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Messages - kongfuwolf12

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Game Help / Whats going on with the server?
« on: June 14, 2012, 05:06:59 pm »
First of all, I keep seeing multiple people floating in all of the default maps exept for the temple since I guess the map server is down. And also when I go to cape (tried every character on this) the loading screen says "Failed to connect to map server" then I try it another time and it says "Failed to connect to main server" I'm able to log in and select a character, everythings fine there. But its like in every map accept Ficho Tunnel and Fluorite Plains, are having this map server glitch... 

Does this have something to do with the Game Server itself? Because I've seen some other people say in the general chat that they are having the same problem.

What I've been getting is  "Failed to connect to map server, Retry?" I always click cancel and try again, but it says the same thing over and over. I'll try to make a new character and see if it will help. And yeah, I get a major amount of Bad tokens, most of the time, I try to fight my way in.  Also, like I said before, it isn't my internet. I get full bars all of the time.

Then* sorry spelt that wrong -.-

I've been trying to get into Fluorite Plains all day. Theres nothing wrong with my internet, I checked that.
Is there just to many people in there? If there isn't, that whats going on?  >:(

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