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Messages - TheGreatMe

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Welcome, great one...I came here to seek your presence and give you many blessings on your arrival. <3

Ahaha, that was fun. Anyway, enjoy your stay.

"Welcome amongst the presence that is only I! I accept your blessings! I do indeed think I will enjoy my stay here greatly c: "

Fair tidings to you, my brother of feather 'n fur! I hope you find the lodgings here in our cozy den to your liking? They are some of the finest to be found in all the land.
May many magnificent adventures be sparked from your arrival! 'Til next we meet again, O' Great One~

-The Drippiest Wolf of Paint and the most Shadowy of Pigeons

"Indeed they are cozy! These lands seem great and there are many friendly faces to be had! Yours truly not excluded, kekekeke~, I look forward to meeting ye once again!"

Characters / TheGreatMe + Others!
« on: April 29, 2016, 06:54:05 am »

Also Known As:
"The Greatness that is only I!"
"The Cockerel Fox"
"The Takekitsune-O-Kami"
"The Vagrant God of Foxes and Fowl"
"The Deity of Many Tails and Tales"
Asexual Agender, Male if you must choose a side
Multi-Tailed Kitsune / Fox + Rooster / Cockerel Shifter
Most Sighted In:
Cherika Valley, Cape of Distant Worlds

An obscure wandering God in the likeness of the Japanese Kitsune with multiple tails, bearing both traits of a fox and a rooster. This God likes to wander worlds in search of entertainment and discovery, often out of boredom. The God of Foxes and Fowl is perhaps smaller than most would expect of a deity, known to be easygoing and eager to take on any disciples who may come his way, and boastfully eccentric.

Official Art

Bookman / Junior Bookman

Also Known As:
Bookman Clan | (Status: Accepting)
Most Sighted In:

Outwardly friendly, but also private and observant. The Bookmen Clan has been around for a long time, lurking in the shadows, watching events of the world unfold to keep record of it, so that history is not lost. All who finish their training are simply known as "Bookman", and their apprentices (who are taken in at a young age, and may be of any species) are commonly known as "Junior Bookman", often taking on many different, temporary names throughout their training as they move from one event to another, until they too simply become "Bookman". Most often, they watch wars and tragedy unfold. Junior Bookmen must go through many trials before they pass their training, and for all of the Clan is a hidden city that only fellow clansmen can access.

Disclaimer: "Bookmen" are a creation of and copyright to Katsura Hoshino, author of "D.Gray-Man"

Faulklin & "Fear"

Also Known As:
African Hunting Dog // Lion-Dog Demon
Most Sighted In:

Two of the same making, of a sort. Faulklin is the outer original "self", "Fear" is the inner dark "self". Most often it will be only Faulklin who appears tangibly, though he is no friend to anyone and prefers solitude. Approach at your own risk.

Official Art

Krake Clan: Alekt & Protempor

Also Known As:
Krake Clan | Accepting!
Most Sighted In:
Ficho Tunnels & Cherika Valley

Two half-brothers of the Krake Clan, who converse and partner with crows, as well as speak the common tongue. Alekt Pheonix Linden is the heir and Chief to the Krake Clan. His half-brother Protempor is the succeeding clairvoyant oracle of the Clan, though he is blind of sight. The Krake call the Ficho Tunnels their home, and tend to stick to their own kind, though when approached peacefully they are not dangerous.

Official Art

Screenshots / Re: Tomes of TheGreatMe!
« on: April 28, 2016, 03:04:26 pm »

"Upon first entering this world, I traveled across many places in piqued curiosity and wanting to learn the lands that this world had to offer. One place that caught my eye was a strange ruin the locals appear to call the Temple of Dreams. I was quite taken with it! It speaks of an ode to something perhaps now or at one point great, though nothing could be quite as grand as I... still, it is a fitting place, and I think I shall visit it often!"


"What better to do within the Temple of Dreams but to... well... dream!"


"This time I did not linger in the Temple of Dreams alone! A dear friend to the Greatness that I am joined me this night. As it so turns out, the Temple of Dreams is a grand place to view the far-away celestial bodies, especially when one is not alone!"

