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Messages - Misinterpreted

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Game Discussion / Re: New Character Bio Words/Trends?
« on: March 24, 2015, 03:19:40 am »
I will admit, I in fact do use some wolf speak in my biographies. However I do not use a lot. I most certainly don't use Hessian or dame or even damsel or titan. I'll use male or female.

Game Discussion / Re: Do you think FH has become more inactive?
« on: March 21, 2015, 02:40:12 am »
Yes, many players have left the game to many reasons. Most of which were stated above, but the main two that I'd agree with would be the game not updated and rude players. I've met too many rude players in the game to be honest. :C

Forum Discussion / Re: Ever go back and read your old posts?
« on: March 18, 2015, 06:11:56 am »
Sometimes I go back and read old PM's. I've never read my old posts. However I would say that some of my PM's make me a bit sad. Just like Vespian, I'd rather keep moving forward. I fear looking back into the past.

Game Discussion / Re: What Textures do You Use?
« on: March 18, 2015, 06:07:56 am »
I use CoyoteMange's canine texture however I cannot find the specific link. And for the feline I use Delay's. Everything else, even the eyes and mane, are a mix of random others.

Game Discussion / Re: Closest FeralHeart friend
« on: March 13, 2015, 03:47:37 pm »
I have many friends. XD Actually one of my closest friends became something more than a friend, heh. We talk every day through Skype now and also play steam games. We meet up on FH sometimes but whenever she has time. I've got to say I have known her from FH for... 3 years? I don't know, maybe more. But she is wonderful, and I would of never gotten this far without her. <3

Creepiest time I had was that someone friended me randomly, I accepted and then a few minutes later I find out they were wanting to be my mate and they tried flirting with me, calling me a "Cutie Patootie" in whisper. |:

Game Discussion / Re: Your opinion on FNAF OCs?
« on: March 12, 2015, 01:13:07 pm »
To be completely honest, this whole ''Five Nights At Freddy's'' thing makes me abit annoyed and kinda put a distance between myself and those people. The first few weeks the game came out was fine, I bought it on steam and played around with it. I even got scared by it for awhile, but then after weeks pass I stopped playing the game because I got very bored with it and yet people were still drooling and screaming like children over it. I was honestly quite glad that once the hype for the game died down for a few weeks. Until the second game's trailer came out...Ugh. Same game just a more spookier story right? You have to watch the screen and jump screens galore. Oh and story and plot because why not? I dunno it just seems like the same game only with a number ''2'' after it. I didn't even buy the second game due to me wasting my money  on the first game. I'm usually not the one who is for the Original Characters, because they make them just like the ones in the game. The ones used in the game are left behind and then others become popular and famous and all the fandom and kids love that character and make their own Character just like them. I dunno, I'm not trying to be rude or mean or anything because you can make whatever you like as long as it makes you happy, but I'm just not a fan of them at all.
    couldn't explain this any other way. Thank you, Berrymutt. I have the same opinion.

Site/Forum Help / Re: Have a bit of a problem...
« on: March 07, 2015, 05:53:04 pm »
I've tried that for a while. Sometimes it'll work but if there is solution for this please let me know! Thank you all for your replies! ^-^

Game Discussion / Re: "Stealing" Characters?
« on: March 07, 2015, 05:37:51 pm »
I see this happen a lot. However it happens a lot with bios. People will copy other people's style of making their bios. I personally think its okay as long as they don't copy every single detail and act like they made it. Just get a little inspiration from it.

But with characters, this bugs me a bit because I've seen people copy names of a character of mine right after maybe an hour after I log on. It gets quite annoying because I don't know if they will use it to troll around and ruin my reputation or just using it as an inspiration. If they use it as inspiration, I'm fine with it. Just as long as they don't copy every single detail.

Site/Forum Help / Have a bit of a problem...
« on: March 07, 2015, 05:17:35 pm »
This problem occurs a lot when I try PMing a moderator a report.
The request seems to be having trouble being sent to the server (in other words: the request times-out)
I have to wait a few minutes to try and send a report and sometimes it will go through but its very rare. Most of the time I just get a time-out error.
My browser is fine. I even tried multiple other browsers and get the same problem (Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer).
I will eventually get this window for the error when it times out:

Is this a common server-sided problem? Is there any way to fix this? I know someone else posted a help-thread on this before and I tried the suggestions that were posted and that didn't help. I need to find a way around this.

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