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Messages - Life

Pages: 1 [2]
Game Help / Stuck in Fico(sp) caves
« on: February 08, 2012, 04:12:23 am »
Sorry, maybe I missed something about not going in there.. But How do I get my characters out? I tried to use both of the FH games, but two of my characters are stuck in there. (Bad token, or cannot connect, try again)

Sorry if this was asked before. I just need to know how to get my characters out, or if I just need to wait for a bit.

Game Help / Re: Map sending help
« on: July 04, 2011, 03:08:15 am »
Thank you. For a moment, I though, since it worked as a png. that I messed up on it. Anyway, again thank you very much!

Game Help / Map sending help
« on: July 04, 2011, 02:44:01 am »
Alright, don't attack me on my lack of knowledge here but, can someone tell me how to send a map file to a friend? I'm clueless about it and I really want to be able to use the map in the future for role playing.

Extra info: My map is a png. file and is compatible with the game.

Game Help / Re: Camera issues
« on: June 22, 2011, 08:02:46 pm »
Okay I'll try that Ringo.. I just needed to know for a friend.. So thanks in advance.

Game Help / Camera issues
« on: June 22, 2011, 07:48:54 pm »
Sorry if this question was asked before. But how would you get the camera to follow your character without having to use the arrow keys to reposition or to see from other angles? (Basically I need it to follow the character like in the game Okami and other rpg video games.)
 I already tried the F keys but they do not give the angle what I need. Are there other keys for the camera?

I would be very grateful if these questions are answered.

Game Help / Re: Can't log into the game
« on: June 20, 2011, 11:55:21 pm »
Oh! That's right! That was the problem before when the game first started too. Thanks for the help, i'll try it out. And yes for me it says Incorrect User/Pw. And it warns about the ban.

Edit: Yes it works, it didn't register my regular number pad, only the ones below the F1,F2,etc buttons. Thank you very much for the help!

Game Help / Can't log into the game
« on: June 20, 2011, 09:11:36 pm »
Hello, just need some help so here is my question/problem.

Why can't I log into the game? I've been able to before but I just got a new laptop and had to install the game onto it again. (Tried downloading the patch, but I got an error that wasn't in the glitch board or I did not see it, if I didn't then I fail.)
Anyway, I had to uninstall the patch to install the game again. But as I stated before, I cannot log into the game. I even changed my Password today but still, it doesn't work.

So any suggestions that can help me out here?

Game Discussion / Re: Fursona?
« on: January 11, 2011, 01:07:29 am »
My fursona(Or sona) I seldom show, but on DA she's a dragon(Although she is actually a species I created that can shape shift into different species due to DNA...But I won't go into that.) I usually role-play with her and make up comics for her. Like me, her eyes are green and change color depending on mood or place.Actually..Mostly everything about her is like me...(Except for colors. I just like that color combination.)

One kind of form you can see from my avatar is her wolf form.But it's not exact since there are different kinds of looks I am trying out for it..

News Archives / Re: Presets on the Server?
« on: January 10, 2011, 11:16:38 pm »
Honestly, I don't mind if we have to pay or not. I mean, it seems quite fair as the preset takes up more memory than a character that you've made in the customization part of the game. And the fact is, you can still send the preset as a download to your friends so they can see it. Not everyone HAS to see it.(It's like you really want to show off.But don't bash me, I understand how it feels to be proud of hard work and to want to show it and all.) But 3 or 4 dollars is not that bad. Though, (As I don't have paypal,job,or money to use for this.) I'll just send it to my friends and stuff..No big deal really. Or, as the markings are so awesome in the built-in customization, I will just make my Oc or fursona out of that till I am able to support the game by paying the money to have the preset show-able to others.(Anyway, sorry if the post makes no sense. I tend to not make any sense anyway.)

But I do have a question that might make me sound dense...But.. Would we have to pay to just see our presets, or just to pay so others can?(Really sorry for being a baka, but I need to clarify this) Also, if you do use your preset while others cannot see it, then what will the character look like to the ones who cannot see it?(Which includes mods, and people who I did not send the preset to.)

Screenshots / Re: Character Creation Chat and Screenies
« on: January 09, 2011, 03:35:35 am »
Name: Life(Or Seimei, as it is the same word)
Age: Unknown(A lady never tells her age.)
Species: Moon wolf-shifter
Gender: Female
Size: Quite tall for her species
Status: Loner
Personality: Truthfully,she is a rude,stubborn,~evil~, harsh kind of person who does help others when she feels like it. But, she always seems timid and kind to new people and friends most of the time. She is only her true self when she is alone or with very close friends.
Abilities: She controls dark elements and aura.She is also quite speedy so don't mind her if she does run into you.
Other: She loves the dark and will be seen mostly in it. But she also loves crystals and gems, especially blue ones. She will also be seen around crystals as she will use them for her aura ability practice. But other than that, she will just go off into space while staring at the crystal.Her weakness is ice, if her legs get the slightest cold, she will completely freeze up. So if she is ever in a cold place, it's either by chance or accident. And if on purpose, then she may have leg warmers on.
~Note: Life is my fursona so please do not hurt or steal her.~

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