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Messages - PhoenixFlame

Pages: 1 [2]
Forum Games / Re: Waiter, There's a ____ In My Soup!
« on: June 23, 2016, 10:26:04 pm »
You must trump them!

Waiter, there's a small child in my soup!

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: June 22, 2016, 08:12:19 pm »
But I haven't seen many people .

Species / The Genus of Arena
« on: June 22, 2016, 06:57:39 pm »
In the family of Canidae, Arena Pyram Pyram was the first species of the genus Arena to be discovered. Arena is defined by its large muzzle, ears, eyes, and swimming ability. Arena is made to be realistic, but all members are sentient, meaning that these descriptions aren't always true. There is a war between Arena Exhibuit Petra of Fico Tunnels and those of Cherika Valley because those of Cherika Valley all left or have ancestors who left from Fico Tunnels in times of starvation, and some think betrayed their own kind by doing so. Many call it The Great Rock War.

Genus: Arena
Species: Arena Pyram , Arena Exhibuit
Subspecies: Arena Pyram Muta, Arena Exibuit Nix, Arena Exhibuit Petra


Arena Pyram Pyram do not live in traditional packs but may have groups to hunt large prey, govern, and share territory. They eat mostly fish and other small sea creatures but also hunt many land animals. They reside in Bonfire Islands. Pups are raised by their mothers until two years of age. Pyram Pyram generally believe that Pyram Muta are brutes and that Exhibuit Exibuit and Exhibuit Nix are unloyal. Often called bonfires/bonfire dogs, most groups are allies with many Fico Tunnles Exhibuit Petra.

Arena Pyram Muta reside mainly in the flatter ground areas of Seaside Grove.  Males will not tolerate another male in their territory. Unlike males, females will group up into small packs, protect eachother, and hunt together. Female and male territories overlap. Male pups are left to survive on their own at about six months of age.  They hunt rodents, fish, and deer. They generally believe that they are the only species worthy of the Feral Lands. Often called ferals/feral bonfires/ feral bonfire dogs, each small pack and male have differring stances on the war.

Arena Exhibuit Exhibuit reside mainly in the trees and upper areas of Seaside Grove. They will tolerate but not help eachother. They hunt fish, birds, and rodents. They sleep in trees and other hard to reach places to keep away from preditors. Pups must hunt for themselves at six months of age and are fully abandonned at about one year. Often called sand cats, most are allies with the Cherika Valley population of Arena Exhibuit Petra. Sometimes they're collectively refered to as owls/owl cats with Exhibuit Nix.

Arena Exhibuit Nix reside in any year round snowy area. They behave like Arena Exhibuit Exhibuit and hunt mostly birds and fish. Often called nixxes/snows, most are allies with the Cherika Valley population of Arena Exhibuit Petra. Sometimes they're collectively refered to as owls/owl cats with Exhibuit Exhibuit.

Arena Exhibuit Petra reside in Fico Tunnels and Cherika Valley. They live in packs of up to fifty,  but usually only live in packs close to twenty. Packmates do everything but hunt with eachother.  Males will fight, in some packs to the death, for social rank while females are usually ranked by how many pups they have. They're the most varied in size and color and hunt mainly rodents. The Cherika Valley population has many physical differences from the original population but are considered the same subspecies because crossbreds between the two aren't rare. Almost all of both populations are in war with eachother, but a few packs are neutral. They're commonly refered to as petra and a pup's pack is almost always decided by its mother unless if a pack leader declares special circumstances. If that pup is a product of a cherika perta and a fico petra. Then the pup most go to go to the parent who has the most shared characteristics with, but this is very rare.

How To Make:

Arena Pyram Pyram:
Muzzle: Between 50% and 75%
Cheeks: Under 50% for Females Above 50% for Males
Nose: 75% or Above
Forehead: Near 100%
Ears: Near 100%
Eyes: Between 60% and 100%
Weight: Between 25% and 90%
Width: As far above height as possible
Height: Between 50% and 75%
Length:As far above height as possible
Tail: Sickle
Mane: Anything you want.
Ears: Back
Tufts: Tuftless or Back Mane
Eyes: Slit
Markings: Snow Leopard and/or Ocelot
Coloring: Sandy Pelt, Lighter or matching Underfur,
Brownish/Yellowish/Blueish Eyes, Natural Nose, and Everything Else 20 Darker RGB than Pelt

Arena Exhibuit Exhibuit/Nix
Muzzle: Between 75% and 100%
Cheeks: Under 50% for Females Above 50% for Males
Nose: Between 50% and 75%
Forehead: Above 75%
Ears: Near 100%
Eyes: Above 75%
Weight: Between 25% and 90% for Exhibuit, Above 75% for Nix
Width:As far above height as possible
Height: About 25%
Length:As far above height as possible
Tail: Cat
Mane: Maneless
Ears: Sharp
Tufts: Elbow Rump for Nix, All except Back Mane allowed for Exhibuit
Eyes: Slit
Markings: Cub Spots
Coloring: Light Sandy Pelt for Exhibuit, White for Nix , Lighter or matching Underfur,
Brownish/Yellowish/Blueish Eyes, Natural Pink Nose, Above/Below Eyes and Tail Tip matching Underfur, and 70 RGB Below Pelt for Markings

Arena Pyram Muta
Muzzle: Between 75% and 100%
Cheeks: Above 50% for Females Above 75% for Males
Nose: Near 100%
Forehead: Near 100%
Ears: Near 100%
Eyes: Below 50%
Weight: About 25%
Width: As far above height as possible
Height: Between 60% and 80%
Length: Half as far above height as possible
Tail: Sickle
Mane: Anything
Ears: Back
Tufts: Back Mane or Tuftless
Eyes: Slit
Markings: King Cheetah for Males, Cheetah for Females
Coloring: Any Shade of Brown Pelt, Lighter Underfur, Natural Nose, and Everything Else 30 RGB Darker than Pelt

Arena Exhibuit Petra
Muzzle: Above 50% for Cherika Valley Petra, Above 75% for Fico Tunnels Petra
Cheeks: Above 50%
Nose: About 0%
Forehead: About 100%
Ears: About 100%
Eyes: About 100%
Weight: About 75% for Cherika Valley Petra, About 100% for Fico Tunnels Petra
Width:As far above height as possible
Height: About 50%
Length:As far above height as possible for Cherika Valley Petra, Half as far above height as possible for Fico Tunnels Petra
Tail: Thin
Mane: Anything or Nothing
Ears: Back
Tufts: Back, Elbow Rump or Elbow Rump
Eyes: Slit
Markings: Jaguar
Coloring: Brownish Grey/Grey Pelt for mainly Fico Tunnels Petra, Brown/Sandish Pelt for mainly Cherika Valley Petra, Gray Eyes, Everything Else 20 Above Pelt RGB

Message me if you'd like to join my neutral group for the animals of Arena!
I'll be adding more species eventually.

Forum Games / Re: You're Banned! (Game)
« on: March 22, 2016, 06:47:42 pm »
I ban thee for not throwing up rainbows.

I ban you for selling illegal rainbow puke!!!

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