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Messages - Falconry

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Forum Discussion / Re: Imagine Proving a Point
« on: July 21, 2020, 08:53:43 pm »
Raz is the one behind the progress of these updates, additionally he's also the one not allowing us to share that progress. Once again, it is out of our hands but who's taking the blame?

I'd love to send proof of the threats and the nasty messages, I mean absolutely God awful, sickening messages we get, but they greatly go against the forums rules.

Dm them to me. Guppy#3446  I can spread it in FN.

I'd rather not lol You like to think I twist the truth so I can't imagine where those screenshots would go or how they'd be interpreted. It isn't solely my decision anyways.

As for everyone else bringing up doxxing and staff breaking rules, y'all I havent even been here. I've been preparing for the air force and undergoing surgery, I came back TODAY to address this in the most blunt way I possibly could.

If you don't have any idea what's going on, then why are you the one commenting? You just admitted you don't really know what the issues are. Send someone who knows what's going on.

Forum Discussion / Re: Imagine Proving a Point
« on: July 21, 2020, 08:50:53 pm »
Raz is the one behind the progress of these updates, additionally he's also the one not allowing us to share that progress. Once again, it is out of our hands but who's taking the blame?

I'd love to send proof of the threats and the nasty messages, I mean absolutely God awful, sickening messages we get, but they greatly go against the forums rules.

If i literally had the choice, I would 100% share my proof.

Okay. But what about Sura's soft-doxing? What about the fact ex-mods and admins still have admin/mod powers in-game?

The staff say you can't control Raz, and sure, you can't, but if he's just doing whatever he wants, then what's the point of staff?

Raz won't let you talk about game progress. Okay. Sure. Why don't you just tell us what you're planning on doing about staff blatantly breaking the rules then? And the lack of basic maintenance like removing old staff?

Forum Discussion / Re: Imagine Proving a Point
« on: July 21, 2020, 08:40:05 pm »
If youre so sick of this game then leave lol Idk why y'all stick around if you aren't getting what you want. How long have we been running in this circle?

We stick around because we care about this community and want to help it. A lot of people already have left or are in the process of leaving, those of us sticking around are trying, once again, to get our voices and our concerns heard.

This is from a genuine place of wanting somewhere I spent 7 years to flourish. I made some of my best friends here. I want the best for this game. Which is why I continue to chime in. Saying "lol just leave" in response to people presenting problems you can fix to better your community is horrid behavior for a moderator or any staff member.

Forum Discussion / Re: Imagine Proving a Point
« on: July 21, 2020, 08:35:57 pm »
You dont think we're sick and tired? Lol if you guys could only read the disgusting anonymous messages we've been slammed with in the staff evals. You have no idea so stop pretending you do to make a point.

Bloo. You can't use this as a ''gotcha''. All the people arguing have made a point to tell people not to harass staff. The actions of some rogue people don't undo the real criticism you're facing. Anon hate sucks, and I'm sorry you're getting it. But if you want us to ''stop pretending that we know things'' then perhaps you could tell us things? Some clarity and transparency would've stopped this whole thing from the beginning

At the end of the day, ever single ''drama'' that's every erupted on this site (which in my opinion is usually just some, albeit sometimes heated, criticism. Ignoring the people to take it as a chance to lash out, of course.) comes down to lack of transparency

If you tell us things, then we can stop making assumptions. Because then we won't have to guess why staff are behaving the way they do.

And when I say tell us things, I mean prove them. You guys have, frankly, trashed a lot of the trust you might have had. Screenshots are needed.

News Archives / Re: 1.17 The fixing
« on: July 17, 2019, 05:55:16 pm »
Thank you for sharing these bug fixes with us Raz!! But I'm still getting a really bad bug, and I was wondering when you were gonna fix it? It seems all the new staff has disappeared, right after they spoke to us when you had cut off all lines of communication and gave us hope when a lot of us thought it was the end? Might be a problem with missing textures ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

News Archives / Re: A couple of notes
« on: September 26, 2018, 10:32:16 am »
I'm trying to be very calm about this, but perhaps if you had explained it in the first place people wouldn't be so upset? You seem keen to blame us for over-reacting when you gave us barely any information. You seem downright mocking us for not understanding it when you didn't explain it. Here is your exact post.

There was no explanation. There is still no explanation.

Perhaps it's time to, well, suck it up about your supposed dislike for explaining things.

Also, I still believe this is an absolutely horrendous idea, and as I have no real evidence to go on to the contrary I will continue that opinion.

Leaving / Re: We love you!
« on: September 26, 2018, 02:39:57 am »
While I've been laughing and joking with some of the others, I do have to say I'm distraught over this despite masking it with humor. I made some of the best friend's I've ever had in this game. It got my into roleplaying, it fed my passion for writing. It even kept me alive at some points. I miss the good parts and I resent it never had the chance to recover from whatever set it on this crash-course trajectory. While I was expecting the crash-and-burn for a while, I wish it hadn't happened.

I miss the good times and I'll miss the spirit of the community. I love you all, and I wish you all the best.

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