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Messages - wolfauthor

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Species / Sky Wolves
« on: November 08, 2014, 02:00:11 am »
Let me not stall on this and continue...

Sky Wolves.

Sky Wolves are from the sky. (No duh.) They originated from a large floating island that they called home. Many normal woodland creatures live there alongside the Sky Wolves. Sky Wolves have always been adventurous, and have flown down from their home to explore new lands. The Sky Wolves call the lands they explore, Feral Heart. Recently however, many Sky Wolves have fled from their island home to Feral Heart. Flourite Plains is often where you can see the Sky Wolves, however they can also be seen in Sky's Rim. Sky's rim is a popular place to stretch their wing... for now... Many Sky Wolves have been born with three types of evolution's as many say. The first is of the purebred Sky Wolf with large wings. The second of very small or medium sized wings. The final is with no wings at all. The medium wings are the most common, purebreds are uncommon, while no wings at all is a rare trait. Many say it is evolution of the ground.

While the looks of Sky Wolves vary, it generally stays fairly similar. Many Sky Wolves have wings, as stated above. These wings, any size, always match the color of their patterns. Their is one general pattern that all Sky Wolves have however, that can clearly define this. They all have oddly colored legs. Their legs are matching colors to their wings, and are the only truly defined feature they can have. While their body color and wolf shape can vary to all realistic pure wolf shades, their legs are an unnatural color. It is usually blue, if not blue, a dark color of another. The natural colors besides their markings like said before however, can vary. There is one final feature about the Sky Wolves that must be mentioned however. Their tails often have little to no markings. Their heads can have a range of markings matching their legs and tail. While pure marked heads are rare, it is a possibility. For another example, look at my profile image. It is of Solar, an alpha of a Sky Wolf pack upon Feral Heart.

Finally for the overall ways of the Sky Wolf... Sky Wolves practically act like other wolves. Their ways are almost identical. Sky Wolves are advanced, and use laws however. This keeps things organized. One similar personality trait commonly shared between the species is the desire for adventure, and the desire to be with others.

Thank you for reading about this wonderful species and I hope all my floofies will make characters of Sky Wolves for themselves! You may want to just so you can join my pack!  :D

Introduction / Finally here!
« on: November 05, 2014, 02:42:26 am »
Hello FH community! How ya doing? I'm good...

I am finally here! After a year of checking the registration it was finally open!
A tad of information about me, not too much though.

I am an author who loves to write about animals, and roleplay with story characters. I am a furry, and I proudly wear a tail. My friends tend to say I'm usually funny and cheerful, but sometimes I can be dead serious and almost daunting.

That is a tad about me!

I look forward to roleplaing and making friends in the FH community!

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