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Messages - Sunrae117

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Species / --Zino's Dog--
« on: July 13, 2015, 08:39:23 pm »
!!Please ask permission before making one, and please follow the creation guild lines!!  

Zino's Dog

Zino's Dogs are dogs created by (believe it or not)a man named Zino. Not much is known about him. Only rumors suggesting he had some very weird choices in his job and had people coming after him. He created the dogs to protect himself and his treasure. This might suggest where the jewelry the breed wares comes form. Even though Zino is said to be dead, even though there are no records suggesting a specific date that he died on. The dogs still continue to roam around the world, as if their master is still alive.

BREED SPECIFIC: Zino's dogs are a very proud race and see them selves as more elite then other species, especially those that cant fly. Zino's dogs normally travel separately or in small bands. Despite being more secluded they sometimes choose to latch onto groups of other animals for temporary amounts of time.

Zino's Dogs also tend to adorn themselves in animals remains, such as bones and feathers, and then in jewelry. This stems from their prideful nature and drive to impress their master.

Females tend to be larger then the males, but Zino's Dogs are very large animals in general so averagely their sizes are about even.

Forests, plains, cliffed or areas with steep perches are preferred.




Anywhere within the orange boxes.

COLORING: The main body should be brown, the under fur being a lighter variety of that and the markings being a darker version of the base pelt. The color around the eye can either match the marking colors or the under fur color, but it must match one of the two. Wings must be the same color of the markings or the pelt depending on the markings you adorn your Zino's Dog with.

MARKINGS: Markings can vary accordingly, but some markings(like the ones based off of games) you will not be aloud to use on a Zino's Dog. The markings you use don't necessarily have to be realistic, but must not be too out their.


TAIL: No. If a Zino's dog were to have a tail, it would be a sign of impurity and the member who has it would be treated as an outcast.

EARS: should be folded, or default ears. Also note that their ears are larger then the default size. But are not super big.

CHEEKS: Cheeks should line up with the body's width when looking face on at a Zino's Dog.

NOSE/FORHEAD: Should remain around the default sizes. Nose color should also be the same color as the eyes. Noses can not be solid black.

MANE/HAIR: Zino's Dogs have mane hair on their head and have back mane. The colors of their hair is normally, but not limited, white, off-white, tans, creams, light grays.

EYES: Eye type should be "Ring", and they should be the same color as the noise. Eyes can not be solid black.

WINGS: Bird/feather wings. NOT AN ITEM. The wings you use have to be the bird wings the game offers so that you are able to fly.

The items you must have:
Horns. Any type will do.

Items you can have, and/or we recommend you to have on your Zino's Dog.
Jewelry like necklaces, chains, bangles, bracelets, rings, piercings, even crowns.
Bones, or other animals remains. This includes spikes, bone armor, or feathers.


----You are required to join this group to keep in touch with other members of the species and possibly rp with them----

----Also please put  a picture of the Zino's Dog you make here, but only if you are aloud to make one----

Species / Re: Unknown Species
« on: July 13, 2015, 06:56:57 pm »
The only name I think sounds cool is Canis Vulpix. There isn't relaly a reason to call them shadow wolves besides their dark coats. And horned wolves  is a rather up front boring name. I like these critters though. O3O

Species / Re: Turtle's Species
« on: July 13, 2015, 06:39:54 pm »
I love the avisdier and the sluggers! I love how you managed to make these chracters in FH so well!


-This rp has some strict guidelines as far as character creation goes. Please keep in mind this is all to remain organized. This rp centers around two guilds that are set up out on fluorite planes. Within roleplay members of their own guilds can be given missions from their mission board on the site to earn fame. The more fame your character gains the more likely they are to be chosen for raids, skirmishes, or even switched out with others for higher ranks. Each guild has an internal set of default rules within rp(these rules only matter in rp) these rules can be changed by leaders at any time, for any reason. This allows for different forms of leadership and things like corruption to form.

MISSIONS: Missions are selective parts of the rp. To get a mission you can register to do it on the mission board list page. You must rp what happens in this mission. Missions can be done in groups or alone. You can either rp them within group chat on feral heart, or roleplay them on the "MISSIONS" forum page. Missions can also be carried out against other players from different guilds. The more fame you have the more likely you are to be sent to do this, or be attacked yourself. When taking part in these missions you are not aloud to kill the other guild member, unless it was consented before hand. Members can be aware that they can add their amount of fame points into their forum signature for others to see, though it will be labeled elsewhere on the site.

FAME: Fame can be earned from increasing in rank, completing missions, or does something noble in the eyes of your guild. Ranks like right/left hand and leader get default fame points. Left/right hands receive one point, guild leaders receive two. The can also receive more for leading skirmishes, or get more for being outstanding at their jobs. This is dictated by the opinions of the other guild members.

