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Messages - RoloWagon

Pages: 1 [2]
News Archives / Re: A couple of notes
« on: September 26, 2018, 03:10:51 pm »
Thank you for the update, Raz. I agree with you that everyone over-reacted and oversimplified, myself included. I let myself get swept up in the riot-inciting that others were engaging in, which I regret. Not having staff yesterday honestly made FH feel the chillest and most relaxed it's been in a really long time.

I'd definitely appreciate a little more explanation as to how the block/ban process will work, but I trust it won't be super easy to manipulate, which is what I know myself and many others are probably fearing. I appreciate you giving us even this much, because I didn't expect it.

Before anyone decides to disagree with me about "over-reacting," please remember that over the course of 24 hours, people decided to incite riots in the names of staff members who weren't even entirely innocent in this entire ordeal. They threw a fit, and like a blind mob, you (and I, to some extent) followed. You guys made a Discord server that has essentially become a rant and rave server where you guys THINK you're going to somehow create your own game over the course of 72 hours. Go ahead and make a new game, then, if you want to defend a lame duck staff team's honor. I'm not saying that this entire situation is perfect, and I don't necessarily agree with the moves Raz has taken. But that sure as heck doesn't mean that the staff does not have their own faults, either. (Not all of the staff has been bad, though, I'll be clear. Several of them are reasonable human beings.) Either stay and test this out, or don't. It's that simple.

News Archives / Re: Moderator Free October
« on: September 25, 2018, 12:49:45 am »
To Raz,

I've been on FeralHeart for six years, and have seen the game through a lot of ups and downs. Not once have I posted on the forums to my knowledge, but this has drawn me out. Not only to support the staff team, but to also ask why this happened and what led to this decision.

I understand that you own the servers, and that at the end of the day, you pay for this game to exist. But if you have no interest in it, or its community, any longer, then why not try to find a way to hand it off to people who can and are willing to manage it? Perhaps I'm reading into things, but it seems to me like you simply don't want to deal with the FH community anymore. And I understand that, I really do. It can be tiring to deal with. But this is a terrible idea, and if you're really that tired of being in charge and letting the staff team do their jobs and help this community, then find a means of handing it off maturely and peacefully.

I honestly can't understand the logic behind this choice other than wanting to see people get angry and suffer. And that's no way to run a community, let alone live a life. But I hope you reconsider. For the staff team, and for the community as a whole.

-- RoloWagon, aka Badge

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