"Sadly... it appears that my friend got a glance of a thing he calls the "Yiff", and unfortunately passed away in the way of mortals. Of course, there is only one thing for a canine to do in this situation..."

"I decided it best not to let his meat go to waste! It's unfortunate he didn't taste very good..."

"After enjoying a nice, warm feline dinner, I wandered a bit and flew over an ocean with a city at it's bottom! The waters were surprisingly calm there and I was even able to see myself along its surface as I went!"

"In my exploring, I decided to take rest (even Gods such as I enjoy a bit of downtime here and there!). There was no one else in this large cave that I traversed, but there was indeed a quite curious crystal in the middle of a small underground lake! I wonder whatever it might be for?"

"After wandering some ways in exploration, I decided to return to the Temple once more! Unfortunately none else were there, so I didn't linger long."

"In the always-busy Bonfire Island, there were many there! Of course, as the way of things, most were busy and not those who are able to see me as I am, so I lingered and watched and rested to all that was going on for a time."

"After Bonfire Island, I found myself drawn to the crossroad of Lonely Cave and to its side-paths leading skyward to discover a new area with many, many platforms in the air. To my pleasure, at the top was a whole new place even more befitting onen such as I than the Temple of Dreams high up in the clouds! It was no huge trick to pull off for one like myself, who is greater than great, but I did indeed enjoy a good stretch upon finally reaching it!"

"And perhaps a little bit of a victory yip..."

"...and of course a refreshing nap at the highest point of the world where the sun is closest!"


"This day, I visited Bonfire Island along with my good friend and disciple, CV (who I brought back from the dead caused by the Yiff, for I am indeed a great god!). To my pleasant surprise, already word of my greatness is spreading in the lands of Feral Heart! This magnificent feline approached and bowed before me out of nowhere! She seemed quite taken aback by my size compared to her, kekekeke~"


"The other day, my good friend and first disciple CV wandered the Plains in search of something of interest. We came across what appeared to be perhaps one or several bands of roving cats who formed their own clan! Some in the area were more outliers than anything, resting and observing - like this one! Curious and bored (even we Gods become bored, yes indeed we do, do you have any idea how long Eternity is?), I perched in a tree just above and watched and waited to see how long before I would be noticed. More than an hour of this went by where not once was I looked at. I suppose its true what those humans say after watching their movies, when something is lurking nearby, no one ever looks up!"


"CV and I decided to pay a visit to Bonfire Island and see if there was anything of interest there - and indeed this time, there was! Both he and I came to exchange words with a quite large dragon, who we later joined in making the climb up Ascension Island. Partway up, we took rest and listened to tales of the history of Feral Heart and some of the chaos it has seen. Very interesting stuff! And one of many other tales for the God of Tails and Tales to keep underpaw from now on!"

Screenshots / Tomes of TheGreatMe!
« on: April 28, 2016, 02:58:58 pm »

"Welcome, all who enter and read here! In this place you will find tomes on the Greatness that is I! The Great Me; the Cockerel Fox; the Takekitsune-O-Kami; the Deity of Many Tails and Tales; the Vagrant God of Foxes and Fowl! You may have already noticed me upon my announced arrival, or perhaps wandering the mortal plain of FeralHeart!"

"Here shall be the chronicles and images of my wanderings and meeting of many faces of those who inhabit this world!"

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Shrine of TheGreatMe!
« on: April 28, 2016, 02:01:35 pm »

"Welcome, all who enter and read here! In this place you will find previews of the Shrine dedicated to the Greatness that is I! The Great Me; the Cockerel Fox; the Takekitsune-O-Kami; the Deity of Many Tails and Tales; the Vagrant God of Foxes and Fowl! You may have already noticed me upon my announced arrival, or perhaps wandering the mortal plain of FeralHeart!"

"So far, my Shrine is still being worked on by my most devoted of followers, the human who types for me! (paws are such an inconvenience for things such as keyboards), but perhaps one day it will be open to all ye who wish to pay homage to the one and only God of Foxes and Fowl! For who would not want to take pilgrimage to meet one as Great as I?"

"The Greatness that is I sitting atop the sphere at the entrance with the shrine to my godlihood behind myself!"

"A lovely view from the same sphere, looking in the other direction now."

"A bit more of a far away view now to see the entrance and my Great Self atop it!"

