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Messages - NicNac

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This is why it needs new members. So they can explore together and play with eachother without the need to care about being literate, mapped or realistic. Just to have fun.
100% agree.
Maybe we should try  to get a bunch of people to vote on this poll? Do you think it would help get attention for the registration? Honestly at this point im terrified FH is gonna die if we dont. Yesterday I saw two more group advertising non fh rps in the game and that scares me.


Admins don't have control of registraction indeed. I think Raz is the only one who's in charge of it and I don't think they want it to die but just protect it, however this over-protection is slowly killing it. People are not as attached and drained to FH as they used to and registraction opening randomly is a huge factor of that. People get angry they can't play the game on they day-offs because they don't have an account so they just give up on it. I think shutting the registraction is a huge problem.

I dont see why they cant contact Raz and have them open registration for a bit. It'll be good if we get full servers. Then they can change it back so that all the people that joined can flourish. RELEASE THEM BACK INTO THE WILD aka fh xD


It does seem like an oddball choice to have the registration on random for an hour two times a day. They once put it in effect because all the new users registering and playing overloaded the server. Nowadays I'm sure whether that's necessary anymore. However, if we have registrations open 24/7 again the problem could potentially come back. What the staff CAN do with the current player decrease is put open registration for one day in the week. This has been requested many times before to no avail.

Well FH isnt really that popular anymore. If we keep it open yes we'll certainly get some new people but I think its time to get the server like that again. We need to get the bustle and boom back to our community. We cant just keep trickling people in, because we are currently deteriorating faster than we are building. To be honest, it would be great to get the server like that because it would be the jump we need. Newbies are here to greet newbies, experienced players can greet the new, new will be able to make a group and actually get members to join instead of sitting in The Grounds getting ignored by the experienced players because we are too literate for them or they arent literate enough or that they dont know the basics.

 Rightnow, WE are the problem. Recently, I've been sitting and observing the grounds and especially yesterday, what made me sad was the fact that someone was sitting there
 alone by the water, advertising A MOVIE saying, "does anyone wanna talk?", REPEATEDLY! The only people around were tabbed out or advertising for their own group. Not to
 mention yesterday I saw three groups advertising for a DISCORD roleplay in FERALHEART. They specifically stated that they were only advertising in FH and that they wouldnt
 be roleplaying in game. These "discorded/sited" groups are whats helping bring us to our knees. Now nothing is wrong with roleplaying on discord. The problem is that people
 arent even playing the game anymore. They are feeding off of the community instead of joining back in.

Not to mention the only people I have seen that pay super close attention to the registration, are people who already have an account that want to make another one just so they can change their username. I am guilty of that personally but, this is the one time I will ever do it. I think we need to advertise FH again. If the staff is going to make updates, they should honestly open registration. They cant make an update for a game thats not going to be played. I mean hell, make cool videos, tell others about it, hype up the new update and once its released, open the registration. Let new players and old who lost their accounts come and enjoy a full community again.

Pretty much, open registration, watch what happens (what's the worst that could happen?).  If i was in charge it's likely have happened already, but i'm not.
I think that would be the best option in my opinion
I like this idea.

I think there is a fine line on protecting the game and slowly killing it.

Everyone waits for registraction to open to make accounts for friends, I know people waiting months for it to open but lost interest because they don't have as free time as they used to and lack of enthusiasm can damage the game.

I agree that we need new people because the old community grew confident to 'Oh well I am known already' and it's sad because they get so judgemental over newbie characters, 'iliterate' designs and mapless roleplays, even with fandom characters, and it grew to be an obnoxious place to chill to the point whatever you say, do, create might trigger someone.

We need the old Roleplays where everyone, despite the literature, would join. New people need a chance to explore the game and bring new ideas (roleplaying or not) in it.

Unfortunately the new maps have more than enough similar features with eachother so people don't hang around too much and only prefer staying in The Grounds and it's really a recruiting place only so there isn't really any space to roleplay where alot of people are around except from Cherika Valley which is one of the best maps, if not the best, in the entire update.

I missed the horse, deer, fox, dragon, bird, cougar, sabertooth RPs around. The variety of roleplays is slowly dying to three options and even so people still judging everything moving.

