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Messages - altereddeox

Pages: 1 [2]
In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Dark Mist Wolf Pack
« on: February 11, 2016, 01:11:28 pm »
This looks really cool!   

Wolf Name: Odah (full name Odahkotah, meaning friendship ouo)
Wolf Age: He's about 20
Wolf Gender: Male
FH Username: Skyobsession
Tell me about your character's past and personality:
 Odah is a very calm, easy-going wolf. With his head in the clouds, paws on the ground, he is quite the daydreamer. That's not to say he isn't a hard worker, and devoted to his brethren though, as Odah would gladly lay down his life for the protection of any wolf. He is bound heavily by honor, and has deep roots in nature. He often travels on his own, a very free spirit, but is known to settle into packs as he gets lonely on the road. He is very skilled in healing properties, and has been training as a wiseman/shaman his entire life. Odah has an affinity for the stars, and is prone to staying up late to watch the twinkling expanse. He holds the belief that when a wolf dies, their soul goes to paradise, and they can be seen on the surface as stars. He sings for them often. He tells many stories, and will always be merciful.

Now give me an RP sample about anything (I'm looking for around 3-4 sentences that have proper grammar used and correct spelling):
The call of a distant bird marks the beginnings of morning as dawn paints the stones of the resting spot a myriad of oranges and gold shades. Odah's light colored fur glows with light, warmth soaking the large beast. It is not long before the lupine's eyes crack open, the frosted blue dim and gray colored in the shade of his face. As he turns to the sunrise, however, the color in his eyes bursts into life, his level gaze reflecting the light of the newborn sun. "Good morning, little dawn." the wolf greets the sun softly, his head dipping respectfully to the celestial majesty. After a decent stretch and a hearty yawn, Odah made his way down onto the grass, his paws wiggling against the dew of the small fronds. A new day.

If you need any screenshots of Odah or anything, let me know!

Ah I like your sample and your character you are in! I'll have to add you this afternoon though because Im kind of busy until then
This looks really cool!   

Wolf Name: Odah (full name Odahkotah, meaning friendship ouo)
Wolf Age: He's about 20
Wolf Gender: Male
FH Username: Skyobsession
Tell me about your character's past and personality:
 Odah is a very calm, easy-going wolf. With his head in the clouds, paws on the ground, he is quite the daydreamer. That's not to say he isn't a hard worker, and devoted to his brethren though, as Odah would gladly lay down his life for the protection of any wolf. He is bound heavily by honor, and has deep roots in nature. He often travels on his own, a very free spirit, but is known to settle into packs as he gets lonely on the road. He is very skilled in healing properties, and has been training as a wiseman/shaman his entire life. Odah has an affinity for the stars, and is prone to staying up late to watch the twinkling expanse. He holds the belief that when a wolf dies, their soul goes to paradise, and they can be seen on the surface as stars. He sings for them often. He tells many stories, and will always be merciful.

Now give me an RP sample about anything (I'm looking for around 3-4 sentences that have proper grammar used and correct spelling):
The call of a distant bird marks the beginnings of morning as dawn paints the stones of the resting spot a myriad of oranges and gold shades. Odah's light colored fur glows with light, warmth soaking the large beast. It is not long before the lupine's eyes crack open, the frosted blue dim and gray colored in the shade of his face. As he turns to the sunrise, however, the color in his eyes bursts into life, his level gaze reflecting the light of the newborn sun. "Good morning, little dawn." the wolf greets the sun softly, his head dipping respectfully to the celestial majesty. After a decent stretch and a hearty yawn, Odah made his way down onto the grass, his paws wiggling against the dew of the small fronds. A new day.

If you need any screenshots of Odah or anything, let me know!

Good! You're in! I'll notify somebody to get you in as soon as possible.

Art Gallery / Re: Jennese's Art Requests/Art
« on: February 11, 2016, 01:07:20 pm »
Really cute drawings you have there. ^^ what painting program are you using?

Im using Paint Tool Sai and my tablet is a wacom intuos (the old one)

Art Gallery / Jennese's Art Requests/Art
« on: February 10, 2016, 01:52:01 pm »
Hey guys it tis me! I'm using this thread as kind of an all in one deal haha.

If you want a request all you need to do is tell me what kind of background/ pose you want your character(s) in. You also need to send me a reference. If you'd like (this is optional) you can message me on Tumblr to get updates my Tumblr is bad-mlg-dragon.