"Do see this wonderful nest that I have managed to make mine for a wonderful nap!"

"Stunning far away view of my world and the shrine that is to the Greatness that can only be Me!"

"The top has a very nice view of my small but still humbly grand shrine territory!"

"Myself, lounging atop the alter of the shrine to my greatness, with a few left offerings to boot!"

"Of course, what is a shrine to one as great as I, a mighty deity, without a holy barrier at its entrance to ward off evil?"

"Last of all, a statue to the Diety of Many Tails and Tales that is Me!"

"My, my! Such lovely locals with many hearty greetings!"

Welcome to the great lands of FeralHeart, young traveler. Many adventures await you~

"Kekekekeke~ I? Young? You know well how to flatter a mighty old fox, friend! From many adventures I come and to many more I will certainly go!"

Welcome to the lands of Feral-Heart, dear Great One. I only wish that our humble abode pleases ye.

"Indeed, it pleases me much, and I thank ye for the hospitality!"

Welcome to the lands of Feral Heart. I, Hakumi, along with others...welcome you. May your stay be prosperous and quite exciting.
Your greeting was quite interesting, may we cross paths one day. Til then, see you around. Lol.

"Many thanks, Hakumi. I look forward to that my stay will be prosperous indeed! May our paths and stars one day align!"

Greetings to you too, and welcome to feralheart.

"Many more thank-yous abound, kind friend!"

Welcome, Great One. I, but a humble vagabond, welcome you to FeralHeart. May the hospitality suffice and provide great entertainment.

"Even the humblest of welcomes is welcome enough! I look forward to many days and nights of entertainment, as I'm sure there will be!"

Welcome to Feral Heart, dear friend! I hope you find the community very warm and welcoming and the game lots of fun--your adventure awaits you!

"Indeed it has been, in no shortage thanks to you as well! Adventure I shall undoubtedly find!"

*rolls in awkwardly* Holy...your introduction was magnificent. Wish I could greet you in such a way. But yes, welcome to our wonderful little world! Make yourself at home! If you ever have any questions about the game, or just want to say hi, feel free to PM me here, or find me in game!

"Of course my introduction was magnificent, for I am magnificent! The most magnificent of magnificent! Any greeting great or small is sufficient for one as magnificent as I to accept! Should anything reach beyond my knowledge of many things, I will certainly keep you in mind, O Awkwardly Rolling One!"

Aayy! Welcome O' Great One! Such a humble and formal introduction! I hope you enjoy your stay in out cozy little community

"Humble as can be from one so great as I! And we Gods do love our formality very much :) I do think I will enjoy it here! There seems to be many friendly inhabitants on this plain!"

I bow before thee and welcome the Vagrant God of Foxes and Fowl to the mortal but wild world of FeralHeart, where thy shall seek weirdness and hyperactive members.
I, Shurtle of all Shurtles, inquire the Deity of Many Tails and Tales to follow the links below:
How The Login System Works
Official Game Rules
Official Forum Rules

"An excellent series of tomes on the local customs and etiquette! I give my thanks, Shurtle of all Shurtles, for your generous offerings of wisdom :) "

A humble welcome to Feralheart then, Great One.
"And gratuitous gratitude to you for such immediate welcome!"

Heh, welcome to Feral Heart!

'Tis I, the only Fire Wolf out there! I hope to meet you sometime in-game!

That intro though xD
"I thank thee! I shall be quite eager to spot your flickering glow at some point as I wander the lands, O Fire Wolf like no other!"


"Hello there and welcome! You must come to me by way of pilgrimage, to pay homage to my unfathomable holiness! You have no idea who I am? Fear not, then! For I shall tell you! I am the Greatness that is only I! A being of many names ; the Great Me, the Cockerel Fox, the Takekitsune-O-Kami, the Deity of Many Tails and Tales, the Vagrant God of Foxes and Fowl! As I have recently come to visit this plain by piqued curiosity, you may see me wandering the mortal realm of FH often, but my appearance may sometimes be more humble than you might expect, for only devout believers can see my true form! Be not afraid to approach me if you see me, as I welcome all pleasant company, for I am indeed the greatest of all! Ah-ha-ha!"

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