I think new people will make the tension vanish and it would be new experience all over again~
Some people are saying that the admins and such dont have control of the registration. I think that is very untrue. They have changed the registration multiple times. Unless they've some how miraculously lost control over it, its VERY unlikely. At first I thought they were trying to get FH to die down but with this new patch coming out I'm hoping thats not the case

Hello general! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)   

I believe we should have registration open during holidays, random weekends, or do something like Flight Rising used to do.

I see your reasoning, though. At the same time, there are newbies that require our aid anyway!~ That, and they seem to learn on their own over time, much like we did.
Well if its open at specific times like that, thats still not much time. I say we open registration completley for just a bit and see what happens. If the number of people increases too much we can close it but if the number doesnt increase quickly it means we need to spread the word about Feralheart again. Perhaps keep it open around the update and let newbies join. I think opening it completley even for just a bit would be a good jump for the community. We may have a few newbies but I think we need more. Tbh I think the attitude of FH needs to change. Now its just a bunch of advanced rpers that are teaching very few newbies to be exactly the same as them, only accepting super literate people who know what they are doing with super strict rules, all the mass markings, all the items, all the maps. There arent really any mapless or newb friendly rp AT ALL.

Hello thanks for taking the time to read my suggestion and opinion! First of all I'd like to start by saying I've been on this game since I was 10 and I'm 18 now. Thats crazy! Well recently I've noticed the HUGE drop in activity which is very sad to me. As all of us members that have been here for a while know, we lack the source code. We can only make art modifications to the game. A lot of people have been quitting Feralheart because nothing is changing.
   NOW before you say "But NicNac we have the updates!", Thats not what I think is the problem here. As I've said, I joined when I was 10. I HAD NO IDEA what "literate" meant! I went around and asked all the advertisers at the cape portal because I desperately wanted to join Warriors Rps. Eventually someone answered my question. Long story short, Feralheart taught me how to write properly. I was in 4-5th grade I think! I'd spend my summers all day on the game over-dramatisizing my characters in my imagination while listening to music. We had such a huge community of people and so much passion for our characters and the RP! Wolf rps, Cat rps, Horse rps, Dragon rps, Street dogs, Humans, Lion king, Warriors, Angel, Demon, and even more!
  I think the reason why people are leaving is the lack of community. The only rps I ever see are Wolf packs, occasionally lion and Warriors. People are eager to join because the idea pleases them but when they join the reality is different. Its not how it used to be. Members are saying they want the old feralheart back and I think what they are meaning is they want the community to grow again. To be large and thrive. I see about 320 people online max each day. I remember when 800 max was online! I remember seeing ALL kinds of rps everywhere, literate or illiterate but the good thing was that people were having fun!
  Granted most of us were children and thats okay plus the point! How are we supposed to grow if other non-FH are interested in all these other kinds of games or they dont know what rp is because we are staying in our own little circle community. We arent that big in members and registration is mostly always closed so how are we supposed to grow if no one hears about us? What we need is free registration for everyone! For the curious kids who wander to find this game and join and LEARN how to rp, learn how to be literate and join our community! This is how we can grow. How are we expected to grow when registration is barely open? People are waiting to join and loosing interest waiting.
 What makes me really sad is the fact that the only people im running into are the same exact people I met 8 years ago. No one new! Rightnow everyones preoccupied by the same kinds of rps with the same people and adding a discord to better communicate because no one comes online into the game anymore as often. They join a group to be apart of but dont get on. Im guilty of this as well. I realize server lag is a problem and young children can cause problems but isnt that what we all went through? We cant grow as a community if we dont let diversity in, if we dont let anyone in at all. I think Feralheart can still function even though we dont have the source code. We just need to give the young ones a chance. This generation of FH kids are grown up/almost all grown up and we need the others to join now and continue to let us grow as a community.
 Dont get me wrong I enjoy the updates and all but this is a game who has the sole purpose of communicating with others. How are we supposed to fully enjoy the updates if there arent a lot of people the enjoy the updates with? I say open the registration and let whoever join. Let us grow again instead of keeping us halted at a stop because the longer this goes on it seems the more the community depletes.. Plus who wouldnt find it entertaining and fun to teach kids how to rp and why the red eyewhile angry cliche shouldnt be used? XD Also for all my oldies out there, "Hello general ;) "

News Archives / Re: Update: Regarding Patch Progress
« on: July 31, 2018, 06:23:09 pm »
Wait...You said working on the maps and "other aspects of the game". What could that be?I thought thats the only thing we could change to the game. Just the art aspects.

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