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Messages - LakeStep

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Game Help / Re: Help with downloading fh?
« on: December 25, 2017, 11:39:36 pm »
Thanks Kiki 💚

Game Help / Help with downloading fh?
« on: December 25, 2017, 11:34:49 pm »
Ok. So I recently got my computer redone and it updated my windows and screwed everything up. So, I take to the FH forums for help. When I install FH, I notice a couple of files are missing. From what I remember I am missing my markings and a couple others. I have tried to completely delete FH from my pc but when i reinstall the web setup and install FH once more, the files are still missing. If anyone could help, it would be very appreciated.

Many thanks,
Emerald. :)

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Goatees
« on: August 10, 2017, 02:03:22 am »
I think they should add goatees as like a tuft. I have a ton of characters with goatees and i would love to see one added into the game! i know there is item packs for it, bet they're all massive!
nothing I NEED but, it would be a nice addition!

Game Help / Re: HELP!
« on: June 14, 2017, 11:52:34 pm »
what ever mod passes by feel free to lock

Game Help / Re: HELP!
« on: June 14, 2017, 11:52:20 pm »
no. thats not what i'm trying to say, the preset_(1-whatever) does not show up on the pages! There's something wrong with my folders. I ended up just resetting and just replacing what i needed.

Game Help / HELP!
« on: June 14, 2017, 11:40:40 pm »
My friend had made me a preset and i wasn't allowed to use it. i pasted all the files in to my "preset_4" folder. Keep in mind i tried making myself a preset a little while and it didn't work. I never touched any of the .mat files or anything like that. only thing i touch is the screenshots, presets (for me and my friends), my_presets, items, and markings. Only cfg's i replace are the markings and items. I know it isn't the .skel files because i know how to replace those properly. anything you guys could do? Don't say reinstall the game because i reinstalled it twice. even compared it to my original feral heart folder! Please! I really want this preset to work! Thank you, LakeStep.

Game Help / Re: Keeps crashing?
« on: March 27, 2017, 10:17:28 pm »
okay. i ended up fixing it. i had to redownload each. thanks for helping guys!

Game Help / Re: Keeps crashing?
« on: March 27, 2017, 10:05:58 pm »
the reason i wanted to keep em is because i am doing a video with my friend with em'

Game Help / Re: Keeps crashing?
« on: March 27, 2017, 09:35:41 pm »
That is an extremely strange issue that I have never heard happening. Guess you could always try reinstalling your game (even though that's difficult and nobody wants to do that)

Really sorry I couldn't be of more help. :/

I think i may be one of my markings. The character the next arrow was pointing to had the same marking it was crashing on for me when i went to create a new character. I will look for it / redowload the markings. maybe that will work.

Game Help / Re: Keeps crashing?
« on: March 27, 2017, 09:28:02 pm »
Well the first thing you could do is go to FeralHeart>Particles and see if you have any duplicates (Anything ending in _0 or _1) and delete those.

However, this seems to be a slightly different issue. Have you by any chance installed an animation mod and misplaced a skeleton file? I've done that before (Downloaded a canine animation and then out of curiosity removed it just to see what it would do, and when I opened the game, I skipped to my canine character and it immediately crashed the game.)

If THAT doesn't work, you could always try changing your rending system to see if that helps.

Okay. So. I already checked the particles. Next, I didn't misplace any skeleton files because I chose the character it would let me. Then i clicked the other arrow and it worked. I might just have to used that arrow and that arrow only. :(

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