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Messages - Shakko

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Accepted :3 *adds to rouster* I shall send you a pm with the map download link

Hello and welcome to the Raven Pack, we are a pack a of wolves that roam in the night, seeking out new prey mammals and new members of our group.  Although we are currently a rather small pack, we do our job's rather well.

Ranks available

Alpha Male:  The alpha male rules beside the alpha female, they are the only pair, besides the beta male and female, that can mate and have pups.
Beta Male: The beta male is the alpha males right hand man, he will take charge whenever the alpha male is otherwise busy.
Beta Female: The mate of the beta male, she rules in place of the alpha female should she be otherwise busy.
Delta's: These wolves are the scouts of the pack, they roam the territory to make sure that nothing is out there causing trouble, they will also scout for elk herds around neighboring areas.
Navigator: These wolves will often go out to help the delta's search for food, although they often do not get into fights, any lost wolves they find out in the grounds they help return to the den where they will be tested by the alpha pair to see if they could join as long as they are packless.
Warriors: These wolves fight in pack wars, they are the strongest wolves, aside from the alpha and beta pair, within the pack.  They will fight to the death to protect the others within the pack.
Guards: These wolves are much like the warriors, although the warriors are an offense group while guard are a defense group.
Hunters: Although all wolves hunt within the pack, these wolves are the mode skilled as they are faster and more agile on their feet.
Healers: Healers are a type of medical wolf that help to heal the sick and injured.
Student: Student's are young wolves that are being trained under a certain trait, it can be either warrior, guard, hunter, healer, alpha, beta or delta depending on the parents.
Pup Sitter: These wolves wait behind within the den with all the pup's while the others of the pack go out and hunt or fight.
Pup: A pup is too young to be given a rank, they mostly stick within the pack until old enough to venture out, although it is mostly the alpha and beta pairs that mate it is not unheard of that other wolves mate within the pack.

Alpha Pair

Name: Kida
Gender: Female
Rank: Alpha Female
Username: Shakko

Name: Alette
Gender: Female
Rank: Lead Navigator
Username: CaliTues

Name: Aonani
Gender: Female
Rank: Lead Warrior
Username: Xaviere

Name: Skop
Gender: Male
Rank: Hunter
Username: Larkfail

Name: Venom
Gender: Male
Rank: Hunter
Username: Asheyx

Name:Saoirse (Freedom in Irish)
Desired Rank:Pup
Username: Kittysauris

To join, fill out this form.
Code: [Select]
[b]Desired Rank:[/b]
[b]Roleplay sample:[/b]

You must be literate to join this roleplay and have a character that is semi realistic, we don't ask you to be online everyday but if you could come on even once or twice a week so that we could all have a group roleplay then that would be excellent as this is a long term roleplay.  We also have a pack map but I will pm you with the map download once you have been accepted into the pack, until then I wish you all a good day.

We now have our very own website, it is now for forum roleplays when we don't have everyone on at once.

~ Alpha female Kida.

Presets & Markings / Re: Shakko's Presets [Update 08/06/2011]
« on: June 08, 2011, 06:50:54 pm »
Update 08/06/2011

Presets & Markings / Re: Shakko's Presets
« on: May 13, 2011, 04:27:18 pm »
Thank you :3

Yeah Hinata is my favorite too, you wouldn't think she was a preset though until you see her paw pads lol.

Presets & Markings / Shakko's Presets [Update 08/06/2011]
« on: May 13, 2011, 02:39:47 pm »
Update 08/06/2011:  I have exported the files to the new format of FH and have added a new character to the list of public presets so her preset has been added into the rar file also.

Here are some of my presets that I'm making Public, I have a few private but I'll upload all my public ones here :3

Sabaku no Gaara:

Hyuuga Hinata:





This Rar file holds all of them to be viewed by you the next time I'm on as one, I mostly hang out in Hinata, Renee or Zorua's though :3

1. Unzip the folder
2. Copy and paste the files in FeralHeart -> Preset

I hope to see you all in FH :3

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Some random FH ideas
« on: February 17, 2011, 02:07:03 pm »
There has been?  Lol didn't know that.  I know there is the tongue emote but it would be nicer to have a licking action, like there was on IT they had both just the tongue out as an emote and a lick actions.
It doesn't have to look exactly like brindle, all brindle really is, is a mess of stripes lol, it was mostly my mastiff that gave me the idea of brindle because he's a black brindle but he has very fine strips through his coat.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Some random FH ideas
« on: February 17, 2011, 03:22:53 am »
Hey, me and my friend Shiro were talking on msn and we thought of some ideas for FH in later updates.


Serval markings

For those who want to be a serval.

Brindle markings
mostly for the canines, but it's still anice thought.


Some actions we thought of were old ones, like tail flick and roaring, but for canines it could be howling.  It would also be nice to hear a noise when you snarl, and a growl emot would be nice with a small growl effect, it wouldn't be as full frontal as a snarl with only a few teeth showing.  Another few actions that would be nice to have are nuzzle, lick and sniff.  Also the very cute head tilt for confused was great when you had a confused character.

These were just a few ideas however :3 I hope they would be taken into consideration or something x3

Videos / Re: Map: Island An-tai
« on: January 18, 2011, 09:51:13 pm »
Thanks a lot =D

Videos / Re: Map: Island An-tai
« on: January 18, 2011, 09:36:28 pm »
:O awesome job, its so pretty <3 Jurassic Park music ftw, but I have one small question, how do you make waterfalls? Call it curiousity but I have a few maps that I've love to add waterfalls to XD.
Again, an awesome job on that map <3

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