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Messages - XxAlpha2xX

Pages: 1 [2]
- Pokes head out of hole -
I was interested.

Username: XxAlpha2xX
Character name: Bopi (Bop-Pee)
Breed (optional): German shepard cross with brown labradour
Gender: Female
Desired role (high)  e.e
Desired role (semi-high/low) Pup
Are you active?: Yasss
Will you be a pack member, or outsider?: Pack member
Do you have a preset?: Mhm.

News Archives / Re: // Feral-Heart Game Update June 2016 //
« on: June 11, 2016, 03:32:27 am »
How do you get items and mass markings in the new Feral Heart?
I still see people walk around with items and markings!!

(Where is the FH folder?!)

News Archives / Re: // Feral-Heart Game Update June 2016 //
« on: June 10, 2016, 10:10:45 am »
Help Me!

I have an IMac and none of these downloads will work!

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Nahautl Sun
« on: May 22, 2016, 07:54:45 am »
Name = Surie
Sex = Feminine
Species = Cream African Lion
Age = 11 Lion Years ( 5 Human Years )
Tribe = Currently None ( Iquitos )
Desired position = Iquitos General
Personality = Velocious, Resourceful, Skittish-ish, Warm-Hearted
Appearance = Cream, with slightly darker underbelly, off-green eyes, light brown ear rims and light brown on top of her eyes.
Other = Her body figure is quite muscular, but thin.
Activity Level (1-10) = 6 to 7
RP Sample =
Surie quietly slinked through the pine trees, her pants were loud and short, each one making her body ache. Glancing back, Surie shivered.. he was there, his frown turned into a devilish grin, she knew why he had come. "S-Stay back.." She stuttered as she spoke, her muscles tensed with every word. "Don't come closer." The Zoo Keeper held a large net, he also had a taser in one hand. "Come here kitty, kitty."
It was the third time Surie escaped from the Zoo, and she thought - or atleast knew - she would get away with it this time. Her tail flicked behind her as she let out a confident roar, leaving the Zoo keeper bamboozled and dumb-struck. Surie purred with delight when she saw her companions reaction, before turning around and scampering into the Thicket.

Pictures =

Heh, sorry if you cannot see them cx

The Kiao Dragons...
They were thought to be lost forever in the Rainforest
But they have returned...
Rising from the dust...
The Kiao Dragons revive...
Will you be the next Kiao Dragon?

"We were forgotten, Ignored by all, But we will rise, There are no friends in this world, only foe." ~ The Kiao Dragons
~ Info ~

The Kiao Dragons are back!
We are:

Run by wonderful Moderators~

Lets make this simple~

We purposely made this Group Un-mapped for many people who are un-avaliable to them, we are un-sited because its a waste of time and most of all, we are accepting!

To join, its quite easy, to be honest;

Whisper: XxAlpha2xX In-Game
Email one of our Moderators: [email protected]
Apply in this Thread!

Make your own Kiao dragon here :

Make your own species of dragon!
Thank you to our wonderful moderators and staff for helping to make the characters and set this all up~

Code: [Select]
~ Username ~
~ Character Name ~
~ Picture (If Possible) ~
~ Role-play Sample ~

Species / ~ The Kiao Dragon ~
« on: May 18, 2016, 07:53:50 am »
It seems you have stumbled upon this particular post.
Well, take in all the logic and care that was put into this post.

~ Looks ~

Males = A green-ish grey colour
Females = A slightly lighter colour then the males.
Cubs = Depending on the age, younger cubs have lighter scales, while older are darker.


 Markings = The Kiao Dragons use the Legendary Mass Markings pack in-game, but otherwise, anything that looks like scales, or rare Kiao dragons tend to have spiral markings.

Colour = A Dark green, otherwise a pinch darker than the pelt.


Male = The males have any of the 'half' manes (located in the Feline manes) E.g Centre Half.

Female = The Females either have the same as males, or just 'side'

Cubs = It varies for different genders.


The tail is the normal 'lion' tail, with a Doedec tail piece at the end. (Located when downloaded Legendary items.)


Males = Large Antlers, Angel wings, Doedec tails, One snake eye, One blacked out eye, a necklace with any type of stone.

Females = Smaller Antlers/Horns, Angel wings, Doedec tails, Two snake eyes.

Cubs = It varies for different genders.

All the 'Settings'

Muzzle = Males+Females can have any size muzzle, although the smaller ones are recommended.
Eyes = The eyes have to be in the middle or above.
Ears = As big or as small as you wish. (Dragon ears)
Chin = Doesn't matter.
Weight = Mostly thin, if not, in the middle.
Height = As tall as you want, adults have middle or above, cubs have middle or below.
Width = Applies for what you want.
Length = Applies for what you want.

~ Actions/Personality ~

The personality depends on what type of Dragon you would like your Dragon to be. The actions are mostly the same. The actions they use;
They can get sluggish/tired at nighttime, hyped/active in the morning, bored/lonely in the Afternoon.
( And everything in-between.  :) )

~ How to join ~

[email protected]
Contact this email for details.

I hope to see Kiao Dragons running around in FH!


~ Username ~ XxAlpha2xX

~ Character Name ~ Surie

~ Characters Screenshot ~

[ If you can't see it, go to ]

~ Roleplay Sample ~

Surie peered at the large Boulder, if she could get on top of that... everyone, everyone! "Yes..." Surie purred as she lowered her body, her paws digging into the soft terrain. If only... If only... If only she could make that jump. Her tail pounded behind her, her muscles tensed, she leaned back.. and... Jumped.
She felt her paws on an uneven surface, a hard surface with moss and fungus growing on it. She had leapt up onto the boulder. "Yes!' She roared with accomplishment, grinning. Her peers turned their gaze towards her, only to let out a chuckle and continue with their duty. Surie looked around, her grin, turned into a frown. "Pft." She huffed, leaping off of the rock. "Never wanted to get on it anyways...".

Characters / Re: Marishka
« on: April 22, 2016, 07:41:48 am »
This is a really creative character! I really like... EVERYTHING! :D

<:> Find Me In Game! <:>
<:> XxAlpha2xX <:>

 I had an old account, it got banned or something? So I made a new one a few months ago... c:

So, heres the thing.. I created a charrie a few days ago with her own Bio and such, And I've always wanted to use her. The Bio is written on so click on the link. (Or type it in.)

The Bio:

Role-play sample:

Shenzi trudged through the Snowy version of a thicket, with a rather annoyed and cold walk, she dragged her paws through the thick snow. Hills and hills of snow towered above her, making her feel like a ant in this Twisted Biome. All the ice made her tail go stiff, causing it to stick out behind her body, like a spike on a Hedgehog. As she hiked through the thick layer of snow, a thin blanket of fog covered the South Pole, making it incredibly difficult to see anything. Shenzi's paws began to get numb, from supporting her body for a long period of time. She noticed her pelt began to change to a faint blue colour.
Shenzi took a wrong step, tumbling off of the side of the hill, she managed to make a small avalanche behind her. As she landed she felt like a fool, rolling down a mountain that she could have easily conquered. "Oof!" She murmured under her breath, with a face full of snow, she stood up, shaking off the snow on her ears and muzzle. The moment she looked at the hill, her ears fell, her mouth dangled open, with a fearful look in her eyes. Without wasting a second, she darted off, she skidded to a halt, noticing where she was. She began to silently walk again. She was at the start.

So.. Yeah. I know my Role-play Sample may be a bit lengthy, but.. Oh well.

Please keep in mind: Shenzi is a lesbian, (I chose this because her personality relates to a LGBT character.) I can easily change this if you're not comfortable with this.

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