NOW FOR THE ART *dramatic music*
Recent fully done drawing shaded without a signature of Rebae and I (Rebae's hand is a little messed up but I couldn't fix it so rest in peace Rebae's hand)

Lineart of Nebby (one of my characters)

A doodle of one of my friend's characters

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Dark Mist Wolf Pack
« on: February 10, 2016, 01:10:32 pm »
Looking nice! Maybe I'll join with another character but until then, good luck with getting new members. C:
Interesting group you have here, I hope you have an increase in members. Good luck!

Thanks haha hopefully I can get some new members the ones I have get bored easily because of the few amount of members we have (we only have around 7 just from advertising on FH)

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Dark Mist Wolf Pack
« on: February 10, 2016, 02:45:17 am »
Tier I (These are the joining ranks)

 Guard []DMG I[]
Hunter []DMH I[]
Pup []DMP I[]
Pupsitter []DMPS I[]
Medic []DMM I[] (Stay in territory)
Fighter []DMF I[]
Teen []DMTE I[]
Pregnant []DMPR I[]
(If you choose not to switch to a Tier II rank you may add another tier to your tag Ex: Guard []DMG II[] instead of Guard []DMG I[])

Tier II (Once you have been active for 4 days you can choose one of these)
Assassin []DMA II[]
Healer []DMHE II[] (Go with hunters and fighters in case of an emergency)
Teacher []DMTEA II[] (Teachers teach the pups how to fight before they start training)

?Tier III (After being watched by the delta/beta/alpha and you are proved worthy we will let you rank up based on your current rank)
Lead Assassin []DMLA III[]
Lead Trainer []DMLT III[] (They mainly watch trainings to make sure everything goes smoothly)
Lead Healer []DMHE III[]
Lead Hunter []DMH III[]
?Lead Guard []DMG III[]
?Lead Fighter []DMF III[]
Tier IV (These are if you are really dedicated and are worthy to become an almost to leader)
Alpha Female []DMAF[] Alpha Male []DMAM[]
Beta []DMB[]
?Delta []DMD[]

1.) You MUST be literate! Please know how to speak proper English and be prepared to write 3-4 sentences.
2.) You may NOT have powers or wings. We are a semi-realistic to realistic pack! (I may make an exception if you ask)
3.) Keep mating away from the pack please. You can do that in whisper or somewhere else.
5.) Do not act hostile towards another pack unless they were hostile first or if told to do so by the alpha.
6.) Keep swearing to a minimum please.
7.) Do not back talk to the alpha or anybody else that is of a higher rank than you.
?8.) No mate begging or rank begging.
?9.) Blocking other members is not allowed period.
10.) Please just try not to bring drama into this pack. You can vent to us but don't over do it to the point where we all just get into a bad mood.

We are currently stationed here. ^

Color Key:
Story Tree: A tree to tell stories. Mostly to the pups by teachers.
Lot 'O Mountains: A resting spot. (The dark red)
Step Mountain: Where trainings and resting and family bonding are held. (Light red)
Climbing Stone: For staring at the ocean and bonding.
The Dream Stairs: Where you can go to The Temple of Dreams to get rest and such

You may apply in this thread with the following information:

Wolf Name:
Wolf Age:
Wolf Gender:
FH Username:
Tell me about your character's past and personality:
Now give me an RP sample about anything (I'm looking for around 3-4 sentences that have proper grammar used and correct spelling):

Which preset # folder?: 4
Picture of a reference and a very detailed description: Sorry I can't draw that well sigh if you need something better then I mean I can try better. The colors are already there I just want the fur left white
Canine or feline?: Canine
Preferred textures
Fur-  Normal
Mane- Normal
Eyes- Normal
Wings- None
Types of Features
Mane- Eyecover
Tufts- The one that's like a full tuft but the back tuft is replaced with a mane I forgot what it was called.
Eyes- Normal (The picture is just how I normally draw them :P)
Material coding: None
May I use this preset in my examples?: If you would like to sure. ^.^
Anymore info you want to tell me?: Nope not really ^.^

Ask Me / Re: Ask Sam~
« on: June 17, 2015, 12:21:59 am »
Are you the one who knocks? ~No
What is your favorite color? ~Purple
Do you like horror? ~Sometimes

How did you come to join Feral Heart? ~A friend recommended it!
What's your favorite movie/book? ~Movie: Um,  The Lion King I like the classics :P Book: I don't like books so I read off of Wattpad so Jeremike ~ Connect
What was the last thing you ate for breakfast? ~Cheerios
What is your biggest fear? ~Losing my best friends on Skype.

Ask Me / Ask Sam~
« on: June 16, 2015, 06:06:14 pm »
Ask me pretty much anything! I won't mind answering you.

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