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Messages - TheChillFangirl

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 8
Ask Me / Re: You can ask me questions if you like!
« on: December 22, 2015, 01:05:33 am »
1. Tortellini soup, bread and milk (I literally just finished eating dinner ;D)

2. I use felines more often.


Discussion Board / Re: I'm Moving!
« on: December 21, 2015, 11:18:47 pm »

Okay.  I live in Ohio, and it's absotively fantabulous!  Where I live, the schools are fantastic (except our high school football team; they suck (like literally, the only reason people come to football games is to see the band)), the homes are nice, and the people are the greatest.  I can't tell you much about the sports here because I'm a potato outside of band season.  But if you're in band, you are in sooooo much luck because you're talking to a huge band geek here.  ;) :D

Where are you moving to (like, where in Ohio?)?  Wait.  You don't have to say.  That's kinda touchy, isn't it?  I wouldn't give away where I live to the public.  So, if you wanna tell me, you can pm me.  Or you can say it to the public.  Or you don't have to say.


But yeah, I can give loads of advice if you want!



Discussion Board / Help me convince my parents to get me a Tumblr!
« on: December 21, 2015, 11:10:21 pm »
Hey guys!

So, I've been asking for a Tumblr account (yes.  I don't have a Tumblr.), and I'm asking for one for Christmas.  But my parents want to know, Why would you ever need a Tumblr??? What will you do with it???  Is it safe??? and so on.  I am terrible with coming up with reasons, and I really want a Tumblr, so could you guys help?


Also.  It seems kinda weird, because my brother has one, and he has an Instagram and a Snapchat too, and all I have is this and QuizUp (and these don't really count in my opinion because they're technically not social media platforms).  I dunno.  Parents are weird.  And protective.  And that's fantabulous.


Discussion Board / Re: Is it okay that...?
« on: December 21, 2015, 11:03:37 pm »
Yay! It is okay!

I have a drama club teacher too who is very close with his students too (me included, but he and I aren't as close as my band director and I).  That nickname is adorable :)  And yeah, teachers can be as influential and as caring as parents.  It kinda seems like that for my band director and I.  Yes, depending on the family situation, it could even be better than parents as well.



Ask Me / You can ask me questions if you like!
« on: December 21, 2015, 08:37:08 pm »
Hey guys!

So, I know I'm not big or popular *looks to the fabulous floofy mods*  *looks to MOTS winners*  *looks to literally everyone but me*, but you guys can ask me anything you like!  But be warned; I may say, "I prefer not to answer that", or "I'd rather not say", or things like that.  *pounds fist on table*  * acts official*  I reserve the right to do that!  But other than that, have fun. :)



Discussion Board / Is it okay that...?
« on: December 21, 2015, 08:30:10 pm »
Hey guys!

So, I know that it's only a day or two into Christmas Break, but is it okay that I'm already like hardcore missing my band director?


I am a huge band geek and my band director is literally one the the best people I know.  He's always happy, he always has good advice, he always has a smile on his face, and he loves music and teaching. (there is so much more that I could say about him but I don't wanna put you to sleep)  He and I are close, and I pulled the (higher) band together (there's two bands; the higher one is smaller, so it was easier (it was last minute (shut up))) to get him a Christmas gift (nice things about him/band written by the kids put into a Christmas tin), and he loved it.  It made me feel really happy, and I already miss going into band class and seeing his bubbly persona and its only FREAKING MONDAY AND I HAVE TWO WEEKS LEFT OH LORDY LORD.

So, is that okay?

Also, I have no clue how I'm gonna get through the end of the year.  I will be going to the high school and my fabulous band director only teaches middle school. GAH :'(



Discussion Board / Re: To everyone who deserves a smile...
« on: December 21, 2015, 08:15:22 pm »


*gives floofs*

This looks really really really interesting, as I am of Italian descent. :)   BUT!  Exams are coming up.  Drama performances.  Science fair.  So on and so forth.  In other words, I might not have a lot of time to do a whole lot.  Can I still join?  I play the game mostly on the weekends, but I can be on the forums almost any time during the week and weekend.



I am really glad that this issue is fixed/being fixed, especially with the security.  I am one of those people who will not sign up for anything until I know where my information is going.  I was pretty confident with this site, and then the attack happened, and scared me a little, especially with the looming threat of "hackers" coming along.  then Raz fixed the game (THANK YOU!! :D), and that put me at a little bit of ease.  Then Red explains what happened and how he's going to fix it, and I think it's all gonna be okay.  So I want to thank the staffys that worked on this again.  Without you guys, (a) we wouldn't have had the wonderful game beforehand, (b) we wouldn't have the security we have now, and (c) my information could've been anywhere on the internet.  So thank you guys!!!


Discussion Board / Re: How to: Pass time. (WIP)
« on: November 30, 2015, 03:58:34 am »
Movies:  Where do I start??????  Okay:  Pretty much any Marvel movie ever, The Martian, Minions, Harry Potter, Real Steel, The Lion King, Big Hero 6, and more :D

TV: Sherlock, Mythbusters, The Flash, Jessica Jones, Broadchurch, and more :D

YouTubers: danisnotonfire (Dan Howell), AmazingPhil (Phil Lester), Dan and Phil GAMES, Dan and Phil CRAFTS

Oooooohhhh: You should make a book list too :)


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