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Messages - MaybeMay

Pages: 1 [2]
Member Bio & Journals / Re: Atlas/Melly/May's Bio!!
« on: February 27, 2017, 01:24:38 am »
Thanks Kynvuu! <3

Ask Me / Ask Maaaaay!
« on: February 26, 2017, 07:04:03 am »
Here you can ask me stuff! How I got my nicknames, or anything, really. Just remember to be nice and follow the forum rules!


Characters / May's Characters >>>u>>>
« on: February 26, 2017, 05:50:17 am »
Time to show off the fruits of my creative passion that have accumulated over the years... Or at least the ones I like the most. @u@

Banari - Group: None / The Creed - Species: Wolf - Gender: Female - Age: 7 y/o
Banari is a character that really began in a group called The Creed. It was an awesome group lead by Grimm, and they lived all over the Bonfire Islands around October 2016 ish. They were a ruthless group of pirate-like wolves, and if you look them up on Youtube or these forums, you might find something about them. Banari is a white, limber she-wolf with wavy fur and pale blue eyes. At first she was antisocial and aggressive, but gradually she blossomed into an unintentionally Harley Quinn-type character. Having been around the already crazy crewmates of The Creed, she gradually grew a bit manic. She lives for battle and loves the taste of blood, but tends to use her femininity here and there to get what she wants. While Grimm, the leader of The Creed, was around, she was head over heels for him. He of course was sadistic and dominating, overall summarizing as a cruel-hearted ba***rd. She fought for him and killed for him, until he disappeared. Banari never really became close to him, though. I guess now that I'm back from my hiatus I'll be searching for a fun group to put this little salty lass in, so if anyone wants to offer a spot for her, PM me! Just keep in mind that she is still stubbornly loyal to her family in The Creed.

To Be Continued...

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Atlas/Melly/May's Bio!!
« on: February 26, 2017, 05:33:25 am »
Thank you all! <3

Member Bio & Journals / Atlas/Melly/May's Bio!!
« on: February 26, 2017, 03:06:35 am »
I know this is supposed to be in Member Bios and Journals... I started this as an intro and it turned into something else.

Helloooooo, Feralheart community! I am Atlas, but honestly I'd prefer people call me May. It's just more natural for me. I have been playing Feralheart for 6 years, although this account is only about 4 years old. I have taken quite lengthy hiatuses here and there, due to school. Honestly, I have never been active on the forums in these 6 years, but I'm hoping to change that! I would like to integrate myself into this community more. Now to make a bit of a biography...

May, Atlas, Melly

Female, Heterosexual

Favorite Things:
My 2 dogs, my cat, my betta fish, my iguana, Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward, Naruto, dogs, cheesy romance anime, Jurassic Park, wearing my hair in a bun or ponytail, roleplay, pastel colors, pierogies, Skyrim, Pokemon, Gorillaz, sushi, sleep, cooking, drawing.

Fears/Things I Dislike:
Loud people, needles, spicy things, most sweet things, needles, having my ears touched, ASMR, being hot, being dirty.

Random Facts:
I'm severely allergic to shellfish and poison ivy, I'm obsessed with dogs, I draw a lot, I write a lot, I have little opinion over others (I say things like "Do what you want" or "My opinion doesn't matter" a lot), I'm generally laid-back, I have anxiety and insomnia, I play a lot of video games but I'm not really good at them, and my favorite movies are Moana, Ponyo, and Spirit: Stallion of The Cimarron.

Well, that concludes it! I may start doing journals on another thread if people would be interested. Writing down my feelings and stuff might be interesting, and might help me with my writing skills. Please give me some feedback on that, though!

Game Help / Re: Can't log in on browser page OR game.
« on: February 26, 2017, 02:32:30 am »
I've got here a little late but good luck in fixing this, Atlas! Sorry to hear of your troubles.
But you should contact a staffer about fixing your name as that might be the culprit.

Good luck!<3

Thank you!

Game Help / Re: Can't log in on browser page OR game.
« on: February 25, 2017, 07:03:55 pm »
You could try accessing the User Panel from a different browser?
Try contacting a staff member regarding your problem from here: Staff Page

Thank you both. I have tried different browsers, but it didn't solve the issue. My computer might have a virus (my siblings download roblox and a lot of other stuff on it). I have contacted a mod, and I am hoping that will solve this for good.

Game Help / Can't log in on browser page OR game.
« on: February 25, 2017, 05:45:57 am »
So, I had recently taken a hiatus (due to school), and when I returned, there appeared to a be few new things.

I tried to log in on the browser page (the one you must keep open to play the game) and the page simply tells me to change my username because of the symbols (The little ~~). So I've clicked the link and it just refreshes the page (or just takes me back to the page again). I'm awfully confused. I've tried changing my username on the main site, but I can't seem to, because it has the same problem. I don't know if a mod could possibly change my hat username for me? I'm in no rush, but I would like to solve this so I can contact some good friends of mine.

Thank you for listening to me rambling!  :)

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