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Messages - Thornscars

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Forum Games / Re: Guess that character!
« on: November 13, 2015, 12:50:59 am »
A creeper from Minecraft!

Okay, this might be hard, so I'm gonna say a lot.

I'm a wannabe musician who has stage fright and lives with a person named Tom.

Forum Games / Re: Guess that character!
« on: November 02, 2015, 12:12:56 am »

The character I'm thinking of has long, light blue hair, and likes leeks.

Ask Me / Re: pester ellie with ur probing questions
« on: October 26, 2015, 03:27:17 pm »
Steven Universe

Thou has earned my respect.

1. Have you seen Life is Strange?

2. Fran Bow?

3. Boibot?

4. Thoughts on Florence and the Machine?

5. Thoughts on Imagine Dragons?

I've heard of Life is Strange, but not the other two.
I like a few of songs by her, (What Kind of Man, What TheWater Gave Me, etc.) but I haven't heard enough to give proper judgement.
And, Imagine Dragons is a great band. My favorite songs are Bleeding Out and Monster.

Other Games / Re: GROWL | IT Server |
« on: October 26, 2015, 05:18:35 am »
Don't get me wrong, I love this game a lot but
*whispers* the zebras keep killing me
those darn zebras

Ask Me / Re: pester ellie with ur probing questions
« on: October 26, 2015, 01:06:29 am »
1. Favorite subject?

2. Favorite TV show or movie?

3. Favorite genre of music?

4. Who's your favorite music artist? c8(

My favorite subject would be Leadership, my teacher is really nice and funny, and it's just really interesting what she has to say about the world and what the people can do to help fix its problems.
My favorite TV show is probably Steven Universe, and my favorite movie is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
My favorite genre of music, well, I like most music. I'm into alternative and pop, and even some heavy metal. I'd say the only genre I don't really like much is Country, but if I had to choose, I really like Folktronica.
And for the last question, I have a major obsession with Ellie Goulding. MAJOR. I just love everything about her, she's down-to-earth, her music is wonderful, and overall she seems like the type of person I'd want to be friends with.

1. What's your favorite song?

2. What's your favorite band?

3. Do you have any pets?
My favorite song is Human by Ellie Goulding, my favorite band is probably Broods or MS MR (they're more like duos though,) and I have a LOT of pets. Two dogs, 1 cat, a turtle, a lizard, 8 chickens, and we used to have some fish.

1. What is your favourite animated/non-animated movie? (Depending on the

2. What's your favourite book/comic?

3. What's your favourite character in that book/comic?

4. What's your favourite colour?

5. What's your favourite colour on a character/animal?

6. Sweets or ice cream?

7. Answer [6] or chips/crisps?

8. Car or public transport?

9. Apple or android/windows?

10. Milk or water?

11. Do you prefer dark or light?

12. Do you like the rain, or prefer the sunny weather?

13. What do you think about snow?
My favorite animated movie is probably Big Hero 6, but non-animated would be Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Hmm, I really like the Harry Potter series, and I can't choose a favorite book out of those, so I'll have to go with A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. It's a really deep and depressing story, but it has its bits of humour spread about the story. It's getting a movie next year, and I'm pretty excited for it.

My favorite character in A Monster Calls is The Monster himself (himself, herself? It never really had a specified gender, but it did seem more masculine, so I'll go with male pronouns.) He's pretty funny at parts, but he can be very serious as well. His patience with the main character, Conor, is one of the things I like about him. He's very sensible and wise, because he's such an old character.

My favorite color is blonde, idk why, it's just really nice.

On a character or animal? Hmm... I'll have to go with black since it matches a LOT of colors with its simplicity.

Ice cream by far, I like cold stuff.
And I prefer sweet things over chips and stuff like that. Though I do prefer chips over crisps, they're usually the first thing I go for when looking for a snack.

I prefer the car more.

That's a tough one, I have a lot of apple products, but my computer is Windows, and I really like both. But I'm going to go with Windows because I think it's a bit more interactive with Apple. (I mean that by downloading things, exe downloads are easier to find, stuff like that.)

I LOVE milk. I drink it 3 meals a day, I never liked water, millk is just better in my opinion.

Dark or light... If I'm in my bed at night, just watching PBG or Onision videos on YouTube, the dark. If I'm in the dark at night, not curled up somewhere, probably light.

Definitely rain. I always despised sunny weather, too hot. Although, a little bit here and there is nice.

And finally, I really like snow and playing in it as long as I'm bundled up, it's a lot of fun Icicle-Swordfighting with my brother and making snow Angels. Snowball fights are fun too.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Marking-Idea List
« on: October 25, 2015, 10:40:48 pm »
I think they might've posted on the wrong topic, it might've been the FeralHeart app topic and they accidentally clicked this one instead. Back to the point of this post, I definitely support this. Especially the scars on top of markings.

Game Discussion / Re: What Does a Username Tell You?
« on: October 25, 2015, 10:33:58 pm »
I don't judge usernames at all, half of the time I don't even really pay attention to them unless I see the person around a lot or something like that. God, I saw this person and I think that their username was "wolfgirl11" or something like that, but they were the most literate role player I had ever seen. It could've been their old account, or they could've just not cared about the username they had much. Who knows.

Ask Me / pester ellie with ur probing questions
« on: October 25, 2015, 10:17:09 pm »
I created this thread so people could torture me with personal questions about me!
Seriously, though. You can ask me almost anything. You probably know what's TOO personal and what's not.
Ask away! c:

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: October 25, 2015, 10:14:34 pm »

Game Help / Re: Mod Requirements/Openings
« on: October 25, 2015, 10:13:22 pm »
Thank you!

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