SKERMISHES: Skirmishes are battles acted out by your guild upon the other guild. on the "Guilds" page on the site, it shows the number of skirmishes each guild has initiated, and then how many they have one or lost.


-This is a new RP and I am looking for new members. All information is on its website. Please read the rules, character guidelines, and the "Guild Classes" page before posting here.


-your user name

-your character(s)' name

-the guild you want (WIND FALL or BRIGHTVALE)

-the class(see the classes page on the site) you prefer for your rp character

- the stats you decide on based on your character(s)' class

-the rank you want(see the bottom of the classes page. there is a link to the page for ranks)

- the appearance of your character. All this information will also be requested to be put in your bio, so other group members can see that bio. (you may add pictures if you want)

-and finally, an rp sample


CHRACTER NAME: Ikky (Ee-key)
GUILD: Wind Fall
CLASS: Archer

-Speed: 63%%
-Stamina: 86%
-Physical Power: 65%
-Mental Power: 88%
-Magic Abilities: 11%

RANK: Guild Leader
APPEARENCE: Ikky has ruffle tawny/brown colored hair, and bright green eyes. He is about 6.1 feet tall. Icky carries a bow and quiver. He wares a dark grey turtleneck like shirt and long tan pants. He has black boots similar to hiking boots.

RP SAMPLE: Ikky held his bow in his hand slowly raising it off his back slowly, peering at the large black creature on the ground. He narrowed his eyes looking at it, getting an arrow ready while trying to remain as quiet as possible. A smile formed on his face as the creature did not seem to notice his presence, it being to busy ripping at some poor deer it had killed. It was a large bulky animal and Ikky raised his bow before inching closer from his branch. Ikky gasped as he moved his foot to far off the branch, quickly moving himself back, which made just too much noise. He bit back on his lip as the black animal turned toward where he was. Ikky sat there, stark still, waiting for it to either lunge toward the tree to get him or to turn to continue eating.


I realize this may be a lot, but it is apart of the rp that you pick these selective things.


There are two guilds you can join. The Wind Fall's Guild, and the Brightvale Guild.



Guild Leader: Ikky(sunrae117)

Right Hand: open (only oen of this rank)

Left hand: open (only one of this rank)

MAGE(healer): open (only one of this class)

THE OTHER LABELED CLASSES: open (as many as possible)

APPRENTICE: open (limited)


Guild leader: open(only one of this rank)

right hand: open (only one of this rank)

MAGE/healer: open (only one of this class)

THE OTHER LABELED MEMBERS: open (as many as possible)

APPRENTICES: open(limited)
-Thank you for reading all that I have written and checking out the website. ^.^

Finished Maps / Re: .:Dinousour RP map:.
« on: June 24, 2015, 03:00:25 pm »
The map looks fantastic, rae. I'm loving those details. c: +floof
thank you! >3<

Finished Maps / Re: .:Dinousour RP map:.
« on: June 24, 2015, 03:29:52 am »
can one of these be deleted? I have two of the same post out do to loading errors, and did not realize it until now.

Finished Maps / .:Dinousour RP map:.
« on: June 24, 2015, 02:34:12 am »
-This map is a public dinosaur themed map, and obviously feral heart rules still apply here. Any fighting or deaths/wounds that happen in role play are to be consented, and no "God Moding" is aloud.

-Map includes two labs/facilities, to rp as scientists or researchers on dinosaurs, or as dinosaurs kept in the lab. The rest of the map includes a river, pond, and a large jungle type terrain. It has four dens and then small patches of bedding dotted on the map for loners.


-The Jungle

-Den(there are four total)

-Lab: fighting areana. The bigger lab includes a fighting rink.

-View of the Jungle from the bigger Lab

~CONS: Its a little laggy sometimes.   :'(
((going to try and edit it later to reduce the lag))

Finished Maps / .:Dinousour RP map:.
« on: June 24, 2015, 02:33:54 am »
-This map is a public dinosaur themed map, and obviously feral heart rules still apply here. Any fighting or deaths/wounds that happen in role play are to be consented, and no "God Moding" is aloud.

-Map includes two labs/facilities, to rp as scientists or researchers on dinosaurs, or as dinosaurs kept in the lab. The rest of the map includes a river, pond, and a large jungle type terrain. It has four dens and then small patches of bedding dotted on the map for loners.


-The Jungle

-Den(there are four total)

-Lab: fighting areana. The bigger lab includes a fighting rink.

-View of the Jungle from the bigger Lab

~CONS: Its a little laggy sometimes.  

« on: June 17, 2015, 12:49:53 am »
omg thank you guys so much its working now. This so relieving. lol I was so upset it was having troubles to begin with so thank you to all who offered help.

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