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Messages - LordoftheRedBull

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Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before an admin/mod posts!
« on: July 11, 2017, 06:27:07 am »

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before a Member of the Season posts!
« on: July 11, 2017, 06:26:26 am »

Hello there.
I'm interesting about your pack, but the members use only the similar marking pack? (as I understand)

Mhmm, understandly.
Sadly, I have not a MAC computer (Then I can't help for you), but in this site can not find a helpful topic?

I meant no markings that were downloaded. I know this is weird, but I want to see everyone's markings! If I figure out how to download markings, then I may be able to remove that requirement.
Hope this explained it!

Hello there.
I'm interesting about your pack, but the members use only the similar marking pack? (as I understand)

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Lord's biography
« on: July 05, 2017, 06:00:45 am »
You like space and cars.  i must talk to you some time.
Yaay, I'm soo soo soo happy about it c:
Feel free to find me in-game :)

Introduction / Re: Hello from a returning player!
« on: July 04, 2017, 02:55:32 pm »
Welcome back to the FH world!

You look like the interesting person, I hope we are meeting somewhere in the game

Have a nice game :)

Member Bio & Journals / Lord's biography
« on: July 04, 2017, 02:08:58 pm »

Well, where I can start my little tale about my life journey?!

My real name is Blanka, Blanka Bárdos. Yeah, I use the apostrophe in my name c: -> yup, it's me.

I born at 1993 in the little Central-European country, named by Hungary (if you don't know where is it, just go to the link). - > Soo yeah, really little ^^"

My childhood stand at the village where I lived, later I go to the High school & because I can't gone to the hungarian university, I live 1 year in the neighbor country, Slovakia (because of University).

When I was 20 years old, me & my family moved our home, to the secondary biggest city in Hungary, Debrecen. - > the main square, the Petőfi square.

Here I found my dream work, in the car salon, I was a cashier, about 2 years ago ^^
Here I find my soul mate, my boyfriend :) -> yes, we are in the picture.
Here I find my happiness.

At the FH I was played at 5-6 years ago. Yes, maybe c:
My main username is Optimusfan, but now I use the LordoftheRedBull account -> idk, why I change it.

What I likes in the real life:
- Animals
- Transformers
- Sci-fi
- Technology
- Cars
- My boyfriend <3
- My family <3
- My cat <3
- My phone (bc I bought it, my own cash)
- My job
- Talking about science & deep things.

What I dislikes in the real life:
- Frogs
- Annoying peoples
- Liars

If you are curious and want to know more information about me, feel free to
- ask here
- send me a friend request in-game (LordoftheRedBull)
- send me a friend request at facebook (
- ask me in my e-mail address (sorry, this is private)

Have a nice day/afternoon/night ^^


In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Ashes to Dust
« on: July 03, 2017, 06:03:57 pm »

Good luck on gaining members! This looks interesting ~

Thank you very much that your wish :)

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Ashes to Dust
« on: July 03, 2017, 10:50:56 am »
Well, hello guys!

As, some player knows, I left The Unknown Canines pack, because we have the leader a little trouble. She make it a little childish personality, soo yeah.

But here I am again and now I start to advertising my new pack (nor I'm the leader).

Soo, we are the Ashes to Dust.

We are active pack (Activity level: 8/10 - weekends 10/10)
We are mapless (based in the Eastern Pass)
We are sited (use the weebly site -
We are semi to literate pack (don't need the rp sample)
We are semi to real pack (do not use the neon colored fur & unreal items)
We are mature pack (harsh tones, sexuality - gore - blood are low levels, but allowed)
and the most important...
We are family-oriented

If you are interested to join, please contact me HERE, or find me or the leader in-game.

Leader username: Dagger1
My username: LordoftheRedBull

Looks interesting! Good luck on gaining members :)
Hello there. Please find in-game BlackHeart usernamed members, because we have a little trouble and I left the pack yesterday.

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