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Messages - iAisu

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Other Games / Re: Skyrim! Fus Ro Dah!
« on: August 26, 2012, 01:22:40 am »
Really freakin hard. Can't hardly let the dragon hit you once, if you're in light armor. Insta noms. This is when the followers are a MUST.
LOL man, I just tried it on Master and I was like WHAT DEH EFF. I died. </3
I wanna beast the game, not suck at it. ): I wanna feel super awesome powerful killin' bandits in one hit. Not getting my butt whooped! I used to have light armor (Glass) and I was invincible! (On adept) Now I started over with heavy armor. Aiming for Daedric. <3 Always wanted that awesome armor.

Other Games / Re: Skyrim! Fus Ro Dah!
« on: August 24, 2012, 01:54:02 am »
Cool! I have my difficulty at adept.. how is it at the highest level?

Other Games / Re: Skyrim! Fus Ro Dah!
« on: August 24, 2012, 01:17:52 am »
Ah, Skyrim, my 3rd favorite game of all time. Unfortunatley I was stupid at the time and got it on the xbox, should have got it on the pc. XD I'm a level 40 wood elf that's like a stealthy archer...thing. Wood elves are pretty cool, but I do prefer the wood elf's customization alot more on Oblivion.  Aside from that, when I get bored I walk into Markath and either shoot all the guards from the roofs ((Oyus.)) or turn into a werewolf and kill all the guards. ((In Markath.))
LOL I do that too, except I target Dawnstar! Perfect place for werewolf prey. I am a level 10 I think. I used to have a 48, but I had to start it over. My favorite thing to do is travel by foot and explore new places. Much better than fast travel!

Other Games / Re: Skyrim! Fus Ro Dah!
« on: August 24, 2012, 01:14:43 am »
Buy a physical copy or buy from Steam as stated above.
Posting links to get it for free is prohibited.

Other Games / Re: ARE THEY ANY OTHER GAMES?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
« on: August 23, 2012, 06:30:43 pm »
I looked up Everlost and I would like to see some gameplay first before I download it or some screenshots. Would anyone be kind enough to provide some? Thank you.
Nevermind. Just read it's not out yet. Whoopsie! It's hard to find a game like Feral Heart. So far I can't find any game that can match it. I always end up coming back. x3

Other Games / Skyrim! Fus Ro Dah!
« on: August 23, 2012, 07:03:44 am »
I was surprised to see that there was no Skyrim topic, so I have done everyone the favor of doing so since I am so awesome and uberspectacular in every way, shape, and form. How kind of me huh? Jokes aside...
Talk about Skyrim, exchange Profile I.Ds if you own a console version of the game of course... what level are you? Class? How far have you gotten in the game? Etc. You get the point.
Just no trash talk about how Skyrim functions oh so horribly on the PS3. (Like me. The idiot who bought it on PS3.)
But anyways, have fun, keep it clean, and make sure to grab a cookie.

Other Games / Re: Minecraft
« on: August 23, 2012, 04:44:31 am »
I have played the demo version of MineCraft and immediately fell in love with it. I wish I could get the full game but unfortunately my parents forbid online purchasing... and I don't have an XBox 360.
So I just continue to watch the MineCraft Show which is so funny! I love it when people insert their commentary while playing a game, especially if it is humorous! I just wish I could play the full game, and find a group of friends to play with on multiplayer. :)

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Popular Game Addons for mass use in game
« on: August 12, 2012, 07:09:18 pm »
The idea itself is bad, but as people have said in many threads. Most of that stuff is copyrighted, and Kov will not add those.

I mean.. I personally would really want these things to happen in the future, but Kov doesn't seem to want any help.
Many users have offered help, though he hasn't accepted it.

I think Kov is being a little stubborn. lol
True, but we just never know what is going on in his mind or personal life and we have to respect that. Personal matters come first before anything else. But hey this is just a shot in the dark. Hopefully news will come from Kovu soon. 

Game Discussion / Is this true?
« on: August 12, 2012, 06:26:50 pm »
Couple months ago, I saw KovuLKD's dA page and what really caught my attention was one of the comments.

Is this really true that Razmirz is now in charge of Feral Heart? I wanted to ask the Feral Heart Staff first before saying anything. If not, well... damn.

This is an excellent idea thread. But.
Updates are very, very, very, very, very, x100 slow on Feral Heart. Kovu is in charge, and hasn't been seen in months.
My opinion, he lost motivation after the hackers invaded his old game. Wouldn't blame the guy.
Good idea thread though. So many creative ideas.

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